
8 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, July 1936 The Dayof St. John by Mechanics of Limon Exports us our a Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard most inspiring, harmonious as to which of the two St. iraternity of mankind; and our Nacionales day was cajoyed by the mem Johns we commemorate. St. food for such feast should be Frank Maduro Jr.
bers of the Union District John the Divine is commemo locusts and wild honey which EL ATLANTICO Grand Lorge of the Mechanic :erna siete vier was that on which St John Prop.
Older on the 24th Junerated as the Apostle of Love subsisted while undergoing Frank Maduro hijo, under the Gavel of Dros in whose care the Mother of his purification nthe Wilder Prop.
Fitzkert barret, as Acting jesus Christ was Best native lumber entrusted; ness (The locust is a pod reMaderas del país. Existen Distrist Grand Master, but was it not St. John, the sembling the Carob fruit now surrounded by Bros. Missionary, of whom the Profound in the Island of Major cia permanente en nuestio at moderate prices depósito Nelson and Gculbour phet Esaias said this is he of ca. In these western coun ne, past District Gran Mas whom it is said this is the tries, however, our feast ters; Smith; Hery: voice of One crying in the should consist of cakes from Bowry and others. widznerness to prepare ye the corn and nuts with wine and Metal Barred The theme of the meeting way of the Lord. Did no: honey; emblematical of the was an Essay on St. John this very Missionnary say Spiritual attainments of man.
Nation, indeed, baptize you with wa ADDIS ABABA. Export May these Feasts be always Day by Bro.
He has pledged allegianca past Grand Master of the Cos ter unto repentance, but One indulged in with the thought of silver thalers and precious to Italy for the fifteca stata Rica Ditrict and present cometh after me who is mighof aming at the highest evo metais from Ethiopia westions of the Sudan Intatior Secretary of the Union District tier than whose shoes am sution possible to man, in keep forbidden by the Italian ac Mission, which have been in mini tration.
Ethiopia for nine years.
The Brother was culogized not worthy to unloose, who ing with what Jesus said of The fate of fifty three mis Holy our Patron, verily hay unto Explaining his work, Dr for his thoughtfulness in pre shall baptize with the sionaries in the Ethiopian Lambie said: paring such an elaborate ex Ghost and with fire.
you among them that are We never have and we interior, forty one of whom planation of the Was not this the same st born of woman, there connection hath are Americans, is still unk. to ver will, as a mission, enter of St John with the Order of John to whon the Saviour sub sot rises a greater than John wn, Dr. Lambie, field politics. If the government Mechanics, although ill and jected Himself for baptism to the Bautist; a otwithstanding director of the absent from the Feast. The shew Humility and His adap he that is least in the king Mission Service, said.
Ethiopian is Italian, we shall support the Italian Governamentveracity of the Essay was tability to earthly conditions? dom of Heaven is greater have than he. So may all of Dr. Lambie own he even as tre Lord said, Give toasted on all during the fuae Did not John say tion and is quarters in the capitai vere unto Caesar the things that as follows: need to be baptized of Thee. who are dubbed Knights of untouched during the riot are Caesar and to God the to which the Christ replica this Order be found worthy ing that followed Emperor things that are God Dear Sir Knights Brothers. suffert it to be now?
of the mysteries of Christ, Haile Selassie flignt and Dr. Lambie explained bis em sorry on These incidents go to pro and may willingly and cheer preceded the entrance account of on work was solely to convert illnes cannot be present with ve that the Sir Knights of ally take upon us the man May of the Italian army the heathen to Christianity you on this pleasant occasion. Toh of Jerusalem of the tle and learn of Him for Dr. Lambie efforts since and therefore his missions however may the wise Dispo Mechanic Order ought to be His yoke is easy and His but then to reach the miss one could work under any govser of all events grent us the proud to identify themselves den is light: jolin came, not tries in the interior have failernment.
this privilege of assembling on the by fca:ting together on next Aniversary of this great ca in commemoration of this cating nor drinking, but the ed thus far.
world said he hath a devil; Forerunner of the Christian gelat Missioner to whon she Son of Man came, eating Era.
