
DOCTOR TELLINI TRAGIC END What of the Greatest Nation on Earth. Dr. Arosemena Election Assured Take Atlantic Vaice Panama Elections Still Brew Trouble The funeral of the unfortuna The citizens of San Jose ex was shot and killed in a most quite a stir among the medical reputation of Dr. Cordero, who perienced another awful trage cold blooded manner by one An profession in consequence of the had been a foster father to him te victim took place the followdy on Wednesday last when, at itonio Chacón.
discovery of the adnormal quan during the past twenty odd years ing day and was a veritable maTellini about noon Dr. Jaime For some time there has been tities of morphine and other like so infuriated him that he was nifestation of the pub. ic feelirugs which were being utilized Inthused to commit the act. He ing, attended as it was, by rein certain directions; and as it fired three shots at the Doctor. presentatives of very class in the was suspected that improper two of which took effect one in community. President Cortes atconduct was being indulged in the stomach and one the head. tended in person.
somewhere, investigations were Some 4th of July Thoughts instituted by the Medical Faculty and these culminated in Dr.
Today 160 years ago the Declaration of Indepen.
Tellini, as the Fiscal of the Fa dence was solemnly, impressively and gloriously read culty, making a formal accusa With the issuing of an Panama is assured as the before the Congress of Representatives of the American contros tion against Drs. Francisco Cor Executive decree on ihe 1st. government now Nation. Who could have conjectured that within so instant disqualifying 1sgelie four of the Board seven dero and Francisco Tijerino in short a space of time, one hunderd and sixty years, those Navarro from further ser votes.
connection with the matter.
ing as a member of the Na. Mr. Navarro was disqua:few men could have so guided the destiny of what was The man Chacon declares that tonal Electric Board it is fied on the ground that he then considered a handful of inhabitants of a few turthis act of Dr. Tellini against the felt that Dr. Arosemena was interested in a contract bulent colonjes as to have developed them into that election to the Presidency of with the government.
which we now describe as the Greatest Nation on Earth We talk of the civilization of Southern, Central and Western Europe; but how many centuries did it not take those nations to evolve into that efficiency, that status of civilization in which they are met today, as compared with the short period of one hundred and sixty years taken by the Statesmen of America to evolDevoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone ve themselves into an entirely new nation, conceived in Editor English Section: NATION Liberty and dedicated to the one thought that all men are created equally free.
Αλο I imón, Costa Rica, Saturday July 41h. 1936 No. 100 Today, we find Eastern civilization praying this which we again designate the Greatest Nation on Earth to come over and help us. to settle the greatest wrangling the world has known. And why is this so?
Because the United States of America has lived to exem plify the tradition of Liberty. She was lived and shewn As stated some time ago cousin of his.
tions will abide by the Consthat there is sacredness in the integrity of life and proin these columns, there ap There is a Board of Juris titution, has written a senpears to be much unrest ints on Elections, whose vertational letter to that Auperty. She has lived to prove that her Dead did not die the political circles of Pa dict seem to be final so far gugt Body, advising tl. e in vain in defending that most inalienable right of hu. nama due to the decision of as the Constitution is con members that any attempt man privileges. She has lived to inthuse into the minds President Harmodio. Arias. cerned, who called the atten on their part to abstain from of all men that these inalienable rights are the preserIt is evident that don Juan tion of Dr. Arosemena and geving the Crdientials for vation of life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness; Demosthenes Arosemena is also that of President Arias Presidency to Dr. Arosemeand that all governments must derive their powers of the popular candidate of to the matter. Both these na on the date fixed for this adjudication from the consent of the governed.
that small Republic for the assert that this point of the decision, the 7th July, would Presidency, but according to Constitution does not dear be considered an absurd These are the reasons why the countries of the Wes law all government function the point at issue, while danger to public peace and tern hemisphere cannot but be proud of the examples naries, posing for Presiden the opposing Candidates order, hence it looks ay if of progressive manipulations set them by the govern ey should resign their posi claim it does. Differences much trouble is brewing.
ment of the United States of America; and these are also tions at least six months be have consequently arisen The President is in faspar the reasons which have caused the nations of Europe to fore the time for voting: ard and trouble is brewing: even of Arosemena and, na bu be craving her help. And if the course hitherto adopt.
it seem that though Dr. Aro bloodshed seem threatened ally, the Minister of Golver semena did not resign until as the opposition parties nacion is along with hun.
ed by her shall only be pursued for the succeeding half three months of the date fix claim that President Arias Thus he who runs may read.
century, we prophesy that Divine Intelligence shall gui ed for the elections, he won decision in the absence of that without great care and de her into the adsorption of the entire effulgence of over his two opponents, one an amendment to the Cons good judgment on the part that Radiance which had emanated from the East.
of whom was an ex Presi titution does not pega. it of all, our Sister Republic to dent of the same name a is the Constitution which the South of us, may be in does. Things have gone so for a similar broil as that far that the Minister of Sta fostering on the North bet.
te for Public Order, fearing ween the Somozistas and the the National Council on Liec Sacasistas.
At the meeting of the Lea, meeting to deal, as it does not resolve the conflicts sub gue of Nation on the 30th with matters of Vital impor mitted to her considera ion in ultimo, the Delegate for Arance for the Latin American keeping with the spirit of the 350 gen ine explained the reasons Nations.
Covenaat, his ciuntry will be which led his country to re He very forcibly pointed forced to abandon her seat as a quest the convening of the out that if the League does member and to open a formal crusade with all the means at SERVICIO DE VAPORES her disposal so that the Lea gue will accept the principle Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York of No recognition for Terri con escala en Cristóbal y Habana tories conquered by force of no Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón Arms in compliance withi oid LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS the principle of Rights es para EUROPA tablished by the Saavedra AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS Lamas Pact (Santander, Flymouth, Cherbourg, Amsterdam Representerive Kamburgo)
the Castillo proved that all American countries sustained Vapores Salidas CORDILLERA Julio 18. 1936 the principles of territorial 13 integrity ever since the first American conference held in QUIRIGUA. de Julio Para GUATEMALA 1826. If the League wishes PETEN 12 de Julio (Puerto Barrios y Livingston)
to continue being universal, ne said, it ought also to su3 VERAGUA 19 de Julio tain and prin CORDILLERA Julio 13. 1936 ciples which have been accept cd and maintained by the AF. ALVARADO Cía, SERVICIO DE CARGA y PASAJEROS merican Republics in the Saa vedra Lamas Pact which is al Agentes para Limon y Puntarenas Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a so of universal character, and had been ratified by every Para otros informes diríjase a las oficinas American Nation including de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del the United States.
Gran Hotel Costa Rica Agencia en Costa Rica Teléfono 2086 Sr. Cantillo was very ta TELEFONO 3156 TO PAGE 11 BEFORE THE LEAGUE UNITED FRUIT Co.
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