
For Liver and stomach Ailments VVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF tres دا بن Guillermo Niehaus Co.
hele of Stomach in FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES MACHINE IN COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY DAMAGED eldent Leon Cortes in his adequately keep the labourers of all the grains and other like ar. fountain of supply to the several If a rigid jaw be not enacted ty for bettering the lives of thdifisiant Province ticles of everyday consumption markets has found himself con to put an end to this evil, not Itizens has instituted a Com. Th: Advisers of the govern es are offered and holding them fronted by a most serious evil, ony will less and less foodstuffs bn to investigate the rea ment setm to have intimated to unti by reason of cornering the which year by year so disgusted be cultivated, but serious compli.
why the cost of living has the Executive Council that there markets the prices are naturally him that hy sees no way out of catlors will result; for instance, to such an abnormal de. is a system of storage going on advanced with much inconvenien the distress than to cease farm the vicious minded natives when as it is discovered that the among some of our larger mer ce to the poor labouring populaing and resort to some other caught red handed pilfering the of minimum wage cannot chants, who aim at purchasing tiou; the law against such a promcans of existence, cultivations of the Negroes, ofa cedure has therefore been put in In the Province of Limon, par fer battle as their defense of their to effect and a few merchants ticularly, there are to be found mean actions, therefore, as stat.
brought under the lash.
bands of idlers who after being ed, serious acts of bloodshed may While the vigilance of the Pre orgaged on the wharves or Bode arise from the depredatory acts sident in this respect is to be Apas for a few hours per day of these marauders, who will not plauded, there are yet other cau. pend the balance of their time, think of planting something for 925 which should be investigat usually their evchings, roaming themos vis but prey continually ed, as they too tend to increase around under the pretext of hunt on the willing workers who en the prices of foodstuffs, First of ing. but who take this opportu. deavour to bring food products to all there is the decrease of pro nity of plundering the small cul. market to supy the needs of the duction. As a consequence of the tivations of those who adapt community and assist in the preincrease in the production of Ba themselves to this means bf a vention of underproduction and nanas, from which comes the ma possibility of support for their its natural corisequence, a rise in jor amount of Gold in the corn. amilies.
the Cost of Living, try, it wil be found that a vast quantity of the lands once utiliz cd for planting Corn, Beans, Po.
tatons, etc. are now dedicated to th ecultivation of Bananas and thp labourer attracted from the LIMON.
former means of oocupation to Flatulence And all forms MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS the latter by the yield of better prices por jornal.
Compra Cacao Material de Tranvia Another cause of the rise in Indigestion Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo the cost of living may ba found the many items of Public Colics Importación de mercaderia en general Disorders Works being under taken in recent times. Construction of Bridglas, Roads, Buildings, etc. these also attract the labourers from farm, like, offering as they do better wages per diem as well Electric Plant MANUFACTURED BY: as other facilities. It is noted that a roadway is to built from ERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA Naranjo to Palmares and San Ra non at a cost of 300, 000 colones, LIMON SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Owing to one of the principal and should an early start be made machines in the plant of the Na.
on this country season of the Lional Electric Company getting Pan American Highway, as we badly damaged, there is again a Fábrica de Hielo see every prospect of its being deficiency in the community y Refrescos done, it is natural to expect that supply of el cricity: the Comathere will be less labourers for y Management are however (FROM PAGE ferm work, therefore the prices doing everything possible to ame by whose weakness ihes vere member of the League? Have we of foodstuffs must continue soar. lorate conditions pending the obliged to withdraw the Sane not always been saying this very ing while the price of ordinary coming into operation of their Sem just when their effects were thing through these columns? And 1sbour continue to be considered new plant in about two month B, felt by Italy for being too frank many of our only at ridiculous rates to suit time it no tbeing possible to have be defence of the government subscribers left us to buy the jarg. the purposes of the capitalists the damaged machine repaired LA FLORIDA John Simon said that Ethio 07 that was being published in and the Municipalities who have before that time.
ute could not be saved out by a papers of foreign origin. It is now to engage such labour.
Fábrica de Hielo e strous war, and the Engiand evident that we were right; Ethio Another, and perhaps the most ilt in a position to lose a single pia has been conquered as it was distressing cause, is that of Prae ADVERTISE IN Venta de Leche for the cause Abyssinian arranged she should have been dial Larceny. The small cultivanat a length of time it has ta England cannot lose any of her tor who formarly was a great y Maderas for such a decision to be rea sons nor a single ship in the inteWhy were hopes held ou to rests of Ethiopia; what now will isimia and gifts of gold and the foreign coloured papers coming not accepted from faile Se here have to say in defence of this e for the King and Crowa of attitude? Sir John Simon is quite and, instead of the man being right, only he might have said By sed to come to terms with its this long ago so every one could hereby saving much bloodshed know where they stood. We knew Events which have latterly Wil lof the populace was made respect and causis her to be so the greater part of his country. it and said it and was hated for it, bon taking place in various known, it wag accepted without a frequently chosen as a Haron of at a time now to tell these per but here it is from the Sp aker for nearby parts, continue to demons murmur or a dissenting voice: Pest by those whose political that they would not think of the government side of the House trate the pre eminent position party feelings were abandoned, activities ever and anon force ag a single ship in the interess of Parliament in defence of their which Costa Rica holds among and all was once agin ontered them to seek pasture new.
Abyssinia. Does it not savou policy of watching and waiting the countires of Central American those things which should be Justcently Gezeral Emiliastory and Felony to a aation while Ethiopp a was conquered, and adjacent vicinities in the done for the good of the Repub. no Chamorro, ex president OE fulfilling of political duties. She lie and the nation well being. Nicaragua, who is now among us.
has had, of course, her periods of This respect for Law and Or stated that in coming to Costa trouble but as there have been der is but one of the Nation Rica he was sure he would find few and far apart and of little outstanding characteristics which that tranquility and repose he import as to u. tmate results. bave placed her so prominently now so much required to enable We wish to announce we have passed our eighth year of xistence although the Skepties say nothing lasts long here.
they may well be regarded as the in the forefront of the Latin Re him to pursue his struggle for the We have succeeded, because we have never deceived our exceptions needed to prove the publics, gained her world wide betterment of his country.
embers. You can fool the people some of the time; you can rule.
pol half of the people most of the time; but you can never sol all the people all the time.
The recently concluded elec Remember that though we suffered from one Bank failtions were admittedly the most re, we have met ALL OUR OBLIGATIONS up to date. We ave never had cause to close our doors. We have paid Death intense, the most aggressive exirants for one hundred and four persons. We pay the same perienced in recent times.
mount for Dependents as for Members; we do not make Bone the on) and Flesh of the other.
The candidates were subjected Contra mordeduras de serpienies. Téngalo siempre a nano Shou you join our SICK DEPARTMENT we do not to the very worst of gruelling on en su Enca Hombre prevenido vale por dos.
mit your weekly Benefits: as long as you remain ill in bed EXISTENCIA PERMANENTE: and off the piatforms, and the ou receive your Benefits if even for One Year.
If you are seeking Help in the Hour of Need, join the nuore active campaigners did not NLY safe and reliable Society, the scrupple to make use of every Del LIC. CARLOS VIQUEZ COSTA RICA BURLAL SOHEME ASSOCIATION possible effort to obtain the suAvenida Central, San José Established in Limon, 5th May. 1928.
premacy for their individual Can Frente a las Compañias Eléctricas didate, Albeitthe moment the EFORE THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co. The Atlantic Voice HAVEN OF REST?
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Suero Butantán Laboratorio de Análisis Clínicos Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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