
Saturday, July 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 11 IN THE INTERESTS OF HEALTH Suero Butantán Laboratorio de Análisis Clínicos ¡Well. What. COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY The People Bakery.
has takes To Sin or Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard FLORIDA ICE AND parently affected by vacation FARM Co.
EL ATLANTICO Best native lumber at moderate prices The human body will always discharging many of the inpuri ly little progress has been made be able to potect itself if giver ties.
in the prevention and cure of dithe proper elements and environ 1:e so called influenza epide sease since the days of HippocraContra mordeduras de serpienies. Téngalo siempre a mano ment for building and renewing mic which sweept the world short tes. Merely because new, comen su finca. Hombre prevenido vale por dos.
EXISTENCIA PERMANENTE: its structure and for the properly after the World War, waz no monse ideas were seldom acceptfunctioning of its organs. 1: this thing but the result of the chered and taught in medical schools.
were not true, the human race vated and toxemic condition of So. called infectious diseases could never have developed. he human race wherever it was smallpox, diptheria, etc. need Del LIC. CARLOS VIQUEZ Man greatest enemies are wit under the degenerating influences not give cause for alarm; they Avenida Central, San Jose. Frente a las Compañias Electricas of irrational living and modern are easily remedied, if proper atcommercialism.
tention be paid to rational nutri Iminius for his timely discus favour us with an article for the Vaeeination against smallpex tion, and nature assisted in her sions on this all important topic; benefit of public heata, especialowes its widespread practics to eliminative processes, but which but would like to suggest that, y es so many of our ills are self Booth Bread, the endorsement given it about a are always more or less suppres as we have all wandered so far inflicted. Even though an advice Biscuits Buns. hundred years ago by the Eng. sed by vaccination and inocula away in artificial modes of living may be prejudicial to his coers, Without which you can boats tion. To poison the body of a as to have forgotten Nature mocan we not induce at least one of eating the best healthy child with pus taken, per dest that, he be good enough to fof our more humanitarian TediBerlin Bread chance, from a sick animal, in begin to quote for us the more cos to give a contribution on any order that this child Booth Biscuits shall not essential of Nature orderings in malady or evil practice with its catch the disease is a very fool order to counteract the many inis consequent Wages and the ish operation. Vaccination we have committed and means which should taken to frequently caused dangerous ill caused us to reap the Wages of prerome such conscquierces Where you will get the best.
nesses, the industry can produce.
occasionally deato We will await another fortnight LIMON inject a kead, inert and poisoIt is regrettable that our Aleo after which we shall begin to per nous substance into the blood un pathic practitioners Merg all so sonally invite those whom we feel hin himself; his ignorance and der the plea that you are protect busy tha tnone have been able to are qualified to advise ns.
Fábrica de Hielo selishness, his greed and bluttony ing the individual against speciThere is heardly a debasing prac Refrescos tice, fie diseases is against an laws of a loathsome substance logic.
poisonous drug that has not been persons are apNacionales used or reconsmended as a cure for disease. So inordinately soliFrank Maduro jr it is on accoun. of their inherent citous have the good doctors be vital force being strong enough to Prop.
come that they cannot even wait overcome the immediate resulta Frank Maduro hijo, for people to get sick: they now of the virus; but nevertheless, operate on Prop.
the healthy in the LA FLORIDA their constitutions will always be childish belief that the body can Maderas del país. Existenmore or less weakened.
be protected by, injecting into the cia permanente en nuestio Fábrica de Hielo rational system of healing blood some virus taken from a depósito must be constructed upon the diseased animal.
Venta de Leche eternal foundation of truth, upon Smallpox is a skin disease, rethe firm belief in nature restostilting from unwholesome, rative power highly acidforming diet and lack The teachings of the great pioof personal and public hygiene.
lish government. Thus gross neers of Nature Cure, who have TOKYO. With the pet dog there than any other part of the The system has been so overloadsuperstition was accepted as Sadao Araki, city. by the Crime Prevention ed with toxins that the skin, to scientific fact and handed down gainst the superstitions of the or former Minister of War, as their Squad and the Veterinary Sectio?
a fought and are still fighting a of General Baron lage extent, must perform the from ork of the internal organs generation to generation, thodox medical schools, are not captain, 40. 000 watch dogs ar ju the Metropolitan police.
in until some heroic persons risker yet fully appreciated, but every being drafted to the Tokyo po.
