
1936 this a high he blue genen Suero Butantán of to Einds COM and to treat vate atient ometi it, due ance.
proper bortion alkali reLaboratorio de Análisis Clínicos secure Jonormy nervo stems ons of su line bb iolate Saturday, July 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE FROM MADRE DE DIOS MORE INTRIGUING Earthquake in Jamaica This is a Section of our Zongolei. Recently if has got tze, Now that the Triple Alliance chosen one with Starhem verg as which has been very precarious fo: during the last two ye. ro is in sight Prince Starhemberg Regent thus he would get Tud Kingston, Jamaica, is reportas to those sent there in official less than nine Agents save been is gone on to Italy to consult of President Miklas and get evened to have been badly shaken by racities. From time to time changed with the climax with Mussolini regarding ther with Chancellor Sehuschnigg an intense eartbshock on Tuesday during a period of years Agents curring on Monday last whea much discussed pan of restoring who got him out of power recen lest, the heaviest experienced for of Police ave been sud le ay the young man. Hernan Call the throne to the Hapsburg fa ty. This, however, can only hna nany years.
chenged for some reason or the sent these to relieve Sarmily. or course, should The report did not give any in pen if Hitler is opposed to the chez, shot himself for no. even ually tako place it is known Austrian Premier.
formation regarding damages, if parent reason that Archduke Otto will be 11:e any.
José Achion Ng It is reported that when he was asked, whi e nearing his end who was in the Great Beyo. id CONERCIANTE DETALLISTA why he had done such a razh hed beckoned him to come in act he replied that his father, and join him.
Licores, Abarrotes, Cristalería, Arilculos de Fe.
rrelerla y Eléctricos; todo FAMILY HONOURS RENDERED Conira mordeduras de serpienies. Téngalo siempre a mano se encuenta en este en su inca. Hombre prevenido vale por dos.
establecimiento a fine thought it was of the ny years ago in Nicaragua EXISTENCIA PERMANENTE: President to repatriate the On Sunday morning last the Precios de Situación mains of his brother who died ma Commission entrusted to COSTA RICA the return of the Ashes left San Del LIC. CARLOS VIQUEZ José in the triple motor Ford air Avenida Central, San José Frente a las Compañías Eléctricas plane belonging tothe Nr.
ANOTHER COLUMN BROKEN Company for Managua, and in tu The Grim Reaper has claimed much difficulties which may hawa was composed of Col. Juan Cañas; Col. Javier Cartes, British Monarch.
From page in old and respected citizen of ve accelerated the cause of his chief Clerk inthe War Office: strada. Mr. Wilfred Par early demise.
Col. Arturo Loria, Aide de camp about, but was reined in by, don for many years. He is from among his large slon ircle of friends The Atlantic Voice takes this to the president; Col. Daniel Ga Itinued the parade as if noth with any political assácia the royal horseman who con not known to be connected opportunity of expressing its hegos, director general of poli The deceased came to this sincere condolence to his much ce; Col. Manuel Cortes, 2nd ing had happened. Mahon tions.
ago bereaved widow and prays that comandante of Bella Vista: to was later taken Bow self all ountry some forty years During the entire aftellt Dr.
Street Police ind worked for Mr. Keith He who careth for the Sparrow Calderón Guardia, 3rd. Vice Pre arraigned on charges of ca ceived thousands of congrat Court and noon and night the King re erums Srior to merger into the United will lighten her burden of af sident at the Republic: Deputy rrying arms without permis tulatory messages, eserveruit Company: after this was fiction in these sad hours.
among Lic. Teodoro Picado; don Manuel effected Mr. Parsons secured sion and with intent to do which were those from Hit Rodó, Governor of San José; dan e fut mployment in the Merchandise grievous bodily harm to His ler, Mussolini, the President Separtment of the Company Well. What. Jaime Esquivel and don Ricardo Majesty Ile stated to the and Premier of France Toledo, Chief of the Technical officers who accompanied well as all the European Rus At the ind built a wonderful trade for Latour Department.
hem at Zent; he later came into Booth Bread, him that he had no intention lers. complimentary he city and continued in delegation to hurt the King, but that he It has been discoverd that the Biscuits Buns.
