
why not.
ELECTROLUX THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, July 1936 THE SPICE OF LIFE POLICY PLEASES MEXICAN ENVOY THE MIRACLE OF ICE FROM HEAT MEXICO. There are no prol Questioned regarding the ac In this husband of yours 45 eni, between the United Sta tivities of anos pres dent Ply man who falls for the first wo28 End Mexico and never fare teren cile and his exile man who comes song? Is hould reinirns between two count: ca.
SEE inta United State THE NEW AIR COOLED been inore cordial than today the basador said, In effect Then what type is he? The kind said Ambassader Francisco Catat no otice is being taken of who falls for the first these til Najera on his tehere General Cales and that 99 per cond, the third, and all the rest from Washington cent of Asner eans are unaward fter that.
REFRIGERATOR Thanks to the spiris. of uid that he is in the country.
standing on the part of the Mr. Castillo Najera added that merican Government and this return is for the purpose of NO MOVING PARTS fact that it is converting into report ing on his mission to NO ELECTRICITY KEROSENE BURNER She. Did you ever wonder practice all its offers tu mnt Washington. He will take a short USES NO WATER PERMANENT SILENEC why a woman can raise a mus tain international harmony the holiday, after which he will reEFFICIENT tuche. re are no difficulties. turn to his post.
Barber Did you ever see paths he said.
grasa Erowing on a busy street!
Not at dangerous as it is to In order to legalize their rights to Graves, DRINK CAUSES AFFRAY make love to his widow Vaulis or Szpulchres situate in the Cemeteries News has reached us of an af Two men, said to be Weat In1 of this City, all interested persons are required fray which took place a week ago cians, met in the establishment to make the necessary purchases for which in Parismina and resulted in one of a Chinese, and after imoibing Mrs. won have you nbusn the parties being somewhat heavily began quarelling when they will be ex ended Possessory Titles by this ing the servants. My maid has seriously wounded, while Che one of them, drawing a razor just given notice; she said you Junta. In the absence of such Tilles no perso oth was placed in the care of inflicted re wound under HE our police authorities.
ze arm of his erstwhile friend. spoke insüngly over the phone mrzi is will, in the future, be recognized.
Mr. Oh, my dear, m very sorry: thought was speaking Further information may be had at the tc you.
office of the Junta de Asistencia Social de Limón ABOGADOS 10 ARIOS PUBLICOS Francisco Ross Ramírez My dear, if should ever leaAbogado y Notario ve you for another woman can HAY. FEVER REMEDY FOUND you realize whot would be neces Héctor Beeche Luján sary to bring me back?
LONDON After an exten the majority of the patients at Abogado y Notario Yes, a stretcher.
ded trial lasting more than five free from attacks of ordem Ramiro Brenes Gutiérrez years authorite; In the physio hay fever for a year. Precare Fabio Fournier Jiménez Médico Cirujano therapy department of St. Geor tionary app ications are give for Abogado y Notario ge Hospital, Londoa, are at the end of the year and cca can begin to describe the tisfied they have developed a year later. Thereafter inere Jorge Fernández Alfaro INGENIEROS way feel about my husband. treatment for hay fcver. Duelos usually no recurrence or ti Abogado y Notario Words can express it, eh?
the trial period the treatment trouble.
Yes, they can, but m too la has been successful in 69 per Many cases were recorded Amadeo Johanning. Hijo Humberto Berrtolini dy like to use them.
cent of the cases.
wisich patients previcusly Wer The treatment involves apunable to visit rural districts Abogado y Notario Ingeniero Cor structor plication by electricity of a cual account of severe attacks of ing of ionized zinc to the inside fever. They are now able to a of the nostrils. Three of four ap. So without any ill effects COCOA PICKING plications are givea, after which te treatment, Car a Directorio profesional de San José Read The Atlantic Voice DIVORCE Accor peru his article is to serve as a of the hardships and difficulties foreword for the poe u Cocou the cocoa pickers must undergo Picking, which by the kadri In the work of producing this non of our noble edito: indispensable article of diet Egbert Thompson vs. Eulalie lumrcer be published in parts of four of and to create in the heart of SIEZED IN five verses welkly.
the publica sympathy that The demand of Divorce, established by Egbert Thompso The poem is compiled of swen should break down the unwar COLOMBIAN PLOT against Eulalie Plummer before the Civil Judge of this Provi COM ty six stanzas each of x unes ranted prejudice and scorn ce. ard may be measured to Iambie with which the cocoa pickers are It is decided by the Civil Judge that, in accordance will tetrameters with trimeters, ignored; so that a high and BOGOTA, Colombia. the demand and with the articles cited from the Civil Code Tiscugh the subject of trel strong feeling of recognition Primitivo Crespo, newspaper Egbert Thompson and Eulalie Plummer be declared LEGI poem is based on an emp oy may be built up in favour of publisher of California, was LLY DIVORCED without any responsibility oa Thompson bell doa ment that revea drudgasy, yo those who give for low wage. arrested on a charge of plott alf. No claim from Thompson ex wife is valid.
ir, the entire poem the is wn their service to satisfy with this ing a military coup to overEgbert Thompson Forbes.
aud humour coupled wila bright indispensable article of diet, the throw the government durE luxons for our daily in needs of rich and poor, great ing President Alfonso Lotine. These should do cr ur and small whether they he sub oez proposed visit to EcuaWor NICARAGUA ASKED TO ADMIT JEWS the production to serve as sutject or sovereign dor and Peru.
ficent good ready matter. Patronm of this weekly jou The Minister of Govern An American Hebrew Associa of Prinzapolka and Cape Gracia che public who, naturaliy, will nal shou not miss the privileg mcnt, Alberto Ligras Ca tion has asked the government a Dios, and devote themselves connectly ace it of reading this interesting poein margo, says he is certain of of Nicaragua to permit the entry agricu tural pursuits, for wht: Healthy criticsms will not which is a source of wealthy in the loyally of the army and into that Republic of one million they would bring all the nece only be welcomed, but cons der formation.
that calm prevails throu Jews and their fam lies. sary implements and machine ed a favour by the author.
ghout the country.
Should the permission be ob The application is now reze sed The simplest language is emCon Adj Howlitt The leaders and others in tained the immigrants would it ing the consideration of te ployed to express the hard toil plicated in the plot are all is stated, establish a colony on country Executive of the labour, so that a fair Rio Hondo 13 1936 Conservatives.
the Atlantie side, in the regions knowledge of the job is read1y given: also a vent for fair Lic.
consideration from the public as well as necessary readjustNos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: ment from those concerned, 15 of receipt which reads: disclosed.
Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office Cocoap. cking is not considered cina dentro de los primeros 10 días a first class manual employment before the 10th of the month and the prejudice heaped upon de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Ofi it for its drudgery is greatly ad Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which ded to by the low wages it fetde tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take ches.
The main object of the poem.
therefore is to paint the mind of the public with vivid pictures Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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