
Labour Superiority in Urged The Atlantic Vaice 9:6 Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone Editor Engibh Section: NATION Fierce representations are being made to the Uni ted Fruit Company as to the fulfilment of that section of the Banana Contract where stipulations were sought that the greater percentage of labour to be employed in the enterprise should be nationals.
Director Diario de Costa Rica Mr.
Año II Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday July 11th. 1936 No. 101 Ulate took the matter up in Cance at the insticos Serious Conflict Between our Municipality and. Mr. Allan Sime Our Last Week Banana Shipments Totalled 165, 254 Stems som a number national labourers who work the piers here; and it was referred by that Body to Mr.
Toledo of the Labour Department in charge of matters of labour disputes. The subject was later taken up with the Fruit Company when her officials made it appear de quite clear that while she has always manipulated her affairs, and is still so manipulating them, in such a manner as to give preference to the national labourer, yet there are some departments in which physical endurance and experience are of first necessity and if the national is not capable of undergoing such resistance and efficiency, the foreigner must be given preference.
The Company manifests that no special percentage was fixed by the law bearing on the Banana Concession.
This question is chiefly directed against the Negro labourer, but as a matter of fact it is hard to find twenty five per cent of the Negro element who are employed in the unloading and loading of Bananas who are not Costa Ricans born and bred. The principal aim is, however, directed at the Capataces or the men in charge of labour; but these are positions which have been earned after years of good service with marked efficiency in the handling of labour. Nationals who are capable will come into positions just as fast as they are found wor.
thy; but to expect that the Company or any other concern is going to disarrange the systematic working of their business to suit these impromptu demands is unreasonable to say the least of it.
The labour market in Costa Rica is getting keener and keener every day, and if great care be not exer.
cised in balancing the separate departments their is sure to be a crash and so it would be suicidal policy for the Company to place all her eggs in one basket.
up It is a matter of note that labourers are constantly being contracted in the Interior Provinces and brought here to assist in the different enterprises and works under execution around us, the result of which is the threatening cost of such labour. It is therefore neces. sary for organizers of labour to look well ahead and observe the subtle grasp which labour leaders are placing on their groups and the influence they are unconsciously wielding in this direction.
Experience is a very costly school, and so it be.
hoves employers as well as employees to be as wise as serpents when approaching this all important and vi.
tal issue.
Within the past few days a rumour caught onlike wild fire around the city that our well For the week ending the 7th. not only of benefit to producers known citizen, Mr. Allan Sime, instant, the very appreciable quan and their farm employees but are would be expelled from the countity of 165. 254 stems of bananasafíording the large number of try. Naturally, a rumour of this were sent abroad from this Port. labourers engaged in the loading kind needed investigation, so we On the 3rd. the Oldenburg of the ships larger earnings; they set about it and found that it loaded 71, 296 stems for Germany, are now averaging from sixty to had been caused from the conOn the 6th. 58, 038 went forwardeigthy colonis per week. As a con flict which was taking place bet by the Quirigua to New sequence of this there is a mark ween Mr. Sime and our Munici York, and on the 7th the Tied improvement in our economic pal Fathers.
vives took 35, 920 for New Or conditions especially among leans.
mercial circles.
Mr. Sime, as owner of Chitaria These increased shipments are Farm at La Bomba in Banana River also owns about five miles cf tramway the use of which the Municipality need for the carrying out of the improvements to From government circles it is It is also officially announced the City Water Works. Mr. Si announced that France has de that the British Admiralty would me charges this Body a monthly nounced the Mutual Mediterrean be immediately withdrawing all rental of 150 colones, under writAssistance Pact she concluded the additional units which were To page with England, Turkey, Greece nt to the Mediterrean on acand Yugoeslavia in December last, count of the Ethiopian warfare.
as it is believed that consequent These decisions are regarded on the lifting of the Sanctions generally as further efforts to seagainst Italy there no longer ex cure the participation of Italy in ists any danger from that source; the Locarno conferences as in algo England has, however, arranged those connected with the dificult with the Southern countries for question of the Dardanelles.
an extension of the agreement.
Very sorry are we to learn that we shall miss the associaFrance Abandons Mediterrean Pact Transfer of American Vice Consul Lion of Mr. Leslie Johnson, Vice ETHIOPIANS STILL FIGHTING Consul to the United States at this Port. While, however, we Rome has officially confirmed Addis Ababa railroad which was deplore our loss we glory in his the report that five Italian avia. damaged at different points and elevation to an important sta tors were slain by Ethiopian for several bridges destroyed by the of Ethiopians The Italian tion of the category of Gibraltar, ces in the western province troops whither he goes.
Jimma. The aviators are said to stationed in the locality were Mr. Johnson is one of those have been conveying a number compelled to requisition reinfor cultured American gentlemen Italians engaged in reconnoiter cements and these succeeded in not generally met with in these ing work, and when their planes dispersing the natives after ansmall places, we wish him bon anded in one of the mountainous engagement lasting nearly two voyage and success in his new regions, they were ambushed and days.
Ephere, and may his successor be killed. Later advices announce that found worthy of the mantle It is also stated that fighting the numbe rof Italians who were which falls to his lot.
of a rather serious nature have killed in the Jimma region occurred along the Djibouti mounted to fourteen.
Of the Glorious Fourth UNITED FRUIT Co.
FI CIGARRILLOS SERVICIO DE VAPORES VICTOR Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con escala en Cristóbal y Habana LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS Mos Vapores Salidas CIGAR LOS VICTOR The American colony of Costa Rica was in evidence last Saturday night when they entertained their guests in a right royal man ner.
What an immense group of Limon young ladies all posing for Birthday honours and suitors! We even saw Mass George there which showed us that all serious veins were cast to the wind and that the 4th, was indeed and infact a day of merriment. Plato said in The Banquet. Men call Love Eros, because he has wings: but Bachus has called him Pteros, becaume he has the virtue of giving wings. We there out wings in happy comradeship last Saturday night? Yes, and they did flip until broad daylight irrespective of Sunday dawn.
In Heaven, to learn is to see: On Earth, it is to remember.
The 4th of July 1936 at Community House will long be renembered. PETEN VERAGUA QUIRIGUA 12 de Julio 19 de Julio 26 de Julio ALVARADO Cía, 200 Su fama vuela de boca en boca Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica TELEFONO 3156 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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