
THE 236 MI Much Ado About Nothing FU The Atlantic Vaice or more OS SVET Etien des an Nacis Due to the terrorism of Contrabands and Contra bandists in the Atlantic Ports, much vigilance has been exerted latterly in the Customs House here with the reDevoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone sult that much anxiety is being evinced on the part of Editor English Section: NATION merchants and others; complaints are also heard of the amount of delay experienced in the dispatching of mer Ano II Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday July 181h. 1936 No. 102 chandise due to the scrutiny of individual packages as a safeguard against the illegal entry of goods. Incoming passengers have complained, too, of the exorbitant rate: NEW SHIPPING EUROPE AND HER TROUBLES in consequence of their ignorance of the laws in this Hitler and Schuschnigg have, will ANNOUNCED return to her vomits respect.
settled their differences and stand alone.
Some, who may bring small presents for friends or there is every likelihood of an Aus The Moscow government says, relatives, are said to be charged impossible prices, beFor the first time in history, tro Italian German understanding in face of the danger likely from cause of the articles being made of some silken or other a Japanese shipping firm will being effected to once the un. on of Austria, Germany material which bring them under the category of luxu inaugurate a line of steaner: form the Triple Alliance; but as and Italy it is necessary for Ru ries. Again, others who have been dealt with decently for continuous trade with this Victor had already fooled Wi sis to inaugurate defensive prein byegone days, are now brought under the lash. Toucountiy.
Lelm there is no certainty of parations so orders have been girists, for example, were never scrutinized in taking a The initial boat of the Hitler trusting him that much. ven tothe civil and military powasaki Kishen Kaisha line will In consecuence of this few bottles of liquer on their trains for their personal new puiations of Moscow to join gi arrive in Puntarenas With:a a grouping England has express gantic manoeuvres of defence use; they are now required to pay the regular duty week and the Republic Execu ed her determination to conti against aerial attacks and the charges for the convenience.
tive Council has been officially rue the Mediterranean Pact with use of poisonous gases. These mu These restrictions are brought about in consequence notifled of the inauguration of Greece, Turkey, and the other noeuvres will last for seven days of the rumours of smuggling, but as a matter of fact the trade which constitutes Pun Southern countries, France has and it is expected that persons tarenas a regular Port of Call in withdrawn from this Pact hence of all ages and of both the Administratio)ı seen to be more frightened than sexes the South American nezary. It is left to be seen whether she must take part in them so as to hurt. There have indeed been a few attempts, but the be able to be on th edefensive at culprits were caught and brought to justice, which proany moment ves that the past administration, while causing less in BRITISH MONARCH ESCAPES ASSASSINATION The political controversy be convenience, was not at fault in their vigilance and Spain has reached such a etisis LONDON, 16.
tnat it has culminated in the NA activity. We have not yet heard of any captures being King Edward VIII narrowly made during the present regime, hence we must conclu.
ders of Lieutenant Castillo, a pro excaped being assassinated de one of two things, either that the extreme vigilance minent Communist, and ot Clio when self. styled Sotella, the leader of the Moal enforced by don Ricardo Mora regime has had the newspaperman George Annarchists; the Conservatives are derlu effect of putting an end to the schemes of the contra drew Mahon pointed a pisnow with them, hence a Pierce de a bandists, or that the efforts of the present one are not tol at him just as the moand bloody battle is threatening narch was riding at the head yet as effective.
which has caused President Aza of the Guards through Marde But really, the only cases of smuggling of which ble Arch so to suspend all parliamentary on Constitution meetings.
Hill after having presented leuk any one has heard were those discovered by our Customs Large numbers of Guards, therefore we may conclude there were no others new colours to the six battaFascists are being arrested as a lions. Mahon was prevented emand that the zeal of don Ricardo men had put an end esult of the discovery of anoen luito contrabanding in the Atlantic Ports. We, consequentfrom taking aim by the ther well organized plot to start revolutionary movements in dir Lario opportune interference of a ly, feel that some of our Customs Officials are catching bystander, and in a flash a ferent localities.
exis at the Broken Reed to which our Lord referred when mounted policeman and five been KING EDWARD VIII An agreement has now He asked For what went ye out to see, a Reed shaken on foot had disarmed the rently the pistol was knock reached regarding the Davdaneones with the wind. would be assassin, packed ed out of the man hand les difficulties and it is expectSecre Indeed, we have much more than smuggling in our him into an ambulance and just in time, and the flying ed the formel Pact will be signmidst which need urgent attention. We have our Martaken him away to Scotland weapon struck the rear leg u by the contracting Powers darYard. His Majesty behaved of the King charger, which is the coming week. The agree ket; we have our Waterworks, so necessary for our Sa with remarkable coolness reared and started prancing ment abolishes the International nitary conveniences; we have our Darkness to be turn throughout the trial. Appa(TO PAGE Commission which was in control ed into Light; we have our Municipal Baths to be attend od gives Turkey the right of reed to, and we are yet awaiting the construction of our CONTACT ADDIS ABABA ATTACKED: GENL. GRAZIANI rtifying the demilitarized zone.
mewireadway to the Cemetery. conference is scheduled If Smuggling is to be permanently cured then there WOUNDEDAM place in Brussels between En ar is should be a lowering of the duty rates. Who would riand, France and Belgiuma fOY From Djibouti, French Somali Ler Abyssinian troops in Danathink of attempting to run a contraband if the duties land, comes the unconfirmed re kali, while confirmation the purpose of fully examining the was Duropean situation in view of were amenable to reason none but the most degenerate port that foreigners in Addis Aalso received the papers said of the recent Austro German como trader. In the times of don Rafael Yglesias and don Asaba are taking refuge in the end the assau on the tom of Harmelo cension Esquivel a bottle of whisky was sold for only respective Legations in view of Tialo German agreements.
the threatened attack by larfour colones, so who would then have worried about ge body of Abyssinian troops suppale smuggling in a bottle; but today due to excessive duty posed to be nearing the city. The ela and iniquitous exchanges the price having risen to report also stated that the town bradltwenty colones there is certainly the incentive to sin. of Harrar was being attacked by another force of natives.
SERVICIO DE VAPORES It was fuurther rumoured that Marshall Graziani had been either Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York killed or dangerously wounded, and that the Italians, in reprisal con escala en Cristóbal y Habana Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón tor the killing of their fellows national in Wallega had put hun LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS para EUROPA dreds of Abyssinian to beath by executions and burnings.
AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS (Santander, Flymonth, Cherbourg, Amsterdam One can but wonder if this is Bamburgo)
a sample of that triumph of ciVapores Salidas vilization of wbich Mussolini aM. CORDILLERA Julio 18. 1936 gain boats in his discourse respecting the lifting of the sanc VERAGUA 19 de Julio Para GUATEMALA tions.
The French newspapers of the QUIRIGUA 26 de Julio (Puerto Barrios y Livingston)
16th. instant confirm the report PETEN de Agosto that Add Ababa had been atM. CARIBIA tacked by a strong body of Abys Agosto 10 sinian troops and that General ALVARADO Cía, Graziani was seriously wounded SERVICIO DE CARGA y PASAJEROS In the severe fighting which Agentes para Limón Puntarenas took place. Ras Nassibu is said Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a to be despatching a sufi. entiv Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas strong force from Gore to assist de la United Fruit Company en los bajos de)
the movement against the Capi tal City Gran Hotel Costa Rica Agencia en Costa Rica Telefono 2086 An Italian detachment Is TELEFONO 3156 reported annihilated by irreguEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
BADO to rar.


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