
For Liver and Stomach Ailments INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF aken SLEEPLESS FOR 212 YEARS ded po slon Indigestion FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS turday, CRICKET Private correspondence arriv occupied a prominent place tag here some days ago from Co among the residents of Siquirres lon brought news of the death of and the surrounding districts. In On Sunday last the Construc Mr George Campbell, who later years he removed to this ci tion suffered another de was well known here.
y and after working for the Unit feat at the hands of the Path The deceased came to this counſel Fruit Company, he eventually tinders. The Builders first oc try many, many years ago and left for Colon where we now learn cupied the wickets and after a for a somewhat lengthened perio: ho passed away on Friday the 3rd Eine second wicket stand wilch brought over 30 runs, they all went down for the small amount of 46 runs. This was entirely due to the hot stuff handed out by CALCUTTA, An Indian nil his Miness, but fatalistically adJ. Smith. None of their batsmenlionaire who asserts he has had ded: made any resistance; they were only twenty minutes natura: It is too late for help to oralways late in their timing.
sleep in the past tavo and one. rive. will soon experience the When the Youths had their half years offered 50. 000 for blessedness of eternal sleep.
time at the wickets, it only temporary relief and 100. 000 The merchant has rejected re thousands of suggested quired four of for a permanent cure.
cures them to break Flatulence And all forms cown the large looking building He is Rai Habadur Ramijis because they conf ict with his re Bajoria, a Marwari mercrant ligion. He has also refused to and Brown, who has been absent from Cricket for the past He expressed the belief tha an submit to experimental treitof Stomach three months, was still stonewall Emer. can physiclan might curements.
ing when the end came. He scor ed 32 not out. The score closed Colics Disorders at 55 for THE GIFT SHOP On the Monday following the Youths lived up to their resutation by beating Campbell NTIQUES ND SOUVENIRS Sporting XI by one run. This ga Large assortment of genuine old indian pottery.
me caused much excitement MANUFACTURED BY: IND especially when nearing the end.
Beautiful objects in native woods.
HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA awson kept and excellent length, PRICES REASONABLE and Campbell, with his slows, DIRECTION: From Hotel Costa Rica, east 15 yards on car line e SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA kept down the score until he was right hand side, before Drug Store Nueva Botica on corner hit by Cunningham for 14 runs in a single Over. The scores were MISS BROAD Sucr. BOX 531 SAN JOSE COSTA RICA Pathfinders 65, Campbell XI 64.
LOOK FOR THE INDIAN SIGN Tomorrow the Unity meets the he Minister of Finance has, bus suggested that in future eve Motive Power at full strength Congress to approve the ry application for permission to Can we look for another surprise editure necessary for the es enter the country should be ac from the former?
GLEANINGS FROM HERE AND THERE ishment of an additional for companied bya full statement of Lenti of Fiscal Guards in the vici tie antecedents of the applicant.
The drought and suffocating, ditions of the Naval depar ment Spectator.
of our Railway terminal This to be obtained by the Conheat, experienced over a 12rg? He is supposed to have so. to Pr Estrella. This will be another sul.
area of the United States during the Japanese a confidential book 17 for our contrabandists.
the past few weeks, have been which contained much data of and to responsible for more than STRANGE Deputy afora, with a desire one Naval tactics and many anaiyses thousand lives as wel as damn of the departments operations.
to give an impetus to our natioHal industries, has proposed in ACCOMPLISHI TENTS ges to crops and stock of over The Japanese Naval Attache Immigration Department a thousand miilion dollars. to the Embassy at Washington wid Congress that all the machinery This heat wave and drought declares that Farnsworth Shortly as required for the establishment of have reached into Canada where visited the Embassy and asked new industries or those needed Cases of seductions or abiuc the deaths have totalled were for meney.
to duplicate the output of exist tion are becoming rather fre than five hundred and agrindue De ng ones, be admitted into the quent. While one of importance ture badly damaged. The ter:country free of all import duties is now under investigation by the perature roze as high as 109 during a fixed number of years: Courts of Siquirres, another stran degrees The Strike in France has Cantina Posada he, however, handicaps this im ge similarity crops up in our abated but political disorders y Cafeteria petus by suggesting that this city; and this time among miEx naval OfficerJohn are rampant. On the 14th, durprivilege be only given to such tors. The youngster concerned is BRES ing the National celebrations at Felipe Wing Ching industries whose employees con a lad of about fifteen summers Farnsworth, has been indicted the Arch of Triumph there sist of not less than ninety per an athe spinster a child around for selling secrets of the United was much conflict between the Apartado 395 cent nationals.
urteen. The matter is also un States Naval department Ja several political parties.
The der investigation with the truant pan. The accused is a graduate Fascists are naturally opposed hompi lover in custody: but it is learnt of the Naval Academy of An to the labour group and the Sothat the parents of the maid are napolis and has had a brilliant cialist Communists, and so at asking a monetary consideration career in the Navy as well ORNAMENTAL TREES as every gathering there is sure to which is not so very high in Aviation. Some years ago he be ashes, hence Premier Blum thousand bucks will, we undersLEccording to the terms of a of twenty trees to each 100 mewas court. martialled and dis will have a very difficult time tand, mend matters and ject which Deputy Roberto ros where there are no buildrenew missed from service for seanda in steering the French ship of don Castro has submitted for ings. It is also suggested that 1riendships.
lous conduct unworthy the tra State into calm seas del consideration of our Legisla the owners of urban or rural Boxy, proprietors of certain lots, facing streets, be abliged to perties throughout the coun cultivate fruit ornamental YS would be obligated to cut trees, flowers or greens where fruit and ornamental trees roasible the minimum for ruit Gri also flowers and greens. or ornamental trees on these lots selvmong other things, the Bill to be 200 trees per hectara.
sides that the owners of Innds Proprietors would be given two Datenlong macadamized or years in which to comply with creted highways shall be the requirements of the law. Non ged to plant fruit or orna compliance by owners of lands ohtal trees along the frontage along the highways should pay a such lands, with a minimum penalty of fifty cents per mero per month; while the penalties in connection with the urban and Usted debe ser de esa clase Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON urral lots would be twenty five de hombres cents and ten cents per square metro per month respectively.
Fifty per cent of the fines imAbogado y posed would be allocated to the Brunicipalitiesof the districts conNotario Público cerned to be used for reforesta.
Oficina: Altos Pastion and other worls of improvements.
cual Ingianna All Churches, School and Mu nicipal Boards would come under the provisions of the law.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
UE EL CABALLO BLANCO PCOMPULSORY CULTIVATION OF FRUIT AND ce o or Ahorre. El éxito en los negocios y en la vida está siempre en espera del hombre que tiene el dinero necesario en el momento preciso bal ice Banco de Costa Rica SUCURSAL DE LIMON


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