
8 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, July 11 1936 Distinctive Features of Great Liner IMPORTANT NOTICE Paraguay to Seize Lands for Peasants DIVORCE The Queen Mary hull construc and also the tourist class smok cass cabins are two berth and In order to legalize their rights to Graves, tion differs strikingly from the ing room at the stern. Both the fuor berth types. Each room is more modernistic designs of cabin lounge and the smoking provided with fitted dressing Vaults or Sepulchres situate in the Cemeteries speed queens that have preceded room are two decks high and a tables and wash basins with hot of this City, all interested persons are required her in recent years The Bremen gallery connects most of thel and cold water, and is cooled and and Europa were really the first rooms of this deck.
heated with automatic Venta to make the necessary purchases for which big liners to deviate from the The main restaurant situated tion.
they will be extended Possessory Titles by this severe outer hull construction, on deck is the largest room on The Queen Mary is the crownJunta. In the absence of such Titles no persoand they came out to please and any ship. It extends the entire ing achievement of the Inscrit startle the world with beautiful width of the ship. 118 feet and is ors of Samuel Cunard dream nal rights will, in the future, be recognized.
ly rounded bridges, yachtlike 160 feet long. giving an area He conceived the idea of bulld Further information may be had al the lines and other features catalo an acre. The restaurant extending and operating a regular office of the gued as modern. While essen of 18, 720 square feet, almost hall transatlantic fleet of ships, and tially modern in every detail, the through three decks and is to in 1840 the first Cunarder, the Gunta de Asistencia Social de Limón Queen Mary looks more in ilne ped by a dome rising thirty fee! Britannia salled from Liverpool and style like the Aquitania or More than 800 passengers can on July She and three sister Berengaria than these other be seated in the room at one vessels were the first to cross newer liners. Her bridge, from time.
the ocean in regular runs. Tl:e the front, is straighter in tie Cabin class can accommodate Britannia was a wooden paddle vertical line and has less of the 155 passengers, tourist class 760 steamer of 207 feet and 131 BUENOS AIRES. project to live on and work the land rounded appearance.
and third nearly 600. The third gross tons.
for the distribution of 4, 000 000 with it, rent it or sell it until Her cesigners adhered to the acres of land among Paragua complete title is obtained knite edge tow, which tests have yan peasants was approved by The preamble of the law sta es demonstrated to be most prattiPresident Rafael Franco of Pa its purpose is to halt speculation cal In rough weather, and he rguay, said dispatches from Aby big landholders who have mliova. shaped cruiser stern wish suncion.
lions of idle acres, and enable insures greater stability. The Egbert Thompson vs. Eulalie lummer The law, drawn by the Para asants to obtain their own land Normandie has a counter stern The demand of Divorce, established by Egbert Thompson guayan Minister of Agriculture, and use it to increase Paraguay To give further stabiity and against Eulalie Plummer before the Civil Judge of this provin provides that idle land necessary national wealth and produc quietness the ship engines have for the program will be expro tion. The government has not ce, has come to its close with the following result. Toating power as used in mo It is decided by the Civil Judge that, in accordance with priated from holders of great announced when the law will be dern automobiles, and are cush the demand and with the articles cited from the Civil Code, tracts of undeveloped propo:ty come effective.
ioned against the frame.
Egbert Thompson and Eulalie Plummer be declarad LEGA.
The Queen Mary length at LLY DIVORCED without any responsibility on Thompson behAn issue of Internal bonds wol must promise not to speculate finance the plan, and the big the waterline ls 004 feet, longer alf. No claim from Thompson ex wife is valid.
landholders will receive bonds than any other ship, including Egbert Thompson Forbes.
