
1931 How Will It All End The Atlantic Vaice The examples of disharmony and intrigue set by the nations of Central Europe seem to have spread to almost every community. most sanguinary revolution is now taking place in Spain with the sacrifice of thousands of lives. The Rebels are reported to be in possession of many impor tant points throughout the Republic while Madrid, the Capital, is in danger of falling in their hands at any moment.
Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone Editor English Section: NATION Año Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday July 251h. 1936 No. 103 Venezuela is experiencing somewhat similar upris Affairs of Bank Of Costa Rica 11D to Banana Exports Improve RACING IN JAMAICA the ings its only of President Lopez, the successor of President Gomez, that is keeping the The shareholders of the Bank the government for the collection abrogate the contract and turn it government alive.
of Costa Rica were, last week, and administration of all its over to the Banco Internacional.
Panama is like a troubled Bee Hive due to the alcalled together to receive fron. Rents and general income which Congress ordered an investigaleged illegality in election matters, and the torch of the Managing Director, Mr. Al expires in 1940; but there are tion, and the Committee founit rebellion may be set ablaze at any moment.
berto Ortuño, and his Associates, those who are endeavouring To page Nicaragua, as is well known, momentarily expects a further outbreak due to the unseating of President Cacasa by the Somoza element.
Honduras is also having her troubles, and it is only due to the strong attitude of the United States which The heavier shipments of Ba ragua on the 19th. for New York kinders the importation of arms and amunition that has nanas reported some weeks ago with 32, 411 and the Santa Marta held up a warfare in that country.
still continue. During the last on the 21th. for New Orleang Mexico is undergoing an awful state of unrest on shipping period of ten days, from with 29. 844.
the 12th, to the 21st. instant, no account of the great strike of the Electric Company As we already mentioned this employees. This is a strike of great magnitude, as apart less than 239, 837 stems were ex increased movement in our friut portel on five ships. On the i2th trade has considerably improved from those who have walked out, there are nearly a Pie Peten took 55. 462 stems for our community economic prosmillion workers prevented from continuing their reg. the New York market; on the pects, and much enthusiasm is ular work for lack of electrical power required by the following day the Metapan load being evinced in all the Banana various enterprises; nearly 4, 000 industrial houses have ed 30, 382 for New Orleans; then districts to bring cultivations up already had to suspend operations. Seven of the Reputhe Vegesack left on the 17th to a standard which will ensure blic Provinces are affected, hence much suffering for Germany with 71. 738; the Ve a minimum of rejections.
and deprivation are being experienced.
Europe, too, may be ablaze at any moment. The German Nazis have thrown aside the covenant of the League and occupied Danzig contrary to Peace Pact, the meanwhile Austria, Germany and Italy are The owners of Jamaica Rac more noted English Jockeys are allied for war. England, France, Russia, Greece, TurMr. MANUEL MONTEJO ing Centre, Knutsford Park, nave also likely to ride during the key and Yugoeslavia are therefore also allied to off.
concluded a Lease of the Track winter months.
set this turbulent spirit of Hitler and Mussolini at all their Report on the transactions to a Syndicate of English Racing costs, as the Frenchman says.
for the financial year which clomen, and their representative the sed on the 15th instant.
The passing, recently, of The Conference in connection with the Locarno Mr. William Read, is expected in Sweepstakes Law will mean that The report shows a Capital of the Island during the coming Pact took place last Thursday in London between two millions colones; a Reserve a gigantic Sweep will soon be ar month.
France, England and Belgium but was of short duraFund of three million seven huiranged, the initiative being Mr. Read contemplates, it is tion as it was agreed to further postpone matters until dred thousand, as also 1, 517, 889, 70 2, 000 for the December Races, the Tote at colones around September or October by which time it is hoped in various other funds, said, to instal Knutsford which should greatly giving a total asset of nearly sethat the assistence of Italy and Germany will be obtained, and when it would be possible to formulate an posits amount to 10, 854, 581. 00 coven and a quarter millions De facilitate the running of the pool It is anticipated that very atarentirely new and more comprehensive Pact to eliminate lones, and the general business tractive programmes will be the dangerous divisions which at present exist among turn over comes to nearly thir ranged for the big Meets in Dethe nations. Italy, however, appears still determined to ty nine million colones.
cembar and January next, as thekeep aloof in view of England still adhering to her MeThe Bank has a contract with re will be a number of English We welcome the inrormation thorough breds taking part, cight diterrean agreement with the Southern countries.
of these have already arrived in the likelihood of our Water Supthe Island. Two or three of the ply difficulties being solved the near future.
the successes, the rebels forces are holding their own in different sections of th Republic particularly towards the North.
Unless some unforeseen giving this long pending and all cumstance has happened to cau.
important matter his personal atse a change, His Lordship Bishop tention, and is disposed to recomWoil anten is now on his way to mend the expenditure of such a New York where he will time According to information 01 sum as will not only enable SERVICIO DE VAPORES diately re. embark for this port; ficially received by our govern complete renovation of the entire bis latest advice stated he would ment, the Hannibal of the Unit rystem to be undertaken but to Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York be leaving Europe on the 23rd. Ied States Navy will arrive in offert such improvements con escala en Cristóbal y Habana instant.
this Port on 10th of next month. would guarantee our community As we previously mentionea, She may remain with us for about receiving an adequate and perma LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS preparations have already com a week during which time sne nent supply of this indispensable menced to give His Lordship a will carry out certain maritime liquid.
AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS hearty welcome home.
We await further particulars 31 OURWATER SUPPLY in Latest advices regarding the Spanish Rebellie eindiBISHOP WOLLGARTEN RETURN ANOTHER NAVY ter of Public Works is at present, UNIT COMING UNITED FRUIT Co.
cirЯ ag Vapores IMPORTANT NOTICE Salidas THE BRITISH FORCES QUIRIGUA 26 de Julio IN PALESTINE In order to legalize their rights to Graves. PETEN de Agosto JERUSALEM. The British Vaults or Si pulchres situate in the Cer eteris VERAGUA de Agosto High Commissioenr announces of this City, all interested persons are required that, with the recently arrived armed contingent, there are now to make the necessary purchases for which ALVARADO Cia, 10. 009 British soldiers in PalesThey will be ex ended Possessory Tiles by this tine. This is the largest number Junta. In the absence of such Tilles no persoAgentes para Limon y Puntarenas to be concentrated in the country since the close of the World nal rights will, in the future, be recognized.
Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas War.
Furiber information may be had at the de la United Fruit Company en los bajos de)
Since the outbreak of the antioffice of the Gran Hotel Costa Rica Jewish disturbances the Arabs TELEFONO 3156 have been responsile for the Junta de Asistencia Social de emón deaths of more than 100 persons.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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