
110 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, July 1936 HATS AT THE JAMAICA STORE BREEDY Dictator Censors News Ahorrel!
Banco de Costa Rica Spain Curious About New President ELECTROLUX on the PANAMA. The govern decree provides that all er ment of Ecuador has estable and radio information to blished censorship of fo. be sent out of the country ign correspondence like that of a public nature and which of Fascist Italy, Soviei lus refers to the general o der El éxito en los negocios y en la sia and Nazi Germany. must have the approval of No foreign news can e the Subsecretary of Govern vida está siempre en espera del sent from Ecuador without ment in the capital of the hombre que tiene el dinero nethe prior approval of the go republic and of the Goververnment, according to a ue nors and political herds in cesario en el momento preciso cree of the dictator, Federi the respective capitals of co Pacz, published in Ecua provinces or cantonal had Usted debe ser de esa clase torean newspapers just rc quarters as the case may be.
ceived here. Convenienec The cable company may de hombres of the government and no not accept messages NO the truth of the facts any correspondent or pubire sented is to be the test appl agent without the approval ed to such news.
referred to. violation of However, Ecuador is not fine of 500 sucres for the this will be punished with a alone in such censorship. Si first offense and 1, 000 suces milar restrictions apply in for each repetition.
SUCURAL DE LIMO Guatemala, Honduras, EI Salvador and Nicaragua, In some cases a story may and, to a lesser degree, in be printed in the local news.
Colombia. Panama and Cis papers and there may be ta Rica are the only countrica question of its authenticity, in this section of Latin Ame still foreign correspondents rican that grant freedom to are not permitted to cable the press and to foreign co the facta so their newspaper, MADRID. Is Manuel cy through delay in her is not an advocate of the rrespondence exist.
Usually it is prohibited as zaña, who for the last five payments to foreign credi complete destruction of ca The recent Ecuatorean inconvenient.
years has been active in Spa tors. No country can resist pitalism. He favore its conish politics, doomed to be the constant drain of prolong rregion and is willing to come a mere figurehead as ed public disorders with the collaborate in a government THE MIRACLE OF ICE FROM HEAT President of the Spanish Re wastage of authority and with liberal bourgeois repupublic?
economic vitality that it sig. blicans.
For the next six years he nifies.
Mr. Prieto declined the is supposed to remain aloof SEE Premiership because his Ever since the Leftist Pofrom partisan politics. The party executive committee THE NEW AIR COOLED Constitution indicates the pular Front victory in the had decided that the MarPresidents should exercise a parti: ntary election last xists should not be repremoderating power and al February, which swept Mr. sented in any bourgeois reways strive to balance oppos Azaña into power again, it publcan Cabinet, but should REFRIGERATOR ing political opinions for the has been apparent that the dontinue to exert pressure country good. He has de bourgeois Liberals who fogovernment from llow Mr. Azaña could not outside to gain their ends NO MOVING PARTS clared he will never be sway ed by extremists of NO ELECTRICITY indefinitely preserve KEROSENE BURNER either their He is not expected, however, USES NO WATER Left or the Right.
political alliance with the re to submit to party discipline PERMANENT SILENCE EFFICIENT Upon Mr. Azaña elec volutionary Marxists. Most indefinitely.
tion to the Presidency, Inda Socialists and Communists When Mr. Azaña asked lecio Prieto, Socialist Depu in Spain place their faith in FOR FULL PARTICULARS class war as the best means Saitiago Casares Quiroga, SEE AGENT FOR LIMON PROVINCE We have chosen the most of achieving their ultimate his closest friend in private outstanding person of the aim the overthrow of capi life and his most intimate JOHNSTON new régime as Chief talism and the establishment associate in politics, to form BRITISH VICE CONSULATE PORT LIMON Executive Unlike the older of proletarian rule.
a government, Marcelino Do republic, Spain could not afmingo, Education Minister ford to select any of less perEXPOSED SOCIALIST in the resigning Azaña Ca The refusai py abriel CRITICISM FRO LEFT sonal prestige for this post.
RIFT binet, announced he would Franco, Finance Minister in. As soon as he became Pre refuse to keep his portfolio, the Azaña Cabinet, to con On the other hand, Mr.
NOT HARD MAN sisident, Mr. Azaña offered as requested, in the new go tinue in that post in the Largo Caballero newspato make Mr. Prieto his suc vernment. Azaña has been falselyjcessor in the Premiership.
new government also indi per Claridad complains that cated dissension in the Po the Left Republicans are described as a hard, cruel This was a crafty move inas Mr. Domingo thought that, pular Front.
fulfilling with an eyedropman. In reality his very much as it exposed, and per as vicepresident of Mr. Azaper their pre election prom blandness and affability, haps widened, the rift in the na Left Republican party Mr. Franco issued a note ises to the Marxists to effect have often defeated the rea Socialist party that has been he should have been desig to the press explaining his agrarian and industrial re.
lization of some of his most developing under the surreated the new President attitude, but the censorship forms.
brilliant political projects. face in recent weeks. Fran successor in the Premiership suppressed it locally. He said His oratory, tactics and vi cisco Largo Caballero, mili He was reported considering the Popular Front finansion will be missed in Parlia tant Marxist The question being asked chief, who withdrawal from Mr. Azarial policy, including the now is whether the name of ment, but Parliament loss ways the majority party, na party and revival will be the republic gain. clings to simon pure Soviet the defunct Radical Socialist xists for the relief of farm drid, which was of plans imposed by the Mar Alcala Zamora Street in Maformerly Right now Spain is pass Russian ideals, while Mr. party until he was placated laborers and ing through one of the worst Prieto, who influences a by with a promise of appoint workers in the cities would be changed again soon. The unemployed Alfonso XIII Street, may not periods in her history. She no means inconsiderable mi ment as Ambasador to Fran be ruinously uneconomical. newspaper the Socialista re is threatened with insolven nority of Spanish Socialists, ce.
cently spoke slightingly of Niceto Alcalá Zamora, who was removed from the PreNos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back sidency, and added that Mr.
de su recibo que dice: Azaña was a genuinely laic of receipt wlich reads: President who will serve Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office the republic and not the Va.
cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month tican, as did his predeces de cada mes sor. Other Leftist papers Be so good as to comply with this request and do not indicated with satisfaction Le rogimos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which that Mr. Azaña was a true de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take product of the republic and never had held public offic or figured in public life un til the advent of the régime.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
ty, said: our Compañía Eléctrica de Limón new

    BourgeoisieExtremistFranceGermanyItalyMarxismNazismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpain

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