
THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, July 11 1936 rising in Panama Crushed The Loss of another Citizen llowing on recent accounts There was quite a rumour that It is with profound regret we pathisers who attended shewed ters and son in law and other e political movements in our a prominent revolutionary leader record the loss of another of our how widely appreciated and res relatives abroad The Atlantic hbouring Republic of Pana Lad arrived in this country with widely known and respected ci pected she was.
Voice tenders it ssincerest conwe have been told that some the idea of purchasing materials tizens, Mrs. Rhoda Lord.
To her sorrowing sons, daugh colence.
ping has actually occurred. nf war to be sent over to Pa Coming to Costa Rica with ooner than the reports were rama, but it turned out to be her husband from Panama mad in by the National Elec unfounded.
ny years ago, Mrs. Lord became Board that Dr. Juan DeAll is now reported to be quiet a permanent resident of our cienes Arosemena had won in that country and Dr. Arose ty, where she ever exemplified lection campaign, leading his ist competitor by 1, 765 vo dent of the Republic.
mena will be the future Presi the life of a true Christian, devoted mother and loyal friend; information was also renderof her it may truly be saia, she the authorities that there was the friend of all, the enemy a quantity of arms and am Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON of none.
tion hidden away at a plaA few years ago her health amed Chorrera. squad of gave way and nothwithstanding le was consequently Plispatall the medical attention affordin search of same, and on Abogado y ed her, coupled with a change arriving at the spot there to a more congenial climate in exchange of shots bet Notario Público the interior, she continued to suf them and the supposed refer until she peacefully fell inOficina: Altes Pas the latter were eventually to her last long sleep on Tuespowered, the arms and am cual Ingianna day the 7th. instant, surrounded stion recovered, and an unby her loved ones.
The funeral ceremonies were all itional surrender effected.
performed at St. Mark Church of which denomination she was And all forms a staunch member, and the larties THE GIFT SHOP ge number of friends and symSAL UVINA (THE RIGHT SALTS)
For Liver and Stomach Ailments an INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF Flatulence Indigestion of Stomach 152 land Colics Disorders Hospitalization for Drug Fiends FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES ANTIQUES AND SOUVENIRS ay due Large assortment of genuine old indian pottery.
no Beautiful objects in native woods.
Ibe PRICES REASONABLE alat DIRECTION: From Hotel Costa Rica, cast 15 yards on car line right hand side, before Drug Store Nueva Botica on corner.
MISS BROAD Sucr. BOX 551 SAN JOSE COSTA RICA LOOK FOR THE INDIAN SIGN MANUFACTURED BY: HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA The Minister of Public Health has decided, with the approval oi the Executive, that all persons known to be Drug Fiends are to be hospitalized in one of the wards of the Lunatic Asylum; the former occupants, who are SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA a erious Conflict Between. Incurabie hunated but sin mo wa Electric Co. to soon resume Complete lunatics no Service e too ms that ever Ahorre. Joar பர dangerous, been transfern page To be classified a pernicious red to the Asylum for Incuracontract, for the use of his person, one must be proven to be bles.
The many customers of the been able to notify our Mun. cle way with the additional a activating against the laws and The hospitalization of these ad. National Electric Co. who now pal authorities they anticipate re ment that the Corporation best interests of the country whe aicts is being undertaken not on suffer from lack of electric ser suming their full service by the ay fifty per cent of its rein such a one resides. many as a mean sof minimising the vice will be pleased to learn that end of the current month. They intenance. The monthly rental or Mr. Sime industrial proper traffic in pernicious drugs but of the repairs, which are being pro bave also intimated their ineonon the Corporation solici sities can hardly be classified as curing the large number of our visionally made to the machine tion of according their customera on reduced to 125 colones, Mr. subversive tendencies.
He people who are known to indulge 1y, are progressing so satisfac proportional rebates for the peclaims that this govern transacts no business with the in the eviee.
torily that the Company have riods during which their service tal Institution has not com Panama Lottery: none with stu1 with either its written or pefying Drugs nor yet with any lied obligations. He further of the other transactions forbluas a result of the den by the government. As a lard damages during the latterse Produce and Lumber merof last year he had to exchant, an extensive real Estate 14, 000 colones to repair the and Agricultural Proprietor, as away, of which amount the well as a manufacturing Chemist, nicipality have not yet paid he can hardly be thought of as their balt, nor have they a Communist Leader. Therefore paying the monthly rental. the rumour is but one of those npleasantness naturally began means usually adopted to wound vida está siempre en espera del resulted in the members of one susceptibilities, but one hombre que tiene el dinero neMunicipal Board passing a which really brings in the long nt resolution declaring Me. run more good than harm, As one cesario en el momento preciso de An Enemy to the Com of our patrons we gladly make Juss ity and that the Executive the correction in public sentiUsted debe ser de esa clase sicil be requested to have him ment. If a man is to be declarde hombres lled from the country as ed an enemy to the State because inte ona Perniciosa. of protecting his private interests, Ith respect to such a request even though by so doing he conSime says, in an article pub flicts with the interests of a pact aliced in the Diario de Costa Ri of the State, then may God save use the 7th. instant, that it is us from such Despotism.
Municipal authorities who e deported themselves in It evident that a conflict is ner of such lack of serious on and the Executive will have in business acumen that it to investigate to see where the not be qualified, blame lies.
El éxito en los negocios y en la Banco de Costa Rica SUCURSAL DE LIMON ise VALUE OF HUMAN BODY AS COMMERCIAL PRODUCT irez Stolen or Strayed! Perdida o Robada my Racing Filly Una Yegua de Carreras City Bride City Cride Tez Colour, Bay with two white Color Relinto con dos palas points: White Streak in Forehead.
blancas y Raya Blanca en la frente.
nyone giving me or this Joural information which will lead La persona que me de informes her recovery will be suitably para recobrar dicha yegua serewarded ra gratificada por Clarke. El Encanto Ramal Monte Verde Ah eminent American Scien most solid material in the bo reduced scientifically to commer tist estimates that the value of dys is supposed to contain twencial products, it would, according the chemicals contained in the ty seven per cent. The remain to the scientist, produce one larbody of the average man are not cer is inade up, he calculates, ge dose of magnesia, about two worth more than a couple of dolo: line, phosphate of magnesium, pounds of sugar, enought fat to lars, though an exceptional spe phosphate of calcium, calcium make seven bars of soap. su cimen might fetch a little more. fluoride, and a fatty substance, ficient phosphorus for 000 matHe estimates Blood as ninety collagen, which may be reduced ches, enough lime to wash a chicper cent water, Liver as sixty to gelatine by boiling.
ken house and iron enough for nine per cent; while Bone, the If, therefore, the body were two small nails. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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