
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday June 1936 LADIES HATS IT AT THE JAMAICA STORE BREEDY Communists Nominate Presidential Candidates La Casa de las Bicicletas NEW YORK The National der, the Secretary of the Pex Conversion of the Communist will be nominated for the PN Party of the United States, for dency and James Ford, the designation of candidates for resident of Harlem, for the the Presidency and vice Presiden Presidency.
cy and the adoption of a plat. The votes of thy Comma form whose principai plank will Party totalled around 100. 000 bc a fight against Fascism and the e. ections of 1932 but riactionary forces, op ned here anticipated there will be a cca on the 24th derable increase on this occa It is expected that Earl Bow.
Le ofrece a ud. la mejor mercadería, y los más bajos precios, por dedicarse exclusivamente a todo el ramo de las bicicletas PALMA HNOS.
Teléfono 4525 Apartado 403 50 varas al Este del Almacén Robert San José Costa Rica Importación directa.
Bicicletas Raleigh Bicicletas. Repuestos. Accesorios. Pintura y Reparación Agente para Puerto Limón NEMESIO ULLOA ENRIQUE LEE AMERICAN LEGAL COUNSEL Member of the Bar of Indiana and the Canal Zone For local business, associated with HORACIO ALVARADO LA Costa Rican Lawyer and Notary Public.
Oflice, 100 yards north of La Tribuna, San Jose Louis Willing to Again Meet Schmeling Cricket Competition BRITISH GUIANA and her MINERAL WEST INDIAN MOVEMENTS ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME TO LIMON, Importación y Exportación Imports and Exports (FROM PAGE 11)
Although beaten by Schmeling an effort to regain the World uses a straight bat.
so the twelfth of their fifteen Chempionship.
Unity was unable to defend their round Bout. Louis is in no way 60. 000 persons witnessed the score of 73. Hayling was dropped affected or perturbed and has al encounter in the Yankee Stadium when his score was only three, and British Guiana continues to giore for the production of ready intimated a willingness to on the 19th. Gats receipts total.
so he proceeded to make 25 before ve evidence of how rich her vast ladium, it is at preesnt valus meet his victor in a return enthe led 547, 531 dollars and after degetting out. The surprise of tinterland is in valuable mineral about 50 shillings per ounce, counter; bu the ex Champion ductions for expenses, day was a youth of about 13 years, licenses, who batted well and faced the fast diposits. there is an increasing dema says he can make no arrange etc. had been made, Schmeling balls like a veteran. These youths Radium, diamond and gold de tor it among British Chernit ments in this respect at this time and Louis were each paid the a.
should be encouraged. The loss of posits have already been found this price is expected to go Os ha is hoping to be able to mount of 139, 484 dollars.
the game was due to slack fielding, now it is that of a rare substan. The discovery of this rar nga Braddock somewhere fights with 27 victories and de round September of this year in feat.
On Sunday the 14th, the Motive ce known as Potarite. In ap neral was made in 1924 2003 Power extended themselves against pearance it is said to be similar identified as a compound of o god amalgam and as a base cury and Paladium.
the Surtidora. The attack of Scott (Big Boy) and Babb was too much for the Merchants and caused them to go down for only 22 runs. The Motive Power made 94 LIMON, The Surtidora and Pathfinders were scheduled for last Sunday In order to ameliorate housing Intense Missatisfaction the former did not appear and so conditions in Trinidad, the Legis. to be existing in Jamaica la gave the latter an easy point.
lature of that Island have just sequence of the rates which Tomorrow the Motive Power approved the employment of a recently passed Trade Licen DEPOSITO DE MADERA LUMBER DEPOSIT meets the Pathfinder. Let us see tona. planning expert at a cost Law impose on the Island con if the Irons will extend themsel of 400 ponds sterling.
mercial community.
The ves against the Youths as they being based onthe taxable Cocoa Purchased did against the Merchants two lue of the property on which weeks ago business is located a number SPECTATOR scheme for the sewering of traders are now called upon St. George, the Capital of Gre pay very much larger amour rada, has been approved by the than formerly. Several claim the government of the Colony: the will either be forced out of cost will be approximately 19. 000 siness orbe compelled to remo and householders will be given 25 to cheaper and less favourable years in which to repay amounts calities, advanced them for house con Representations in the matt Tections ara being made with the gover ment by the Chamber of a Terce, Compra Cacao en grano Incendio!
Vida! TUTANKAMEN TCMB to BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS The Municipality has definite 20, 000 of the taxpayers 13 cided to close the Bath and say.
ity appartenance son the 1st. Ju Don Rafael Yglesias was ly. The Lessie, Mr. Ruiz, appeal advied by ing pendiat made hi ed to the Minister of Goberna. Engie tus of the usefulness ción against the Order, citing the that Breakwater Wall why teavy cezpenses incurred by hira contracted with Mr. Minor CW in accepting th: tenancy.
per Kath to place it thare.
The Municipal Board claim day, ycungme who know not that the rental cannot keep up lag of thi frolicsome moods bu the repairs to the damages oc th: currints and waves arou casioned by the frequent ravages us, cime along and anxious odlet Siempre a sus órdenes of the heavy seas, so it is prefer in cbtaining a six months ille to close down and replace advice to undo what it took the Breakwater wil which was perienced mea yars of wa blasted away. Thatre is therefore ing investigations and concent a Row cropping up over this tion to accomplish, with the Bug Bear. which should have sult. FAILURE.
been seen long before spending Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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