
Eine THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday June 1936 HEALTH TALKS HOP LEE LUNG Establecimiento de Licores, Tiida y Abarrotes TURKEY AND THE DARDANELLES José Achion Ng HOTEL CANAL Well. What. For some time we have endea The mineral contents of a fruit thus supplying more Red Corpusvoured to call attention to im. is what is of supreme impor cles in the blood and guarantee.
portant matters of health. Some tance; the Pineapple is a fountaining us better health weeks ago we showed the value of of almost all the essential mine.
We would like to encourage Honey as a food; today We referral substances, principally Iron, more of these health talks for the to that of the Pineaple as dis Copper and Manganese; for this good of our reading public, and El más surtido en Matina closed by the British Magazine reason it is that formally the Doc so invite collaboration from our New Health.
tors advised Pines as a means of Doctors and Druggists on these In experimentations it is ob preventing and curing Anemia, lines served that the juice of the Pine or an improverished state of the Nation, Ap. 137, Limon.
of thought, addressed to apple has an action on the sto blood, due to improper nutrition, mach similar to pepsine, there. these three elements being need.
fore very useful in cases of indi ed to maintain the blood in a fit gestion Investigations have condition.
alt; Hemoftrad that the Othe rimportant mineral sub COMERCIANTE DETALLISTA MONTREUX 25 juicie of this fruit has the poin, taneously Turkey asked to be per stances met in the Pineapple are visw of the growing perils of mitted to stop warships from tra wer of cutting and clearing away Calcium and Phosphorus. These Licores. Abarrotes, Cris war Turkey demanded that versing the Bosphorus when there the false membrane which is evi is a threat of war. Litvinoff op taleria, Articulos de Fe she be permitted to fort ty the posed Turkey request in the denced in the throat and stomach elemtnits are in almost all the or rretería y Eléctricos: todo Straights without delay, and sense that he demanded for Rus in cases of Diptheria and Croup. gans of the body, principally the se encuenta en este For dispeptic patients, it is an bones and the tissues of the nerestablecimiento pa asked the conference to be allowsia that her warships should be ed to proceed with the work as straights at any time, and he de allowed to not pass through the admirable tonic when eaten after ve cells and are essential soon as the convention has been only for good health but for life Precios de Siunción dinner. It used formerly to be signed, instead of waiting until it manded that the tonnage of war and administered in cases of Typhoid itself. The lack of calcium COSTA RICA on the Black Sea should be limit ive governments as customary troubles, becaus eit has the tne phosphorus brings not only disorders of the bones such as Ri.
with international treaties. Simul ed. Another thrust at Britain. The dency of eliminaing the microbes conference adjourned at 15 after ckets but give rise to a large vareferring the outstanding ques.
in the intestines, tions to a committee, while the In recent years much interest riety of nervous and muscular chief delegates left for Geneva in has een aroused in the Pineap diseases. The minerals ought to order to attend to morrow ses CARTAGO ple as a healthy food in consebe maintained in the body in suf sion o fthe Council and the foril.
ficent quantities to ensure a fit roming assembly.
quence of its possession of a great condition of health Pineapples percentage of Vitamins REABIERTO REOPENED are a precious fountain of such and The importance of these Bajo nueva Administración Under New Administration vitamins to the health of manmineral substances.
Buenos cuartos privados Good private Rooms kind a well established fact; Latest investigations prove First Class Meals everybodyl knows that to main that Pineapples stimulate the se.
Alimentos de primera clase ar Booth Bread, tain good health the system must cretion clorhydric acid and Most reasonabie Prices of Precios muy razonables Biscuits Buns.
have an adequate amount of protease and as it contains also RH PADDISON DE FALCONER, Without which you can boats these elements. Chemistry has bromeline it helps the digestion Propietario Administradora of cating the best discovered that the Pineappet of those foods which contain Berlin Bread even when preserved is well char PROTEINS, such as heats, beans. Booth Biscuits HERN ged with them. Vitamin is not eggs and fish only a reconstituent of the tissues o the human body but serves as In cases of ACIDOSIS Pinea preventative against infectious apples ma ybe eaten with great Where you will get the best.
Do you believe in the triumph Said the smart little waitrees, diseases.
the industry can produce results, and among the desireable of mind over matterWell known Singers have al foods to maintain the alkaline re Dibbs.
asked slipping up beside the newly arrived customer. ve got deville ways eaten much of this fruit as action of the blood, Pines come in a shield against infections of the the first rank. In cases of OE lied hig friend, do, why?
Well, to a certain extent, rep kidneys, calves, brains, pigs feet, THS NEGUS OFF throat, and John McCormack al DEMA the juice of the Pineapchicken livers, and.
ways advised, when asked for a ple is administered freely, as it trained myself to wake up at any Nothing much, only that ve Forget it, do, groweld the din. TO GENEVA by remedy against a pain in the helps the kidneys to function cor Cer. ve got a headache, eczema, time wish.
throat eat fresh pineapples as rectly thus throwing off the waI exclaimed his friend, corns, a bunion and an empty sto LONDON, 25. Haile Selassie much as can be digested and the terous substance between the tis should call that the triumph of mach; go tell your troubles to accompanied by the Duke of Har result will be marvellous.
sues of the muscles and other use rar and his daughter, left for Ge.
less matter.
someone else, but bring me some neva al p. today, and he is mind over mattress ham and eggs.
reported to have planned a stre No nuous last fight for recognition of his claims. He will receive a Is it any wonder that our Pine tre conventional report informing apples find such a ready market What makes you think she doze him of the procedure at the Leain London in these days, shipped not like you? m buying a lawn mower as gue as soon as he arrives at Ge.
thither by the Agricultural Dea birthday gift for my husband. neva, which is being carried out.
partment of the Banco Nacional Sh2 told me she thought there Cantina Posada wiu it be a surprise. with the intention to end Ethioor Internacional? The cultivation wag at least one fool in every fa.
Rather, he is expecting me to pia membership in September of y Cafeteria of Pineapples ought to be better miiy.
give him an easy chair.
this year. The lonely monarch is te exploited, and our people encouWell, what of that?
Felipe Wing Ching ported to be ready to contest this raged to eat more of them than had, jus ta few moments ear disloyal scheme to save the they do at present so as to ensure lier, told her that was an only League face and retain the coApartado 395 a proper functioning o (the kid child.
ITALIANS WORRIED operation of Italy, while betrayneys and the digestive organs, ing Ethiopia.
BY SNIPING In Lighter Vein The People Bakery.
EN Ob EL CABALLO BLANCO Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA BANCO DEL ESTADO UNICO EMISOR SOLE BANK OF ISSUE STATE BANK Offers the Public the Services of its LONDON 50. 000 Ethiopians are under arms to attack the Ital ans during the rainy season as airplanes will not then be eff:et ve. Sniping continues meantim The road between Dessye and Addis Ababa is not safe for the Italian motor convoys. The Italian forces have issued a warning that shiping must cease or whole populations will be annihilated.
Abogado y Notario Público Oficina: Altos Pascual Ingianna ofrece al público los servicios de su SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE MENDEZ EN LA IN THE Ciudad de Limón City of Limon (ESTABLECIDO HACE MAS DE 30 ANOS)
CAMBIO DE BILLETES para toda clase de servicio bancario All kinds of Bank Service Rendered VENTA PERMANENTE DE LOTERIA NACIONAL


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