
8 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 1936 Satarday, July DEVIL ISLAND and its Horrors THE MIRACLE OF ICE FROM HEAT ELECTROLUX HOP LEE LUNG Estable:inito de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes LEADING TO UNIVERSITYHONOURS Directorio profesional de San José that the whole France having definitely decid, populated, is the prison vi lage gian, charges ed to abolish her penal set at St. Laurent, on the South Asystem in the penal colory wns tlement on Devid Island, French mertca mainland. Here, In riddled and with corruption SEE Guiana, according to the an bleak barracks, with irons weld thieving. prisoner who does not THE NEW AIR COOLED nouncement of her Minister of ed on their ankles, the prey of know how to steal, is obsiged to Colonies given from Paris the disease, Vice, and vermin, several learn it for sheer self. preserfollowing article, which gives an thousand men drag out an an vation.
Officials. he reports, stole intimate description of condi guished existence.
REFRIGERATOR tions on this most notorious of Few ever see their homes again shamelessly from the frugal rapresent day prisons, should be Starved and broken, they end up tionis allowed the prisoners. They of rea! interest. under the bamboos. as they kept the bare necessities of te NO MOVING PARTS Five men were recent y towed call the cemetery. Those pard from us poor wretches wito were NO ELECTRICITY KEROSENE BURNER out to sea in an open rowboat oned or freed must pass one defenseless and helpless. USES NO WATER PERMANENT SILENEC and cut adrift by orders of the year in Guiana for every year in Exposure articles by a promEFFICIENT government of the Island of Tri prison, before they may return inent French journalist have sinCe rectified some abuses among FOR FULL PARTICULARS other things, work on Route Ze10 Cias been discontinued but, SEE AGENT FOR LIMON PROVINCE Dccording to the author, most of JOHNSTON the major indignities are still prac tised on Devil Island prisoners.
BRITISH VICE CONSULATE PORT LIMON The most painful, tho not the most prolonged of these, is des cribed in the following brutal paragraphs. struggled, but at last they El más surtido en Matina had me down on my back. My Under present conditions Den be founded here where students lego were put on the anvil, and lists, after completing their stu may obtain the necessary qualltwo red hot bands of iron were closed around them just above examination conducted by dies. must pass a satisfactory fication without either going a abroad or sitting for the local nidad where they had been refus to France. Unable to earn a liv the ankle and welded together. Dental Board before being grant Board Examination. This fached san:stuary. Should they reach ing in these jungle vi lages, those could hear the hed hot iron ed permission to practise their ty was promised by the goverasome other shore, and are permit who survive the camp are apt to sizzling, and smelled the odor of profession. As this places ap ment as far back as 1923, hence ted to land, they will be among succumb in freedom.
iny own burning flesh. The moplicants at the mercy of exis its possible that provision may the comparatively lew convicts In prison the convicts cheat, ments which passed before they ting practitioners, thirty five be made in the astmates now from Devil Island, gruesome lie, steal, graft, and stab one poured cold water over it seemMechanical Dentists have for before Congress for the foundpenal colony in French Guiana, another with homemade knives. ed an eternity. The black warded a mermorral to the go ing of such an Institution.
to successfully escape.
Fed on a gruel of beans and smith) said with a scornful chukvernment asking that a College Generally, those who flee the rice, tortured by swarms of mos le: These will last until you die horrors of the Dry Guillotine. quitoes, they quickly wilt under under the bamboos.
as the prison camp is called a regime of relentless labor.
drown in shark infested waters, Most fearful of all tasks is Rou or perish in the jungle of the te Zero. a highway to be haeABOGADOS NOTARIOS PUBLICOS at one time or another plans an jungle.
