
011 Thieves Persecute Nica ragucn. Judge COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY com FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
EDGAR YOUNG be will go.
CADO ENTRE 40 the year. Saturday, July 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE The Super Liner Crew MANAGUA, Nicaragua. the continual annoyances and bone of a shark surmounted 14 carat Dr. Hernández Somoza, an ornamental The Queen Mary is manone misdemeanors perpetrated by by On this occasion ned by a crew of approxima of the most popular and best these petty criminals are ruin gold head.
liked judges of Managua, hasing my temper and digestion a neat typewritten note was tely 1, 100 veteran oficers and LIMON become a victim of a syste and if continued will eventua deposited on my desk, read seamen rigorously trained in matic persecution by a band lly wreck my life. cannot ing, The evil that men do li the maritime traditions of the of petty thieves and criminals cat nor can sleep. What vos after them, the good is oft British Empire. Most of them Fábrica de Hielo interred with their bones. are members of the Royal Na many of whom he has either shall do?
fined or imprisoned.
y Refrescos My good friend, this is Whether the shark vertebrae Ivy Reserve. do not what has happened within the inspired the lines Sir Edgar Bricten.
Judge Somoza has a very good reputation and his court past ten days: One night the know, but the quotation from mocore of the fleet and mas the new liner, is a is regarded as an example for criminals took an autographed the illustrious English poet. ter of other courts to follow in the photograph of our great poet. Shakespeare, coupled with the Yorkshireman, born in April. republic Ruben Dario. Probably my disappearance of the photo 1874. His family intended to our famous Ruben direct him into a business ca would not like to give light fingered friends are poet graph of 1:p my life work. the judical and thought little about Dario, convinced me immedia reer, but like so many other LA FLORIDA ge said in an interview, but it. Then my best Panama hat tely that the leader of the ro famous captains in the Atlantic disappeared.
gues was a poet of no meanradez he had other ideas and knowledge.
followed them wilfully.
Fábrica de Hielo The third night the bandits He ran away at 18 and ap raided my ice box, absconding Venta de Leche But the greatest blow was prenticed himself to a sailing COMERCIANTE with a leg of venison and so the disappearance of my spec barque trading between Liver me beautiful luscious alligator tacles, and am now blind. pool and the American West y Maderas ESTABLECIDO EN LA PROVINCIA POR pears which would melt in will require several weeks TO PAGE 12 MAS DE 20 AÑOS your mouth. As can eat to secure lenses from abroad.
Vende al detal, Vinos y Li rheat only once or twice a in the meantime, everything cores exiranjeros y del país, week, my digestion will IF call the police Jamaica Proposes Island Wide Commissary Scheme abarrotes en general. upset by the loss of the ve the tormentors will increase Micelánea.
nison. And my good and dear their persecutions. have plac The Gleaner discloses the towns of the several parishes ESTABLECIMIENTO ESQUINA NORTE DEL MERfriend, allgiator pears are dif, ed a sign on my bedroom ta proposal of an elaborate sche number of reputable mer Sicult to secure at this time of ble: Please take me, for there me for the establishing of an chants are stated to hale iz cothing left.
all Jamaica Conmissary to tra signified their intention of Then my collar buttons de in grocers and provisions serwing on the Directorate, PERSONAL disappeared, and my maid said in an effort to recover some while the party principally early this morning, two men of the ground lost to alien tra interested in the matter has Although still rather in were seen lezving the house. The Mollisons may take Nedersa obit had more than twenty years disposed, we are glad we are but she was too frightened to The scheme provides for experience in the line. Tours able to notify our numerous give alarm. The following of have the opening in the city already been made readers, his large circle of day my gold watch was misgusto Ethiopia by Plane Kingston of che large store throughtout the Island and friends and well wishers that sing, a priceless gift from my similar to the commissaries promises of support obtained our Editor, Mr Nation, legal admirers and colleagues.
so familiar in these parts with from thousands of prospective.
has been able to leave the Cli Last night they took my Havo LONDON nic after undergoing a minor wellbeloved cane, which had tors Amy and James Mollison The famous avia chain stores in the principal shareholders.
operation and that he is now used daily for more than for may probably conduct the Negus recuperant ing in a more con ty years. This particular cane to Ethiopia to continue his camDIO genial climate.
consisted of the polished back paign against the invaders of his We hope soon to see him in empire. According to article pu.