Founder dedicates this DeThis Feast of the anniver gree of Christian Love. Our and drinking. and they said Teast this day is emblematicekold a gluttonous man.
THE GIFT SHOP sary of the birth of St. John the Baptist is an spoch of re of feasting and revelling in winsbilber, a friend of Publi wisjoicing of the advent of the that satisfaction of selfsacrifians and Sinners: but ANTIQUES AND SOUVENIRS the dom is justified of her chilChristian Belief; and our Foun ce in devoted service to hcn.
Large assortment of genuine old indian pottery.
ders of the Knighahood Rank have wisely adopted Beautiful objects in native woods.
this So may we live to unders great Missionary as the Pa EL tund each other, to be a mys PRICES REASONABLE tron Saint of this sublime terious people to the unwise, DIRECTION: From Hotel Costa Rica, cast 15 yards on car line Degres of the Mechanic Or people brought out from right hand side, before Drug Store Nueva Botica on corner.
der. The inspiration for such the washed a people set MISS BROAD Sucr. BOX 681 SAN JOSE COSTA RICA an adoption was undoubtedly apart for the purposes of Him Cosmically directed when we Cantina Posada who doeth all thing well.
LOOK FOR THE INDIAN SIGN rome to consider that as the y Cafeteria birth of Christ was heralded Nation by the Angelic Band as Felipe Wing Ching season of rejoicing in the pro Sec. Union District of mise of peace and Goodwill Apartado 395 to mankind in the advent of IRAPUATO, Stale of (ua Saviour of the World, Sandoval death foliowed najuato, México. Feieral that of Camulo hamir what more befitting than that troops defeated rebeis under another rebel leader. lethe messenger sent by Divi Fermin Sandoval near Sar tter was found on Camilo ne Intelligence to prepare SANTIAGO, Chile. Ad Then they calle on Pres. Felipe. Five rebels and two body saying Sandoval had the way of the Lord and tomirals commanding the squa dent Arturo Alessandri. soldiers were killed. Saudo fought for the Cristeros in make straight dron of United States crui They laid a wreath on the val was among the dead and 1926, but then sold nu: to should also be recognized as sers now in Valparaiso on tomb of Chile naval hero, his head was cut off and the tyrant Calles (former the forerunner of that time a visit of courtesy reachd Arturo Prat, at Valparaiso. exhibited inthe nain raza President Plutarco Elias Caof Peace and Goodwill and Santiago, accompanied by Tof the city of Gonzalez.
that the anniversary of lles. his sixty officers and 300 enlist birth should be feasted by tho ed men.
se of us who emblematize The admirals visited the his skull in that charger de American Embassy and the manded by Herodiaz of he: Minister of Foreign Affairs unlawful husband, Herola, Miguel Cruchaga Tocornal.
whom St. Joha reproved for his adulterous act, as the motto of Christian Love and Fraternal Goodwill BAER OFFERS TO BANCO DEL ESTADO among SOLE BANK OF ISSUE those who have vowed to pro tect the Christian Faith MEET BRADOCK UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK the expense of their lives.
There is much discussion NEW YORK The world ofrece al público los Offers the Public the Champion, James Braddock has reeeived an offer of servicios de su Services of its 230, 000 dollars for an enLic. DANIEL ZELEDON unter with Max Bier in Reptember. Braddock Maial amounced the receipt si the offer from Ancil Hoff EN LA Abogado y IN THE ManBaer Manager, who fight Notario Público Loke place in Dallas, ChicaOficina: Altos Pas Su or any other city along ne Pacific Coast. No statepara toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service cual Ingianna incnt was made as to wheservicio bancario ther the proposal would be Rendered accepted.
CABALLO BLANCO a Mexican Rebels Slain the Squadron in Chile His paths BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA at SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Bad suggested that there Ciudad de Limón City of Limon Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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