Jame departenent until his retiwas deputed by the President of had a quarrel with big Johu it was a special constable Without which you can boats lement. He then went into busi Nicaragun to receive and accom Simon, the Home Secretary nangi Anony Gordon of eating the best less on his own account at EsTupdate that from Costa Hica, to whom he had written last Dick who opportunely knock LE Berlin Bread tha rada but afterwards so d, out they were taken by especial train night and tried to see him ed the revolver from ind went in for farming. He ho Booth Biscuits to Leon where a detachment of this morning. He was shal hands of the would be assi vever knew nothing of this and The People Bakery.
the National Guards along with ing as lie faced the presid sin thus probably saving the Xperienced. their Eand attented the service, ing Magistrate and had a life of the King. It is believe Where you will get the best.
end to which were invited the slight limp King Edward re cd that Dick will be specials the industry can produce Diplomatic and Consular Corps, turned to Buckingham la ly recommended by Scotland the members of Congress and the lace and then went to see Yard for his invaluable ser ERUL Supreme Court, the Officers of Queen Mary at York House, Ivice to the King and the EmNICARAGUAN ELECTION POSTPONED the National Guard and the ge She was quite unaware of pire.
MANAGUA, Nicaragus. The reral public to witness the ho what had happened and alersta Nicaraguan Congress has fixed nours given the remains of Colo ter showing great distress at at a Cortes Castro, who the dastardly attempt cou:De2. for the Persidential elec irel Hernan to be!
gratulated the King upon best COMERCIANTE tion over slight cor: opposi was brother to our President.
tion. The electioa had been previ Tre piane bearing this precious his miraculous escape. His cer the ESTABLECIDO EN LA PROVINC PCR on Majesty lunched at St. Jaously set for Ocional.
Lurden returned to San Jose inere Monday at mid day and was semes Palace and later drove MIS DE 20 ANOS The new Admistration bas corded fun muitary honours by to Fori Belvedere, where he LIMON Vende al detal. Vinos y li but suspended construction of a new special decree, President Cortes played a round of golf.
cores exiranjeros vel país, abarriles en general.
national palace pun tas an inves Simself being present. The corteQueen Mary, the Duke of Fábrica de Hielo Micelánea tigation. The regim of President ge then left for Alajuela waere Vork, and other members of Founds ESTABLECIMIENTO ES USORTE DEL MER Juan Sacasa ha! contacted funeral rites were the Court witnessed the cecarried y Refrescos for construction. pa ace at cut.
remony of the presentation a cost of more than 500. 00)
of the colours to the Guards in Hyde Park, and immediately after His Majesty addressed the troops in strong NCENDIO VIDA words condemning war and the mighty armaments that nations were getting ready LA FLORIDA for another world conflagration. Ile made reference to 1930 Britain defense program Fábrica de Hielo which he said was aimed at preventing nations Venta de Leche going Mahon is a native of Irey Maderas land and has lived in LonCHIN.
res ان EDGAR YOUNG COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY years ne tree medd ae EXTE Specul CADO conce et is antity aline in ad CEND!
od, of bro CIONAL DE to war.
roperty prodie IBRE SEGURADO REPUBLICA TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN MINE 313 Co DE COSTA RICA We wish to announce we have passed our eighth year of Existence although the Skepties say nothing lasts long here.
We have succeeded, because we have never deceived our members. You can fool the people some of the time; you can feol half of the people most of the time; but you can never fool all the people all the time.
Remember that though we suffered from one Bank failure, we have met ALL OUR OBLIGATIONS up to date. We have never had cause to close our doors. We have paid Death Grants for one hundred and four persons. We pay the same amount for Dependents as for Members; we do not make Bone of the on and Flesh of the other.
Shou you join our SICK DEPARTMENT we do not limit your weekly Benefits; as long as you remain il in bed you receive your Benefits if even for One Year.
If you are seeking Help in the Hour of Need, join the ONLY safe and reliable Society, the COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION Established in Limon, 5th May. 1928.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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