
Sarurday, July 11 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 11 Pan America Pact Fa vored in Brazil CHURCH AFFAIRS one צאות rican can rae.
SALOMON CHIN WEE LE tools RIO DE JANEIRO. The Pan By FRANK GARCIA As an indication of the ideas American peace conference soon forming in the minds of Latinto meet in Buenos Aires, on the tacked, Brazil had no choice but American statesmen, It is certanly very pleasant to Word has been received from initiative of President Roosevelt, to defend that country. and thus quote the recent utterances of once more have Father Belut a our much beloved Bishop Wollmay settle for Latin Americans the doctrine was upheld and abet Chancellor José de Macedo Soa rong us. The Rev. Father was zarten that he will be here in the old dispute about the Monroe ted.
res of Brazil.
une of those who helped to plant time for the confirmation of the Doctrine. Interpreted in many dit Of course, voices from among The Monroe Doctrine, the the good seed in Limon in years English speaking children of his ferent ways, the doctrine enun the people of Latin America have Chancellor said, raises principles of yore, and all his flock are flock on the 15th, August. Much ciated by President Monroe in been heard from time to time as preparation is being made by the 1823 har often served in the past sailing the doctrine. The truth is which, being peculiar to the Ame glad to have him back again.
Continent, justify Ladies the Monroe Doctrine was Auxiliary Father Belut has come to subs Church units to give their Good and as the target for attacks on so that other called Yankee imperialismo kept for a long time shut in the serve as the theoretical base for titute Father Acosta who is un Shepherd a hearty welcome hoNotwithstanding what the feel vaults of Washington, thus giving the creation of an international fortunately suffering in the Hos American law. The point is not ing may have been in the Chan the impression that it was the ex celleries of other Latin American clusive property of the United new; it was broached in 1905 by pital. We do hope he will early countries, most Brazilian Chancel States, to be wielded solely by Alexander Alvarez, Chilean de recover from the malady which lors have interpreted the Monroe Uncle Som. Many said that it legate to the third Latin Ameri has prostrated him and be able to once more move among his can Scientific Congress, held in Doctrine as an instrument of prospelled tutelage.
Rio de Janeiro that year.
tection to the American Continent But a change of front do from the territorial ambitions of place in the Wilson administraother nations.
tion and the feeling of irritation 3rd. Dividend for the Keith Estrad In 1917 when the United States and mistrust abated. To President entered the World War on the Roosevelt the credit is given for Bank Creditors Abarrotes y Licores side of the Allies, Brazil not only bringing the present friendly feel Artículos del País applauded the action but imme. ing on ell fronts in Latin AmeWe take this opportunity of menced distributing the Third Di 19090 diately made common cause with rica toward the United States. Ap advising creditors residing in this vidend recently authorized by to Precios Economico the United States. At the time, parently the much abused Yankee Zone, that the local Branch of Trustess of the Keith Bank Bant: LA IBERIA Nilo Pecanha, then Chancellor of imperialistic ghost is now laid, the International Bank has com ruptcy.
Brazil, ruled that inasmuch as though lately it was temporarily ol an American country had been at raised by University of Puerto Rico students.
180 Monroe Doctrine Pivot. It can be stated that the most Booth Bread, important issue to come before Biscuits Buns.
the Buenos Aires Pan American 128 PREMIOS Without which you can boats peace conference will be that reof eating the best.
lating to a common alliance of la otra lotería solo da 107 premios por cada 1000 billetes.
Berlin Bread all the Americas. The Monroe Booth Biscuits Pivot, as the principle of political unity, though associated with eccon más probabilidades onomic measures already outlined de sacar premios.
Where you will get the best.
the industry can produte.
by Vargas, Justo, Alessandri and AYUDE AL HOSPITAL AL ASILO CHAPUI others.
Well. What. Por cada 1000 billetes, la LOTERIA NACIONAL da Doctrine is expected to form the Compre LOTERIA NACIONAL The People Bakery.
