
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, July 11 1936 HATS AT THE JAMAICA STORE BREEDY 16 On the Subject of Health ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME pod Jars Doc re ore To Drenth side app dial the Nike Bro on B Although niether a doctor nori vilization and conditions will manent relief is to be attained, a Druggist, am sending this not however permit this to a the crgan must be treated in contribution on this subject in very large extent: but we should its entirety. The majority of peo LIMON, LIMON, response to your invitation in endeavour to eat largely of un ple do not know what real health your issue of the 27th June. cooked fruit and vegetable ex and vitality mean, because they Importación y Exportación Imports and Exports regard most ai ments as pose our bodes to the air and never actually enjoy them. Indis being due to wrong living habits sunshine wherever and whenever positions are regarde as o matwhich may be avoided, or cured possible and avoid drugs and ter of course and are believed to DEPOSITO DE MADERA LUMBER DEPOSIT by correct living instead of by stimulants. This will considera be caused by the weather socal drugs, serums, vaccines, etc. bly improve our health led germs or other external conCompra Cacao en grano Cocoa Purchased have been studying the living ditions. Our present Social and conditions of mankind for years, That which we call disease is economic systems, whia are and it this which inthuses me to really a process of purification largely upheld by greed and let my felloween know my opl on the part of the system a speselfishness and which have for nion on such an import topic.
clal effort of the organism their highest goal the accumulfor the neglect of hygienic mea tor permits and readers to sures.
burn up and throw off abnorma lation of material wealtn aie prove, will further contr.
It is a fact that very few of our quantities of waste poisons also responsible to a great extent Enough for today: reflect on to these Talks.
people are well and free from what is here written. If the EOmminius impairment that a large part of the world present population is subnormal, and that enormous Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso sums of money We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back are annually de su recibo que dice: lost on account of preventable of receipt which reads: Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofiillnesses and curable physical This bill must be paid at our office defects. Even a high percentage cina dentro de los primeros 10 días of our school children have phy.
de cada mes before the 10th of the month cal or mental defects. while Be so good as to comply with this request and do not many of our men and Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena women oblige us to suspend our service, a step which suffer from some constitutional de tener que corlar su servicio.
we would much regret to take disease, and an army of physicians and nurses are regular y employed to look after the sick Large zums are also constantly being spent in often futile attempts to restore the health of, which have their origin in our England Opens those who suffer as a consequer. perverted dietetic and hygienic ce of their Ignorance and, hebits.
New Airport faulty habits of living. Many have become criminals through Nature does not provide any 0mental and physical sickness, remedies for diseases. She LONDON The new airport thus causing the nations large flicus penalties for every trans at Gatwick, Surrey has been annual expenditures. Drugs, st. gic son of her laws. She warns formally opened by vismulants, serums. vaccines are us in time with her signals in count Swinton of Masham, Sevseless, because they only inter the form of catarrh. in lamafere with nature healing proces tion, pain, etc. But these warn cretary of State for Air. It has ses, yet they are proclaimed cu ings, are as a rule, never needed been in regular use by British to airways for the past month.
res for cancer, tuberculosis dia or are misunderstooddue This opening to all classes of betes, etc, only to be abandoned Ignorance. When abno nal contraffic was marked by an air after a period of unsatisfactory, ditions arise in our organism the fastest experimentation. All this tre the fundamental cause must be display, in which mendous waste of modern civili foung and this is usually the re squadron of Royal Airforce fight zation is largely due to the al sult or wrong living.
ers and other military and civil alrcraft took part. Lord Swinmost universal Ignorance of the fundamental laws of life and Merkind has not widerstood ton, who arrived by air, was the health the fact that the body is principal guest at a luncheon at: an tended by 600 guests before the organic whole; that diseases We find the right living con have one common soir, dimi Opening ceremony. ditions were given to Adam and Most of the countries linked Eve in Paradise, and they would nishe vital force from the reten by services of British airways in tion of waste poisons.
greatly improve our own health cluding France, Germany. the if we tried to live as closely as Netherlands, Denmark and Swe possible as those two did or were Pain is but a symtom of dis den, were officially represented supposed to do. Present day cd order, and if any real and per at proceedings.
Compañía Eléctrica de Limón BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA La Protectora del Hogar Ne bro lot BANCO DEL ESTADO UNICO EMISOR SOLE BANK OF ISSUE STATE BANK מות ofrece al público los servicios de su Offers the Public the Services of its Ton NUEVA POLIZA DE VIDA Tenemos mucho gusto en presentar esta póliza la cual constituye el más reciente esfuerzo del seguro de vida en beneficio de las familias, Este nuevo contrato le garantiza en caso de su muerte prematura: Un pago de su seguro inmediato. Una renta mensual hasta que el menor de sus hijos alcance su mayoridad. El pago completo de la suma asegurada, al final Infórmese hoy mismo lo fácil que protege a su familia por medio de este seguro de vida.
BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE او EN LA IN THE Ra ine Ciudad de Limón City of Limon para toda clase de servicio bancario All kinds of Bank Service Rendered nd Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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