
Manoeuverings in Europe The Atlantic Vaice more Our New Representative in London American Politics Now that Ethiopia has been conquered by Italy will England allow Italy to gain power in the Mediterranean? What will be the final intentions of Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic done the British Government? Mussolini has seen that there Editor English Section: NATION is much flattery in German Courts by the British; he has recognized the hand of Britain in the reforms of Ano II Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday June 201h. 1936 No. 98 the Austrian Court. Will it be posisble for England to carry her influence into Central Europe and initiate in Yugoeslavia a movement prejudicial to Italy? Can Italy confide in the sincerity and friendship of France, now that her ally Laval is out and a Socialist Party in In consequence of the resignation Power? Undoubtedly, the maintenance of her diploma of our present Representative in NEW LAW tic service is one of the greatest and most difficult proLondon, we note that this important position has been filled by the blems Italy is at present called upon to resolve.
appointment of one who is well While one of our Legislative Re tion stalk around commit ing al. During the months of the war, Italy was like a penkaown here Doctor Virgilio Chave presentatives is endeavouriag to ir kinds of depredations in the homes dulum oscillating between Germany and France, threat crease our marriages by the impo of the more soberminded without ening the latter with an Italo German alliance, but the Don Virgilio carried on his dental sition of a tax on unmarried mod, let or hindrance, it is therefore manoeuvres of England brought about a change. Gero profession in this city for some time another is trying to have a law time that something be cure ir, lein many is very much interested and only left us for Alajuela after passed to enforce the maintenance gal circles to protect these thousthe defiance of the he had been elected a represeаtative of illegitimate children by their ands of uncared for children who League by Italy, as she may inake use of the same lae of the Province in Congress care ess fathers.
become a pest to society at every tics to regain her African Colonies as well as to revive We wish him a very successful This is a move in the right direc corner of our thoroughfares, beand revise treaties. Hitler will evidently not accept the career in so important a diplomaction; the Bastardy Act is enforcer cause they certainly are tre chilproffers of Eden and may so advise Austria; but who center, in all civilized countries, excep dren of no one.
can make him the better offer, a country like England Costa Rica where the Lords ci Cre.
Cocoa Price Improves who has what to offer, or one like Italy who is constantly involved in disputes regarding her possessions? Howin English Markets ever, to counter balance the British offers, Mussolini is According to information rebusily engaged in his efforts to get closer to the German Dictator and will make any offer to secure a vantage; ceived in San José, a decided in.
provement has taken place in the though he should know that his most important and bePresideat Roosevelt has been tra tic Should continue the prin price of our cocoa in the English neficial task is the re establishment of normal relations velling throughout the Southern ciple of avoiding compromises that markets.
with England, for he himself has said that nothing States of the Republic and is sold may embruil her in Europe Until recently the average price to ecarrying on strenuous propa.
Asiatic internationai conflicts; ought ever to exist that will bring a clash between thein was around 24 shillings per quinganda work in defence of his three though she is morally obliged to co tal, but the latest advices state both on Colonial questions. What however is worrying years New Deal Scheme as well as operate in matters that tend toMussolini most is the diplomatic actions of the Media his other measures of economic re ward international wellbeing and this has now risen to from 28 to 29 shillings.
terranean countries and as England will be sure to re.
forms, not to isolate herself in a relfish We gladly pass this informavert to her efforts on behalf of Abyssinia thereby inHe advocates the elimination of and useless manner.
tion on to our numerous readers al monopolies because he says, he On the other hand Governor Al interested in this branch of our tensifying, in Europe, new and more dangerous elements is opposed to the great riches of his fred Mossman Landon of Kansas, for Italy, this is consequently his great preoccupation.
agricultural activities.
country being located in the hands the Republican Candidate and his As the Sanctions have been declared withdrawn in of just a few men. The net: re fighting Mate, Colonel Frank Knox, the British Parliament, we now wait to see what will sults of monopolies and financial as his Vice President, both of whom Rains Delay Louisbe the next move at Geneva and thereafter in Europe.
Control in the hands of the few, fought sid: by side in cuyg art of Schmeling Fight have been the domination. Toddy Roosevelt in 1912, trea so bour, which is thereby converted busy putting out their platform for Due to the heavy rains which into a mere bye product, cigaifying that which they realize will be the felt from early Thursday, the an a goodbye to liberty of accio and hottest campaign in all the history xiously awaited encounter be The Legis ative Committee on Es At present the President is given of speech. It monopolies were not of America for the coveted Chair.
eliminated, he proved that the hi Their strongset ponie are those at tween Joe Louis and Max Schmetomates have suggested to Congress a salary of 460 colones with ted States would soon be nothing tacking the goverum. cn noisy of hing had to be postponed to the that the Salary of ehe President of allowance of C955, but it is thought but a nation of Boarding Houses the National Recovery Act and the following night weather permit the Republic be increased to the by the committee that this sum is ting instead of a nation of Hornes with New Deal Schem: 3s benz unconssum of three thousand colones per insufficient to meet present day reWe are protection for mora ity in home titutional and highly unfair to Casorry for this as we month inclusive of the sum allowed quirements.
life. He pointed out that ro citizen, pital and prejudicial to the indus will not be able to carry a report for entertaining expenses.
as rule, would be willing to fight tries of the country; but Jiese at of the bout in this issue.
for a Boarding House, whezeas he tacks are in turn being vigorous y would for his Home. He promised challenged by the Democratic Party SERIOUS DAMAGES protection for all small industries who regard them as mere attempis IN HONDURAS and minor businesses to scare voters.
TECUCIGALPA The grim Reaper has once more Jones, who was an English EngineMany imOn international matters he said visited our City and taken from us er, came to Costa Rica some ten portant districts are, as a result one who was much respected and years ago and effected many imof serious weather conditions, Cut whose presence and activities were portant works in his professional cff from the Capital. The va ieys greatly appreciated line. He was closely associated with in the vicinity of the River Lem Mr. Montague Jones, we regret the erection of our Municipal Batha, na have been converted into to record, passed on to the Great The Atlantie Voice tenders ita veritable seas and cultivations ha Beyond last Thurday and was in profund condolence to those left to SERVICIO DE VAPORES ve been ruined in many places terred the same afternoon. Mr mourn his loss.
with serious losses to the populaSalidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York tlon. In some of the district, the tombs have been uncovered.
con escalz en Cristóbal y Habana LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUER10S China on the Brink of Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón Civil War AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS para EUROPA Cantón China. Neutral observonce are of opinion that civil (Santander, Flymouth, Cherbourg, Amsterdam Vapores Salidas war is inevitable in China, in Hamburgo)
view of the fact that the autonomus Provinces of the South are CARIBIA Junio 20. 1936 PETEN.
21 de Junio new fully prepard to launch attack agains Marshal VERAGUA 28 de Junio Para GUATEMALA and the Ontra government at QUIRIGUA de Julio Nanking (Puerto Barrios y Livingston)
The Italian Colonization of Ethiopla CORDILLERA ALVARADO Cía, Julio 13. 1936 ROME. Mussolini hay named Ageates para Limón Puntarenas SERVICIO DE CARGA y PASAJEROS the month of September as the Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas time for commencing the effective Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del colonization in Ethiopia after programme in this respee: Gran Hotel Costa Rica been reached at a meeting with TELEFONO 3156 the Minister of Colonies, high to Agencia en Costa Rica Teléfono 2086 vernment officials industria ists To Increase President Salary USEFUL CITIZEN PASSES UNITED FRUIT Co.
HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE an Chang HAPAG LLOYD Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    Civil WarEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerItalyMussoliniSocialismSocialist Party

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