his accustomed place bom blished in the Daily Herald of argongus rostorei tocais the 2nd. the journey would not LIMON, LIMON, usual good health. Change of Officials tri be made until after the termina TO tion of the rainy season in AbysWelll! What. sinia It is expected that the New Importación y Exportación Imports and exports be During the past week another gus would be taken in one of the Booth Bread, change was effected among our larger of the Mollison planes to DEPOSITO DE MADERA LUMBER DEPOSIT Biscuits Buns.
officia don Aurelio Castro, a point in the Soudan near the Without which you can boats who has for many years carried frontier of Ethiopia. Moliso Compra Caczo en grano Cocoa Purchased of eating the best out the duties of Provincial ins was awaiting definite instrue Berlin Bread pector of Hacienda and officer tions, however, from the Negus.
in charge of the Milla Maritime Booth Biscuits and other government lands The People Bakery has boºn transferred PuntarBEFORE nas his place bei taken by con Where you will get the best. Marcos Guido from that end FROM PAGE speak he was jeered and hoot In so far as the general the industry can produce.
seful in his speech and avoided by a number of Italian sucsuon of the conquest of ed any issinuations as to the were many prominent Tuews bhiopia is concerned, everyth Italo Ethiopian conflict, it was where many prominent news ing points to the fact that no however clearly tobe observ paper men, seven of these we action whatever will be taken ed that there exists an in Last Sunday game had to be These two youngsters punished ternat onal American policy cekeeping. The Negus e arrested and lodged in sathercon, that it will be left se abandoned on account of the the fast bowling of Robinson which is not in accord with his discourse in the Anharic many and lengthy speeches read verely alone, as in none of the heavy rains which fell Satur and treated the slow men with the territorial advances made tongue and it was immediate which followed that of the Ne day night and the follow ng mor scant courtesy. It was the ex by Italy by means of force.
ning, thus leaving the Clubs in cellent fielding of the Pathfindy translated into French and sus was the slightest referen the same position as they were edrs that stopped the score at 60 Onthe inauguratio of the English. He accused Italy of ce made thereto; Ras Nasibu last week end.
runs. When the Pathfinders Assembly there wis much opising subversive reasures az, however, in the name of were at the wickets. Wade and po. ition to the admission of uriag the past 14 years for Haile Selassie, sent a comThe following day we had the Smith were seen in excellent the Abyssinian delegation de conquest of his Empire, munication to the general Sec pleasure of seeing Campbell bowling form and completely which was headed by Haile ind that every effort of his etary of the League in which Sporting XI in action against controlled them with their slows. Selassie, but the President of co improve the civilization of he urges that the conquest by the Pathfinder The Sporting thus getting them all out for a the Committee on Credentials the country was opposed by Italy be not accepted and that were all got out for 60 runs. mere 34. Young Sewell, with a Cudela of Peru, declared them talian Agents and propagan Ethiopia be assisted financia Borrown 24 and Gordon little more experience, will be an legitimate and they were con Jists. He reiterated his conlly to continue the campaign 21 were made in dash ng style. opening batsman for his club 25 ridence in the League and ask against the invaders of his he shewed he would not be tem sequently admitted. what reply they were giv country.
pted by the slows. We hope to see The Belgian Delegate, Van ng him to take back to his José Achion Ng some more Monday Crickey from Zeeland, who presided, stated people. He declared his inten his Sporting XI. in his speech that the Leaguetion of continuing the fight COMERCIANTE DETALLISTA It may be stated that this XI had arrived at the crucial dan for the independence of his will undertake engagements with gerous point of its history for country.
Licores, Abarrotes, Crisany Club on the lines as well as the fate of one great section While there is the certain taleria. Artículos de Fe in Limon on mid week days. of humanity was in play, and tv that the annexation of Estrada rretería y Eléctricos; todo They are also prepared to enter that representatives of ma Ethiopia by Italy will not be se encuenza en este tain Clubs, from the Lines, in Abarrotes y Licores ny of the great Powers had recognized. it is also certain establecimiento a Limon on these days. Communi endeavoured to prevent the at the lifting of the Artículos del Pais Precios de Situación cations to be addressed to Negus from speaking for tions will be aprroved by the Precios Economicos Campbell. mon fear of the consequences of his Assembly as South Africa is LA IBERIA COSTA RICA discourse.
the bnly member nation in SPECTATOR On the Negus rising to cpposition thereto.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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