
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 1936 Saturday, July UMBRELLAS AT THE JAMAICA STORES BREEDY nervous BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA an stamp SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE he SALOMON CHIN Tento Tess Ciudad de Limón City of Limon nd Tere a NEW HOSPITAL REGULATIONS JEWISH IN INTEREST OF HEALTH As many of our readers are Wednesdays and Saturdays CHILDREN BARRED pt on the part of Disease is simple an atteinxins, resulting from a highly from time to time interested in are now fixed as the days for vinatures acid condition of the blood patients in the San Juan Hospl siting, generally. beween the healing power to restoru por. These toxins are generally BERLIN tal San José, we take this op hours of 11 and 12. No children Jewish children mal conditions in the orga produced by overeating, ea portunity of Informing them will be however, permitted in from the east side of Berlin nism. Every acute disease ing the wrong kind of foods that the Management of that nor will anyone be allowed to found themselves unexpectedly such as fever, catarrh, cold, by excesses of all kinds and Institution have recently issued take bags or other packages in barred from Bad Kingenberg, etc. is an effort at body enervating psychic condi.
a new set of regulations in con with them.
on Lake Rummelsburg, close to cleaning, and all that natu tions, such as worry and fear nection with visitors.
the capital. Jews not wanted re needs is to be left slone. Drug and serum treatment said a sign erected just as the only such measures should will always aggravate the Summer vacations of Berlin pa be adopted which will assist condition of the patient al GUATEMALA COFFEE EXPORTS blie shools began.
nature in her work of eli though he may sometime GUATEMALA CITY. Gua. pounds each, it was made known minating poisonous waste recover in spite of it, duet temala coffee exports for the today. The shipments were lar matter. Fasting for several his power of resistance.
harvests of 1935 and 1938 amount gely to the United States.
Natural foods, if proper days, cleasing the colon, hot Read The At antic Voice water applications and the selected and proportioned ed to 067. 000 bags of 100 adoption of a restricted diet will maintain the alkalimi: wi:l generally bring quick o fthe blood which in turn relief. It should be remeni is essential for the norm.
bered that the determination functioning of the of the patient to get well and and glandular systems, des his faith in natures healing gestion, assimilation forces will greatly help to quick elimination of wast restore health and vitality matter. Pure alkaline bloo BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE: On the other hand, tae use generates within itself all the of poisonous drugs and sentitoxins and serums no UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK rums or the forcing of food cessary for the preservatiorul on the patient, will only im of health.
pede recovery and often The attempt to ofrece al público los Offers the Public the prove fatal by lowering his out disease will be futile bu servicios de su Services of its vitality and increasing the long as people violate the work of the heart and elimi laws of hygiene. At the proben native organs.
The majority of people ha ve yet to learn that lasting EN LA IN THE health can only come though a true understanding of WEE LE rad the normal functions of the Estrada body, and an application of simplc and rational metrods para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service Abarrotes y Licores for maintaining them in Artículos del Pais servicio bancario Rer ed healthy ion. Because a few who have inherited Precios Economicos large amount of vitality are LA IBERIA able, with apparent impunity CHILE BANS MEETINGS ENORME IMPORTANCIA to defy the laws of nature for some time, many are dis sent time more persons tha SANTIAGO, Chi. e. The In The measure is considered a UN NUEVO LIBRO DE posed to sneer at rational ever before die at an al ter or Ministry forbade meetings serlous blow to Socialist and methods of living. As a rulc, when they ought to be fur in streets on plazas at which Communist activities. The acguards carry arms or clubs however, death claims tiem tioning at their best. Til or tion was belleved necessary bePOLITICA PARA when they have attained the mortality rate after the ag when speakers suppert Socialis cause of the recent killings in a age of fifty or sixty, whet of 40 has greatly increas tic ideas or in any way agitate clash between Socia ists and Fas CENTRO AMERICA mans physical and mental in the last fifty years. Al against the constutional auth cists in Valparaiso power and his general tise lity to diagnose, but imp ority fulness to humanity should tence to cure, is the true st be at their maximum. tus of scientific medicing Physicians are flounderit Está a punto de terminar la im The theory, that diseases, about in a sea of speculatida such as meningitis, aphte and uncertainty concernin presión, y es su autor el interia, influenza, typhoid fever cause and cure.
LIMON, LIMON, and tuberculosis are dircculy ligente guatemalteco, Dr. don While our diet is mos caused by germs has arisen than ample in quantity, it Rodolfo Marroquín Rojas from a lack of unders and deficient in alkaline Importación y Exportación Imports and Exports ing of the laws of buclogy ments, especially in sodiun and physiological chemis calcium, magnesium ar DEPOSITO DE MADERA LUMBER DEPOSIT try. The so called germs of iron. Normal blood, conta disease ol Está para terminarse la impreare simply scaen ing a sufficiency of the Compra Cacao en grano Cocoa Purchased sión de un nuevo libro de enor gers feeding only on the de jelements supplied by nat trascendencia política vitalized or dying cells and ral food primarily fre: the waste products of Centro Améric, del cual es auour fruits and green leaf veg lor el joven intelectual guaternal system, but never on hal tables grown in properly thy living cells. All so cxlled tilized soil, will produce AGRICULTORES DEL ATLANTICO PLANTEAN cuin Barrios quien desde hace al infectious diseases, all fe the digestive juices and vers and inflammations, cretions of the variou UNA QUEJA CONTRA LA GOOD YEAR gún tiempo radica entre nosotros. whether external or internal, glands all the necessary al 21 libro lleva el sugestivo nom are simply remedial efforts ti oxins for the immuniz RUBBER CORPORATION are de Figuras de Cera. y en of the vital force to cast out tion of the organism.
sus páginas desfilan las principa abnormal quantities of toSupimos que varios agriculto echado a perder por completo sus les figuras de la política de su ARMINIUS tes de la zona Atlántica afinca cultivos pidiendo levantar la in pais; contiene además biografias, dos en la región de El Cairo, ele formación corerspondiente. vida y anécdotas de algunos proa conocimiento del poder Según los informes que se nos roinentes hombres de Centro ejecutivo una queja contra la steron la información se está le América páginas dedicatlas Guillermo Niehaus Co.
Good Year Rubber Corporation a vantando y ya han declarado va elementos del actual gobierno de que, como saben nuestros fcc rios de los quejosos.
LIMON su pais tores el congreso otorgó un conMADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS trato para la siembra de caucho.
Manifiestan esos agricultores NEGUS AT LAUNCHING OF BR. CRUISER Compra Cacao Material de Tranvia que desde hace muchos años por GREENOCK, Scotland. Mrs Glasgow is the first of six crul seen terrenos en aquella región Stanley Baldvin, wife of Sercicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo the sers of the 1935 naval proque han cultivado de banano y British Prime Minister, chris gram to take the water. Haile Importación de mercaderia en general tened the Glasgow, a 000 ton Se assie, watched the launching Que la citada compañía 163 ha cruiser, launched recently. The from a yacht.
ES C ER ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME el Die para teco doctor varon a OOO cacao.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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