EL in return for the land taken the Normandie, although the from them: The bonds wili beay French liner is longer over al! per cent interest with per at 0029 feet. The Queen Mary cent amortization annually.
is 1, 018 over all and has a beam Lots of from 10 to 200 acres Cantina Posada of 118 feet. She is 135 fees from WASHINGTON. The slow clining birthrate. Births have will be sold to peasants, who will keel to top of superstructure ani ing down of the growth in popu increased slightly in the last two have fifteen years in which to y Cafeteria 234 from keel to masthead. Her lation, revealed by the Bureau years, but the increase is regard pay, and in the meantime the Felipe Wing Ching gross tonnage is 80. 773 and her of the Census, lends credibility ed as a temporary interrump government will hold the mort displacement, 77. 500 tons.
to forecasts by government 50 tion of a long time down trend. gages. The peasants must agree Apartado 395 The liner special sirens are clologists that population may The population slightly more toned two octaves below middle reach a peak of 135. 000. 000 per than doubled between 1890 and a. and although they can be sons by 1950, become stationary 1935 to 127. 527. 000 estimated heard. cen miles dicant the tone for a while, and then decline. as of July 1, 1935, by the Bureau is such that passengers will not The decrease in population of Census. Currently, the popube disturbed. Even the most ne growth is attributed chiefly to lation numbers more than Two travellers arrived at the was rather sorry it was too uretle of the liner passergers immigration restrictions. con 128. 000. 000 person.
hotel and were shewn a rather lerge for me.
will find the sirens pleasant to tributing factor has been the del dingy room.
What, said one, does this piggOn the sports deck there is a ty cost?
Patient How can ever dog hotel with twenty six rooms, The proprietress promptly rep repay you, Doctor, for all your each with hot and cold running Hed. For one pig, thirty shilings: lindness to me?
water and accommodations sugfor two pigs, fifty shilings. Doctor. 05, that easily gestive of resort hotel advertise MEXICO. rebel band, ber of rifles were abandoned.
done, by cheque, postal order or ments. Trained attendants care was routed by a Federal cavaly It was believed the rebels, who cash.
for the pets of passengers, walk detachment at Sombrerete in Za are fighting Mexico Socialist ing them, brushing them daily catecas State.
education campaign, suffered ca Are you an Angel, daddy? asand feeding them according to sualties ked little Betty.
strict dietary schedules.
The rebels, under the leaders, Rebel bands are active in five. not exactly, my Died The liner has twelve decks Manuel Gausin and Juan Rojas central Mexican States, and Gendear, answered her father, moin Hospital from sports, sun, promenade to fought a three hour battle with eral Luis Bobadilla Chief of destly. Why do you ask?
Ancong those who passed main and through to Three the government soldiers at Chi Staff, estimates their strength Because, said she, heard Munaway recently in the San Juan times around the promenade vero Hill and then fied, leaving at 000 men.
de Dios Hospital were the folmy say she was going to clip deck is a mile. It contains most part of their equipment. Twenty your wings.
lowing from this Zone.
of the pub is rooms in cabin class eight saddled horses and a aumAntonio Guevara af Siguirres and Modesto Lopez of TalamanHave you seen my engagement ca, on the 14th. June.
Victor Balaeso Barahona also iing Jack gave me yesterday?
Yes, my dear, pretty, isn it: Siquirres on the 22nd. June. POPULATION NEARS PEAK CABALLO BLANCO IN LIGHTER VEIN Rebel Band Routed by Mexican Troops hl Weller Aviator Honoured by THE MIRACLE OF ICE FROM HEAT Queen Directorio profesional de San José THE NEW AIR COOLED ELECTROLUX Francisco Ross Ramírez Abogado y Notario SEE AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands. Using a self. designed and self. constructed air maABOGADOS NOTARIOS PUBLICOS chine, Anthony Fokkor twenty. five years ago obtained REFRIGERATOR a pilot license. Celebrating this event crowia on June 6th thron Héctor Beeche Luján ged the Amsterdam airfield to Abogado y Notario NO MOVING PARTS witness an air circus.
NO ELECTRICITY KEROSENE BURNER USES NO WATER only Fabio Fournier Jiménez PERMANENT SILENCE Queen Wilhelmina not sent a representative but also EFFICIENT Abogado y Notario conferred the Order of the Net.
herland Lion on the noted air Jorge Fernández Alfaro FOR FULL PARTICULARS plane designer. Among those at Abogado y Notario SEE AGENT FOR LIMON PROVINCE the celebration were Cabinet members and high ranking Amadeo Johanning Hijo JOHNSTON litary officers. The city of AmsAbogado y Notario BRITISH VICE CONSULATE PORT LIMON terdam gave Mr. Fokker its silver come driadel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotec Ramiro Brenes Gutiérrez Medico Cirujano INGENIEROS Humberto Berrtolini Ingeniero Co: structor Ested decade la Riblinteca Nacional


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