
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, July 1936 UMBRELLAS AT THE JAMAICA STORE BREEDY Jamaica Tobacco Trade Guillermo Niehaus Co. 6. 000. 00 Lotería NACIONAL 4. 500. 00 Compre sólo LOTERIA NACIONAL HORSE RACING IN LIMON PUBLIC NUISANCES consideration for one could hard res when the loud speakers there By the Gleaner it is noted sal of this quantity of Tobacco The loud speaking Radio ly hear onese speaking around and in nearby places were that arrangements are being con will represent an additional around Central Park in San Jo the Raventos and Palace Theat agoing.
cluded to supply the English 15, 000 per annum for the Is.
se have, In cosequence of commarkets with 300, 000 pounds of land.
plaints made by residents in Jamaica grown Tobacco, and that Apart from that of Cuba. te that vicinity, been declared putwo experimental centres are to amaica product has always been blic nuisaries by order of the be immediately set up in the pa favorably regarded by British ma Governor of the capital, their rish of St. Andrew in connection nufacturers but there was never operation must therefore be dis LIMON with the project. sufficient supply available for continued MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS It is estimated that the dispo the trade.
This is certainly a well tuned Compra Cacao Material de Tranvia Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Paerto Viejo Con 00 usted Importación de mercaderia en general puede sacar en el nuevo plan de la COCOA. PICKING By CON ADJ. HOWLIFT Con la Lotería que más se importa, con los mismos 00 sólo saca went a picking cocoa pods, And thought a raise d make; But low the price is, ah my Gods, made a sad mistake.
And cocoa picking declare, y sacará MAS dinero gastando NENOS plata.
Isn pleasant and the pickers, swear.
Además, que, así ayuda al Hospital y al Asilo. Each morn at four left my bed, And then at five the yard; Then quickly to the farm did tread There has been much specula outwitted and the cloudy after Colonel Arias, our genial CoThe path to labour hard.
tion in Racing circles here dur noon fourd enough horses to af mandante of Police, and some of Tis jobbing not to spell and guess ing the past month or two. The ford five well contested races. his men were on the Track, and At cocoa picking for success.
Atlantic Racing Organization of La Joya bad planned to bring off an immense Meet at 24 Miles durIf you had seen me as went ing the month of June, but as all With breakfast pan along, the shareholders of this giant OrYou picture school days innocent, ganization are officials of the BaNow passed us like a song.
nana Company and had in turn Twas then to school to lessons learn; injected the germ of the racing LIMON, LIMON, Now tis to farm to money earn.
spirit into the minor employees on the farms, the fixtures Importación y Exportación Imports and Exports subject to Banana movements, The birds were in their merry glee; hence the June Meet had to be They sipped the morning dew postponed to July. This was DEPOSITO DE MADERA LUMBER DEPOSIT One whistled very close to me gain doomed to a further postThis tune Time hard fe true ponement on account of the cut.
In doleful tones that seemed to say, Compra Cacao en grano Cocoa Purchased tings for the German ships. The To cocoa pick there little pay.
smaller Racing Fans who are not actually tied to the Ernana tree, were, however, deterinined Yet styl did not change my mind not to be outdone in the enjoyThe centre of attraction was Sun so well Jdid the crowd con luct But on my course pursue: ment of their Sport by the whimsy Boy of Mr. Humphreya of themselves that at his request it To master setbacks is to find Cahuita.
of the Banana Law, 30, in spite was decided to bring off the next Reward for labour true; The first race saw three con event on Tuesday the 15th. Sepof the inclemency of the weather, The care free words should never swerve testants and was won by Mr. tember.
they brought off their Meet Intentions good we have to serve.
Lee Scout Boy The Second the 21st. instant, again had three horses to tha (To be continued)
Messrs. David Lee, Pasrore, flag of the Starter and was won Little, Bogle, Evans, Brooks. by Mr. Humphrey Sunny Boy.
The Third event cuña, Humphreys and others, nothwithstanding brought three horses to the whip a rainy morn, when Mr. Lee Billy Boy came brought off a pleasant day in a winner. The Fourth brought Sport. There was a fairly large out three more when the Cahuita gathering of enthusiasts. Many horses were expected from horse, Suuny Boy, showed his suthe BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE Lines, in view of the postpone Fifth and last race was won by rerior mettle over his fied. Tue ment of the 24 Miles Meet, but Mr. Pasmere Bull Rush.
UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK these failed in their support; how ever King David was not to be ofrece al público los Offers the Public the servicios de su Services of its ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME are on once more BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA Fatal Mishap SALOMON CHIN WEE LE SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE EN LA IN THE On Tuesday, while a Truck managed by Chauffeur Abrahamns was running into Limon from Westfalia, a native hopped off at Hop Lung shop and so scriously damaged his head, that he Glied from the effects in the hospital Estrada Abarrotes y Licores Artículos del País Precios Economicos LA IBERIA Ciudad de Limón City of Limon para toda clase de servicio bancario All kinds of Bank Service Rendered Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Migue


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