
Saturday, Jaly 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 236 The San Jose Charity Board First Appeal Fails EAT SAL UVINA (THE RIGHT SALTS)
For Liver and Stomach Ailments INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF of his anIndigestion URS FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES CRICKET Before the Courts THE SALVATION ARMY FUNCTIONS or some time past those inte. of some of the most valuable ced in the Charity Organiza workers, who had operated for of the Metropolis were ex many years in the interests of The first appeal taken under friencing very anxious mo the Hospital of San Juan Jamaica newly extended Jurisde ents, due to dissentions in the Dios, the Asylum and the Lotdiction has failed.
nks, which influenced the reFrank Valentine was convicted tery Scheme. The intervention znation of several of the lead succeeded in restoring harmony by a Jury at the St. Catherine Circuit for the murder members: and a new Board was elected.
The dispute became se fierce The first meeting of this Board wife and against this verdict he at President Cortes and his was he a last Saturday when the appealed to the newly constitutecutive had to be called ed Court of two Judges.
in different Committees to superavoid the final and perma vise the separate departments At the conclusion of the argunt separation from the Board were appointed as follows: ments by Counsel, pro and con, ER the President of the Court VEC The Hospital Committee nounced that they had carefully Messrs. Echandi and González considered the records in the caLic. DANIEL ZELEDON Viquez; The Asylum. Messrs. se as also the arguments placed Keith and Herrera: The Ceine before them, but as there was a tery Messrs. Lara and Montedifference of opinion between Flatulence Abogado y jo; The Treasury. Messrs. himself and his associate on the And all forms Prado, Jose Ma Cañas and point of misdirection the convicNotario Público Ortiz; The Lottery. Messrs. tion would accordingly stand as of Stomach Echandi and Montealegre. Me provided by the governing law Oficina: Altos PasAlberto Echandi was re elected The fate of the condemned man President of the Board while Mr now rests with the Governor of Colics Disorders cual Ingianna Jose Ma Cañas oecupies the pothe Island and his Privy Counsition of Secretary.
ciliors. crowded courtroom tan sely followed the final seene in this drama.
udents quallMANUFACTURED BY: going THE GIFT SHOP loet HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA fo ANTIQUES AND SOUVENIRS Overa SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA hene Large assortment of genuine old indian pottery.
On Motive Sunday last the Power gave the Unity a severe Beautiful objects in native woods.
trouncing by 117 runs This is the CoundPRICES REASONABLE first of its kind since the comDIRECTION: From Hotel Costa Rica, east 15 yards on car line petition started The wickets. right hand side, before Drug Store Nueva Botica on corner. were damaged by over night MISS BROAD Sucr. BOX SI SAN JOSE COSTA RICA rains, 30 poor Unity met it by The Westfalia Case tuing forced to bat on a drying LOOK FOR THE INDIAN SION wicket.
In the Case of The after llalobos on behalf of the rancis osé The whole side went out for only Death Sale of the effects of the purchase. The Judge has appoint14 runs while the Motive Powdeceased Charles Tory or Bened the mother of Tory daughter er mustered 121.
nett in which the parties cor: as Albacea to whom all the goods Tirez The Competition is looking vecerned, lawyers and all, were in and chattels must be turned over. ry interesting, for although the dicted for fraud, he Mortuai has Needless to say the Ferry par.
Excelsior is in the lead witn now been opened by Attorney Vi ties have appealed.
de functions in celebration still being accomplished by the three points, the Motive Power the seventy first anniversary Army.
is very near with two.
erruf the founding of the Salvation very encouraging and inte Tomorrow the Pathfinders my came off most successfuly resting crowd attended the Mon met txe Excelsior and if the for Mr. Goulbourne presided over day night Cantata at which mer can hold their own against e Sunday afternoon service the speakers were the Rev. Coole Champions there should be a nile the Revs. Pitt and Forde per and Mr. Barrett who right for the finish.
From Page jendeared himself to every workd Mr. Angus gave helpful gave most stirring addresses am tlod that on Monday the that the contract was perfectly man and employee of the Core dresses. The Atlantic Melo The various items given by the 27th, a Junior Team from Es legal and that all obligations and cern by his gentlemanly and afans accompanied the aplendid performers were greatly early ap trada will be here to meet the stipulations in connection therefable deportment; and he ini nd of Songsters, and the preciated and the Singing Bri Pathfinder Juniors on our Oval; with had been complied with, the rose to positions of the highest uch appreciated City Band gade deeply impressed the au and on the following duy Mr. matter is, however, still in the distinctions for which everyorie mposed of Mrssrs. Brath dience.
Parchment Team will meet Mr.
hands of Congress.
who knew him was proud. Ro Lite, Steele, Elliot, Brown and Adjutant and Mrs. Wright Campbell XI also here. Tueswas then drafted from the Com.
tarp added invaluable assis take this medium of expressing day game will be played in hoThe profits for the period unnce to the evening program their sincerest thanks to all the inour of our Comandante, Colonel der review total over half a mil pany affairs to supervise Mr.
friends who assisted in making Arias, so we are anticipating a lion colones, and a dividend of Keith private business for whica In his address the Rev. Pitti the meetings the success they very good time.
140 colones has been declared on he was given the Rican Pow ferred to the large amount of were.
each of the 2, 000 shares which er of Attorney for this Magnate pod which had been, and is SPECTATOR comprise the Capital of the Ins and bad charge of the winding titution.
up of the estate after his death.
Today, we find him Manager of After discussing every pbase of the Banco de Costa Rica for the manipulations by the Bank, which not only the shareholders Mr. Crtuño resigned his position feel proud, but the entire comwhich he had occupied for more imunity, especially that of Limon, than fifty years. His resignation for he is still the same genial afis due to ill health and advanc fable personage as when he asing years. He has since left for sociated with all in this Zone.
Europe for rest and recuperation. The Atlantic Voice feels that the It is needless for us to reiterate Mantle of a great man has falthe many protestations of eulohombre que tiene el dinero nesy showered on the retiring Manlin on a worthly successor, and wishes him a most successful fucesario en el momento preciso.
ager, who had given his whole ture.
life to the Institution, and had Usted debe ser de esa clase steered it to so grand a success.
On accepting the resignation the de hombres members of the Directorate unEL animously voted him an Honorary Life Director. His son in law.
Mr. Manuel Montejo, has been elected Manager in his stead.
Cantina Posada Mr. Montejo is wellknown and y Cafeteria teloved in Limon; indeed, he is a Limonense at heart. He start Felipe Wing Ching ed here as Accountant for the Northern Railway Company dur Apartado 395 ing the days of construction, and THE AFFAIRS OF.
Ahorre. El éxito en los negocios y en la vida está siempre en espera del Jose CABALLO BLANCO Banco de Costa Rica SUCURSAL DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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