Francisco Ross Rarrírez escape. But only the most va Work on this road. writes Abogado y Notario Héctor Beeche Luján GRAND OUTING GRAN EXCURSION Abogado y Notario Ramiro Brenes Gutiérrez BAPTIST DENOMINATION Fabio Fournier Jiménez Medico Cirujano TO BAGDAD FARM ROME. Italy found a new Abogado y Notario BAGDAD FARM Ramal Río Frío formula today to lessen te dirRio Frio Line Martes Agosto 11 ficulties of her Ambassadors to Jorge Fernández Alfaro INGENIEROS Tuesday. August 11 th.
Precios De Limón 00 countries objecting to her annexAbogado y Notario Round Fares Limon C3. 00 Zent2. 59 ation of Ethiopia.
Madre de Dios 00 Presenting their Zent 50 credentials Amadeo Johanning Hijo Humberto Berrtolini the Madre de Dios 00 are to El Tren saldrá de Limón, new Ambassadors Abogado y Notario Ingeniero Constructor spook in the name of His Maj.
Train Leaves Limen 30 am 30 a.
esty Victor Emmanuel, King of Italy and Emperor of Ethiopia.
Countries to which the Ambaslant and indestructible succeed. Mr. Krarup Nielsen, has been sadors are accredited are to reWhat ille in the tropical hell going on for over fifty years, of Devil Island means is deple and so far only the first fifteen manuel, King of Italy.
ly only: His Majesty Victor Erted by two powerful new books: miles have been completed Twen According to the tale related flames from his mouth, ears, nosAgreements to such procedere by one of Nicaragia moiseyed trils and eyes. Not Too Narrow, Not Too Deep ty four thousand convicts have a novel by Richard Sale; and died during the work. roughly have already been received from farmers, the days, or rather As a result of so extraordinary Hell Beyond the Seas. a conMoscow and Warsaw and approv nigths, when fire emitting crea an experienece, a human life for each yard. Conal is awaited from Washington. tures take the farmer has vict own experiences, retold by voy after convoy of prisoners their walks The new envoy to the United Sta are not yet past and gone.
ah oad, been laid up with a serious atAage Krarup Neilsen, a Copenh have dragged tremselves to tack of fever.
agen scholar tes is expected to be Fluivo Sudeath along this road.
This farmer states that while Devil Is and, as the latter Worn out by starvation and vich, former Under Secretary for be was travelling one might book points out, is only a small toll. drained of blood by mosqui. Forenien enite wkustelineid on through a wooded region on hor GAINS IN BRITISH Premier Mussolini portion of the penal colony. Tho tos and intestinal worms, they seback, he encountered a humenhealthiest and most desirable have collapsed at last, and been in law, Colonel Galeazzo Cian, ly shaped creature whose height COAL INDUSTRY speck in this morass of misery, buried under a number became Foreign Minister.
measured four metros. eleven it is best known because its first. The starving may beg for food, feet. and on whose head was a Despite the numerous difficulprisoner was Capt. Alfred Drey the sick for medicine, but hat with an enormous crown; ties with which the Coal Industry fus, of the sensational Dreyfus Guiana food and quinine are moand on his enquiring of hir: the of Britain has had to centend dur treason case that rocked France re costly than human lives direction he should take to ar ing more recent years, it is dis forty years ago.
Mr. Krarup. Nielsen conviel, rive at his destination, the crea closed that for the first three More dismal, and much more la deserter from the Foreign LeThe ture immediately began em tting months of the current year the very appreciable sum of 44, 016, 000 pounds has been obtained as profits. This is the highest amount Nos permitimos llamar su atenció a la dorsonol ata We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
secured during the last ten years.
Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office cina dentro de los primeros 10 días libefore the 10th. of the month de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not was a great admirer of your Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which late husband, Mrs. Hope. Have de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take it ea you any little thing you could let me have as a reminder o de him?
Mrs. Hope, shyly. There only Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura. luventud Costa Rica mainland. Nearly every prisoner, ked through 155 miles of untrod Omission of African Title Allowed FIRE EMITTING GIANT תו Read Atlantic Voice In Lighter Vein Compañía Eléctrica Limón Die


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