Each animal then will be 5their lives and reputations in year thousands are losing faith lice force.
signed to a squad of five poitchallenging it. Naturally, vacci in drug and serum methods The first step will be the train cemen and will cover with them.
nation is still being fostered by living and healing. We should at ing of about 1, 000 of the dogs at regular beats through the residen the men who are paid to do the ways be impressed with the fact Ogikubo. a suburb picked al districts.
COMERCIANTE vaccinating and also by the ma that whenever diseased conditions cause burglaries are more rite nufacturers of the vaccines. manitest themselves in the body ESTABLECIDO EN LA PROVINCIA POR We permit one sehool of physi they are primarily the outcome MAS DE 20 AÑOS cians which claims a monopoly in of wrong habits of living. Local Vende al detal, Vinos y Li the art of healing, but whose treatment will always, at best, cores exirameros y del país.
abaratos en general.
methods of preventing and cur produce only temporary relier.
GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador. The vailing rate of exchange.
gold reserves of the Micelán Arminius ing diseases are obviously outCentral The press reports that the curBank have been revalued at 362 ESTABLECIMIENTO ESQUINE AORTE DELWER.
worn to dictate us unfair and of CADD ENTRE un tyrannical laws.
DD. NOTE: We are very gra sucres per troy ounce instead oL rency will be increased 000, 000 Why is it saat so arstive tol to our Correspondent Ar 320 and the profits sacres in metal coins of nickel from this with a silver base.
transaction were credited to the government account. It was sta ted that this brings the value of NO SI the reserves in line with the preCOMERCIANTE DETALLISTA BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA Licores. Abarroles, Cristaleria, Artículos de Ferretería y Eléciricos: lodo The many friends of Mr. Jas se encuenia en este per Franeis will be glad to know establecimiento a MILLA 1412 he has returned from Panama whither he had been for the be Precios de Situación nerit of his health. He looks fit COSTA RICA and well again. las 14 horas y 30 minutos del 24 de Agoito próximo, en la oficina del Notario Lic. doa an y Maderas 40. 000 Dogs Aid Police EDGAR YOUNG Ecuador Revalues Gold José Achion Ng TRAVELLER RETURNS REMATE DE FINA FINCA SITUADA EN MATINA JE JOSE ALBERTO PACHECO, frente al Banco Anglo Costarricense se rematará la siguiente TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Finca 1. 391 Tomo 974 Folio 530 Asiento 21.
que es terreno cultivado de banano, cacao y Dofrero, hoy en abandono y el resto de montes, sitada en MATINA, distrito y Canton 20s. de la Provincia de Limón. MIDE 100 hectáreas mas para caminos, con los siguientes linderos: al Norte, con la linea de Ferrocarril, con un frente aproximado de 850 metros; al Sur. con propiedad de la Sucesión de Panfilo Valverde; el Este. calle en medio con el lote Nº 39 de Primera Ordin; y al Oeste con propiedad toy de David Powel! BASE PARA EL REMATE 5. 242. 78 We wish to announce we have passed our eighth year of Existence although the Skeptics say nothing lasts long here.
We have succeeded, because we have never deceived our members. You can fool the people some of the time; you can fool half of the people most of the time; but you can never fool all the people all the time.
Remember that though we suffered from one Bank fa. ure, we have met ALL OUR OBLIGATIONS up to date. We have never had cause to close our doors. We have paid Death Grants for one hundred and four persons. We pay the same amount for Dependents as for Members; we do not make Bons cf the on: and Flesh of the other.
Shou ycu join cur SICK DEPARTMENT we do no limit your weekly Benefits; as long as you remain ill in bed you receive your Benefits if even for One Year, If you are seeking Help in the Hour of Need, join the ONLY safe and reliable Society, the COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION Established in Limon, 5th May, 1923.
No se admitirá propuesta que no cubra lo se y los interesados deberán depositar en el acio del remate el 10 de ella, pudiendo pagar el resto del precio en las condiciones de la go Plazo, sea el de interés y 29 de amortización anuales, con garantia de la misma propledad Para más detalls véase el BOLETIN JUDICIAL 164 de ley o en el DEPARTAMENTO DE FINCAS DEL BANCO INTERNACIONAL 21 de Julio de 1936.
00 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    World War

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