
Welll! What. HOP LEE LUNG THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday June 20 1936 Motor Service On Pan American Highway Washingcon One day bus ser ter buses equippard with sleep Booth Bread, v) From Tcas Mexico Ci ing accommodations for 10 per Biscuits Buns. y is to ta estab ished on af son and seating arrangements for Without which you can boats IT completion of the Pan Ame 20.
of eating the best ricon highway to the Southern Those buses are to be operat.
Berlin Bread capital, according to informationed over the 767 mile highway Booth Biscuits obtainel in official source, here. Beiwen Laredo, Texas and Mexi Arcenty organized Mexican co City. On a 24 hours schedu e.
transportation company. It was it is forecast that additionaj or riported has placed crdots in the Where you will get the best.
United States for 22 modern mo To page 11 the industry can produce.
Estableirixto de Liceres, Tierda y Abarrotes El más surtido en Matina The People Bakery In Official and Legislative Circles The Political Debt HOTEL CANAL 13 EL CABALLO BLANCO Alleged Irregularities Being Investigated LO project embodiyng the rest yuar for the importation of duction of the number of our vegetable Oils, the Minister of CARTAGO Isglaiative representatives to rance thinks the guater part at Hairy thro: fins been placed be least of this amount could be As it has since been found Tore Congras. This with a view retained if loca manufactures we that the contributions after the REABIERTO REOPENED to more even distribution onre encouraged, he is conseguently rates stated in cur preivous issue Bajo nueva Administración Under New Administration the basis of proportionate re giving the matter his serious at would not be sufficient to ligulda Buenos cuartos privados Good private Rooms presentation tention with a view of placing to this debt during the constituFirst Class Meals project on the subject before Alimentos de primera clase ar ional period, it is now proposed Congress tsat al public employers receiving Precios muy razonables Most reasonabie Prices Having regard to tb cest ess than 100 per month sha!
RH PADDISON, DE FALCONER production, Deputy Mora Propietario Administradora contribute after the rate of per of the opinion thitt much procent; those receiving from 100 to riteeting is being done in the sa 300 at per cent and all those le of articles of primary necesi ahove this figure at per cent. hd so as to contro this he In order to further helps the aska Congtes to grant the ExDund, a number oi the Deputies in Under instructions from the Chief It is also stated that in conseecutive thpower of importing Cantina Posada Congress hava voluntarily direct Executive Investigations are, wequence of a report that labourera such artlele; when necessary y Cafeteria ed that amounts, after the rate understand being made regard on some of the farms located in De kod at preos not above of four per cont, be deducted from ing certain alleged irregularities the interior are forced to accept two por cebt of their cost.
Felipe Wing Ching their salaries each month until in connection with the function coupons as part payment of their the required sum has been obtaining of one of our local depart wages, and which they have dif ar more than half a million co Apartado 395 ed ments.
ficulty in subsequent y convert15 went out of the country ing into cash, an investigation into the matter has been order RELIGIOUS NOTICES cd.
MENDEZ On Sunday 5th July what is sunt Afternoon at which miais.
called Founde Day be ters of the other Religious Bodies (ESTABLECIDO HACE MAS DE 30 ANOS)
José Achion Ng celebrated in the Limon Chapel of of the City will assist. The musi the Salvation Army Organization cal programme promises to ve a ve COMERCIANTE DETALLISTA CAMBIO DE BILLETES This day wil mark th: seventy Ty select one.
first anniversary of this the grea On the fo lowing evening, the Licores, Abarrotes, Cristest humanitarian Religious Oreth, there will be the Anniver taleria, Artículos de Fe.
ganizaton the World knows Atsary Cantata for which a very rretería y Eléctricos: todo se encuenta en este p. in. thero will be a Pica thoughful programme is being pro establecimiento a vided and to which admission will be by a gate collection of Precios de Situación 25 COSTA RICA VENTA PERMANENTE DE LOTERIA NACIONAL Honduras Unrest charged to Carias 56 Ships in transit Panama Canal BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA The difficult political situation try and banking have suffered as the local press. This sometimes in Honduras is attributed to the Farm work is at a standstill. he results in inconsistencies as on endeavors of President Tiburcio said, and the government re April 24 when a revolt, reported Carlas to continue in office for al venues have diminished during the previous day was denied by longer period than that for recent months to such an extent the Honduras Minister to Nica COLON, The Panama took preference over the eleven which he was elected, according that the Carias government al ragua, who said: The revolt re Canal saw its busiest day since destroyers and four submarines to Dr. Venancio Callejas, Natio ready owes its employed in the ports are absolutely false. Ho the United States fleet massed that were in line.
nalist party leader.
capital three months pay and wever, the same day the govern trainsit of 1934, on May 28th Officials said the transit was those in the provinces six mon ment at Teguciga pa admitted Fifty six ships were making the swift and efficient, with pilots More than 000 Hondurans ths.
the revolt and reported the de passage, forty four northbound working double shifts. They behave left the country rather than feat of the revolutionists. and twelve southbound.
Heyed the number may have set suffer what Dr. Ca lejas calls a On the other hand, Dr. CalleMerchantmen, including the a record for ships actually in Caesarlike tyranny. He added jas charges, military expenses (N. Times) round the world liner Franconia, transit simultaneously that at least 500 citizens, includ and an increased budget which ing many women, are illegally cannot be met by the reduced imprisoned and that many are income have obliged the goverr. suffering unnecessary and unac ment to obtain loans from the countable insults and horrors. banks and from some of the American companies which opeThe press has been muzzled rate in Honduras so completely. said Dr. Callejas. that not a single newspaper be It is also certain, said Dr longing to the opposition is now Callejas, that the unwarranted BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE pubished pretensions of General Carias are going to conflict with HonUNICO EMISOR STATE BANK Dr. Callejas asserted that due duras present international to the uncertainty throughout obligations. refer to the treaty the republic, commerce, indus signed in Washington on Feb.
ofrece al público los Offers the Public the 1923. By this treaty Genera!
servicios de su Services of its Carlas, in the event of his continuing in power, cannot be reLic. DANIEL ZELEDON cognized by the other Central American republics where this treaty is still in effect, nor by EN LA IN THE the United States.
Abogado y Recently there have been spoNotario Público radic revolts in Honduras, aeOficina: Altos Pascording to Teliable reports alhough they are generally de para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service cual fngianna nied by the government, which servicio bancario Rendered maintains a strict censorship of foreign correspondence as awell Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Ciudad de Limón City of Limon


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