
1994 ICA Costa Rican vs. Panamanian Lottery The Atlantic Voice Hablas etto The rigidity with which the Police are now hunthg out those who sell and those who buy Panama Lot ery tickets and its adjunct The Chance is worthy of ote and they are perfectly right in so doing. The ottery scheme was instituted purely and solely for the urpose of assisting in a very tangible manner the supNo. 92 ort of the General Public Hospital and the Asylum or the Insane. As times went by, different lotteries vere allowed in the country, principally the Louisiana, môn the Mexican, the Cuban. They all eventually disapSeared, none were real competitors; but in recent years he Panamanian has come in and is a real competitor, with the result that our Lottery has been prevented from being the success it deserves considering the motive for which it was instituted.
Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone Editor English Section: NATION Ano II Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday June 27ih. 1936 No. 99 Dires Much Appreciated Change Morali use the ca.
were were no to the front rank.
INSULT ADDED TO INJURY Limon is to be congratulated that she has nurtured her profesNot only has the Panama Lottery been a source sionals to such a degree as to cause of much injury to our Hospital and Asylum schemes, them to be considered the best in the class. It is a great satisfaction but it has been the means of instituting a most vicious for us to realize that our much type of gambling in our Province which should be あり esteemed Medico of Health for the stamped out al all cost THE CHANCE. Men, woUnited Fruit Company employees men and children caught on to the habit of selling has been so considered by the Board chances not only in specie but in kind. and many of Directors in Boston as to be have been ruined thereby; the business of the Costa elevated to the position of Supecole Rican Lottery has also been ruined by it. People have rintending Medical Officer of the tatua positively abstained from purchasing our Tickets while Company operations in North, Dr. OREAMUNO Central and South America, as as much as 12, 000 colones were estimated to have been well as in the West Iadies, with re force was formerly engaged might invested weekly in chances plus Panama Tickets.
sidence in Boston.
have been an Admiral or a military It is therefore time that our government every As we have said this promotia genius, hence his organizing, ad means at her disposal to put an end to this pernicious brings also another by which the ministrative capabilities while the ly trafficing so detrimental to a good cause.
idol of the employees of the Com softness, tenderness, affability of pany as well as of the general com the other gives one the idea that It is time for our people to call a halt and ask munity. Dr. Oreamuno, has been his former engagement must have themselves, after investing two or three colones weekDr. SALISBURY made Medico en Jefe of the Hospi been in the Corpus of a converted sly over a period of say three months in chances withtals of the Company in Costa Ri Missionary.
as out obtaining any financial return, whom do benefit?
The general application of age worn adage is that The falling Indeed the careful observer of The Atlantic Voice rejoices with com te Is it not only the sellers of the chances. But suppose of one man is the Rising of the ot human psychology is bound to con Dr. Oreamuno in his recognition by those thirty odd colones spent on our National her. but in this instance it is sider Reincarnation as a reality the high Officials of the Company Lottery, would there not be a satisfaction in the know The se of one begets the Rise while Dr. Salisbury is esteemed which he serves, and also takes Aledge that the working profits of that amount had gone a so of the other.
a very capable and genial organi this means of congratulating Dr.
towards alleviating the sufferings and distresses of The very numerous frie ds and zer, y the very task of his sys. Salisbury on the appreciation exadmirers of Dr. Oreamuno will be temat zed methods of organizing tended him by the Executive Heads iente some one, perchance, a relative or a friend?
very pleased to know that the Pro brings him in clash with those who of the Company, for his well meThe chance is a most demoraliizng method of motion of our genial Medico en Je may be affected by his system rited administrative qualities and gambling, the profits of which go only into the pockets fe, Dr. Edward Salisbury, has also through 20 fault of his because foresee for him a place, at no dis of some usurer and the winnings into those of one of brought the idol of the community, the Corpus in which his vital life tant date, on that Executive Board.
a thousand investors. It should be closed down at all cost, hurt who gets hurt. If there Chance Scheme our Lottery could be played weekly as is done in Panama and so yield greater profits to the Institutions concerned.
After a stubborn fight in the Hou ke in similar terms accusing the been defeated on account of being Figure a chance business of 12, 000 colones per se of Commons the British go government of bowing to the run by an inefficient government week changing hands. Could we not, with this amount, vernment carried its point of to abuses of a Dictator. Others said to the disgrace of every Britisher. have two additional lottery drawings per month? And drawing the Sanctions placed that British political tactics had (6 39V OL nd if the government would adopt the system of payment aga nst Italy for her aggression against Ethiopia, The reason given on the three ending numbers as Panama does, we are by Eden for this decision was that sure further beneficial results would be obtained. Stamp lit was useless continuing to out the Chance. play the Lottery weekly, and there trict smaller nations from trading would soon be no competition from Panama while ours with Italy wh le there was no war SERVICIO DE VAPORES would be a prosperous weekly concern. However, to going on: hostilities having a sed the sanctions were no longer stamp out the Chances the buyers must be punished by fines or imprisonment twice as much as the sellers, for punishment to Italy but more so Salidas semanales de limón para Nueva York on the smaller nations who are con escalz en Cristóbal Habana if there be no one to buy there could be no one to sell. unabie to trade while they Its the buyers who are encouraging the sellers to keep main in fores, the conquest of Et LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS at the trade.
hiopia would, however be acknowledged be ng contrary to th AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS Covenant of the League The knot to be unravelled by the League Committee today is, which Vapores Salidas of the two propositions wil the family of Nations adapt? Englard Thanks to the industrious and kilos. Some calamity seemed to proposes collective security by co VERAGUA 28 de Junio meritorious labours of the Chief have occurred either by draught operation of a thnations to enStatistician of the Office ed Sa or some other elemental set back force punishment on the offending QUIRIGUA de Julio tistics for the information handed as in the year 1907 we only sent member nations, while France 5:0 PETEN 12 de Julio out to us with regard to our Coffee away 977. 531 kilos while the poses the creation of pacts of Retrade.
total for the previous year was gional Security within the League.
It is interesting to know that 17. 325. 531 kilos. In the year 1932 Of course, as Abyssinia is outside Costa Rica has been shipping coffee we reached the zen th of our pro the region of Europe she must proF. ALVARADO Cía, to foreign markets for nigh on a duction by shipping 27. 777. 939. tect herself in the African region Agentes para Limon y Puntarenas hundred years, but we can only los. For the season 1934 35 we as best she can.
trace our records from 1854. Ia have only exported 24. 238. 534. In the debate re the Sanctions Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas that year we find we shipped los. Again we have to be very gra the Labour Leader, ement Atlea, 252, 614 kilos of the product but tefu: to Mr. Prosper Guardia for accused Baldwin government of Qe United Fruit Company en los bajos del it was not until the year 1869 that his careful study and application Treason to Abyssinia and the LeaGran Hotel Costa Rica we went into double thgures of at figures covering the 82 gue, The speaker for the Liberal TELEFONO 3156 the millions by shipping 11. 557, 500 years.
Party, Sir Archibald Sinclair, spoBefore the League of Nations UNITED FRUIT Co.
resa reCosta Rica Coffee Trade past Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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