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN HAPPENINGS AROUND US EDGAR YOUNG We wish to announce we have passed our eighth year of The Minister of Public Healthy, of the examinations of vendors It should be well known that Existence although the Skepties say nothing lasts long here.
has issu a salutary lesson to in canteons, cafes, and hotels as all aliens found trafficing in morWe have succeeded, because we have never deceived our members. You can fool the people some of the time; you can his Sanitary Officers: he is aga well as of pedlars, that fully fir phine, cocaine, opium, or such fool half of the people most of the time; but you can never inst placing fines against house teen of every hundred persons like stupefying drugs will be exfool all the people all the time.
holders for noncompliance of or are unfit to handle and sell eat pelled from the Republic, as also Remember that though we suffered from one Bank failders in sanitary matters. His ideas ables, being afflicted with conta those found dealing in Panama ure, we have met ALL OUR OBLIGATIONS up to date. We have never had cause to close our doors. We have paid Death are to have the work done and gious diseas Tickets and Chanc Grants for one hundred and four persons. We pay the same have the proprietors pay fifty per amount for Dependents as for Members; we do not make Bond cent above the actual cost of saof the on and Flesh of the other. It is no use, the Minister says, The small coffee producers are There are still many persons Shou you join our SICK DEPARTMENT we do not out limit your weekly Benefits; as long as you remain ill in bed to place a fine on the parties with demanding that they should be who have not taken their you receive your Benefits iſ even for One Year.
out rectifying the insanitary con paid in gold or its equivalent.
Cedulas of Idenitfication. We If you are seeking Help in the Hour of Need, join the ditions complained about.
They claim that the United Fruit warn them of the necessity of ONLY safe and reliable Society, the 0Company pays for bananas on a doing so; as without it one may COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION In the vigilance displayed for gold basis Established in Limon, 5th May, 1928.
and that cocoa ex. soon find himself unable to board safegurring the public in connec porters pay for that product after train, go on to the Pier, or into tion with the foodstuff gold them, a gold rate pr vailing in foreign the Post Office, Market or any it has been discovered as a result markets. Why, therefore, they say, Iother public office under a penINTERNATIONAL BREVITIES cant the coffee exporters, who alty of a fine of five colones, get paid in gold, liquidate them According to cable advice from frible and long drought being exon a gold basis as per foreign New York, the 14th of July cele perienced over a large area of prices.
brations were respeonsible for the the United States and adjoining loss of 400 lives; 205 being oc 0parts of Canada, the inhabitants COMERCIANTE casioned by automobile accidents are undergoing much sufferings.
The proposition for reducing and 107 by drowning.
More than 200 thousand families.
ESTABLECIDO EN LA PROVINCIA POR the number of Deputies in Condistributed in 27 States, are said MAS DE 20 AÑOS gress from 43 to 33 has met a to be in immediate need of help. Vende al detal, Vinos y Li failure, there are however those LIMON in many of the affected districts cores exiranjeros y el país, who consider that the 33 would While taking part in earial the heat has averaged more than abarrotes en general be quite enough and another efMicelánea.
manoeuvers near Mexico City. 100 points during the past month fort will, it is expected, be made Fábrica de Hielo two milltary planes collided and, and meteorogical observations do ESTABLECIMIENTO EQUINA TORTE DEL MER CADO to obtain the reduction.
INTRE 42 si crashing to earth, killed four well not indicate early rains.
The administration of don Leon Refrescos known Mexican aviators.
Cortes is doing everything to reduce expenditure and to see that everyone carns the salary paid Last Tuesday a proposal, which ty shall be settied by an Arbitra him, for which the country will number of ex government should be of much interest to a tion Board to be composed of the thank him, officials have been arrested in large section of our readers, was Government Banana Inspector There is rt no reason why the Kavana on a charge of conspir laid before Congress.
for the District, the principal lo country should not be run more The project suggests that when cal Official and a neighbouring economically. In the time of don LA Ing to launch a rebell on a rainst FLORIDA the constitutional regime: It is ever the owner or party in pos Banana fermers the last to be no Rafael Yglesias the country afslso believed they were implieat session of a private tramway in minated by the owner of the fairs were carried on at a cost of fed in a plot to assassinate Colo any of the Banana Zones fails to tramway.
four million colones; today they nel Batista, agree with a producer as to the The proposal further provides cost over thirty Venta de Leche four millions amount to be paid per bunch for that the findings of such a Board though the population has not the transportation of his bananas shall always be final and binding doubled. Maderas As a consequences of the ters lover such tramway, the difficul. on all concerned.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY Important Arbitration Board Suggested 70 FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
Fábrica de Hielo

    ImperialismWorld War

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