
OUR ANNIVERSARY The Atlantic Vaice zone Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Editor English Section: NAT. ON Ano III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday August 8th. 1936 No. 105 Europe and the Spanish Rebellion The fierce revolution which is, is to as to be able to claim ter sisted largely by cash contribuso sadly destroying Spain, the ritorial rights adjacent to Gibral tions.
oamage having already exceedentar, which would seriously affect On the other hand, Italy ar seven million pesetas, continues the interests of Britain. If the Germany are alleged to be supply to be waged throughout the Re Rebels succeeded Italy would, in ing the Rebels with much war public abd is now engaging the all probability, claim Balcares as material, and the situation has at serious attention of the nations a naval base in return for her tained a much more serious asof that Continent. taus endangering the means pect in consequence of the reItaly and Germany are in sym whereby Britain communicates cent execution of four German pathy with the Rebels who are with her African Colonies ard citizens in Barcelona Hitler has composed of the Fassist and other parts of her Empire. forwarded a protest, said to be Monarchial Groups, while Eng Although France has been tak really an ultimatum, to the govland, France and Russia are sid ing the initiative to secure a neu ernment and it is believed this ing with the government whose trality pact among the interest will be followed up by a numsupporters are mainly Com. ed nations, she is permitting salp Ser of warships being sent to munists ments of war material to be ma Spain.
British political opinion feels it de to the Spanish government Hence this civil war may cause is better to assist in upholding and large numbers of her natio a European outburst at any mothe Communist government, as it nals are reported to have gone ment.
is itnown that Italy wishes to get. its assistance. Russia has usOur last week issue completed our Second Year attempt at bringing before our readers matters of vital importance in the life of our community as well as a ge.
neral synopsis of occurrences throughout the world.
We have placed before our patrons all the political demands made by the Executive Council and Congress for regulating the orderly conduct of citizenship within and without the Republic.
We have made many suggestions and submitted several requests to the government and others for the betterment of the City and Province. Some of these have been adhered to and acted upon; others have not yet been granted, but as we intend to follow the guidance of Him who doeth all things well, we shall continue to knock until the door be opened unto us.
We therefore feel satisfied that we have done our duty to our patrons within the small radius of our cir.
cumference and hope all are satisfied with such e forts, We take this humble opportunity of thanking one and all for the support, the assistance, the indulgence and the patronage extended to us during the past two years those who have helped us by their advertisements; those who have assisted by their subscriptions those who have helped by their co operation with contributions on subjects of interest. Even those, in the pressroom, who assisted us in bringing out each successive is.
sue to reach our friends and subscribers on time, hay contributed that co operation for which profoundly grateful. We trust our efforts shall have a yet more extensive field of sympathy during the coming Year. But while we appreciate, immensely, the kind thoughts of our many patrons, we are not content with our field of activities; very much more could be dore if eur reading friends would take more seriously into consideration the obligations of a newspaper from educatior standpont.
There are some 20, 000 English speaking persons in the country; hence if we can interest during this year, at least one fourth of these, we shall be more amply satisfield. We have placed ourselves at the disposal of the Churches, Clubs, Lodges and other Organizations, yet they very, very seldom embrace the opportunity which is theire for the asking. In other communities these publish their activities, but here no notice, or hardly any, is taken of such facilities; if they were, we are sure they would enhance our subscription lists, enlarge our adver.
tising agency and inthuse in us the need for an expan.
sion of the size and sphere of our Journal.
We anxiously hope that all will display a greater determination, during this year, to make the Atlantie Voice a more influential Journal. one which may necessitate our securing a large Printing Press of our own, and thereby provide work for a number of the young men and women of our Province.
we are an NEW ELECTRIC PLANT SOON TO BE IN FULL OPERATION STORM DAMAGES During the month of July the about to come to a close, no one very furious gale blew over service of electricity in our city expected that this successful this City and various sections of was not complete, as owing to conclus! on vas so close at hand the Province during the night of lack of capacity in the diesel en We must congratulate the ge Monday last. Fortunately the mo gine ant the street lights were neral manager. Mr. Ohn Saxe: re furious part, estimated to hanot tu:ned on until after ten Mr. Alfonso Pe a ta, the loca: ve been travelling at the rate of o clock and many circuits were manager, and Mr. Rogelio Par near 100 miles an hour, lasted omitted until cight or nine do, the Resident Engineer, on but a very short time, othero clock; this shortage was caus the successful issue of their ef wise it would have left mora seed by the break down of one of forts. For many years it has rous damage in its wake.
the 70 units which for many been the desire of the people of As it is, the reports which years have supplied the city Limon to have the services of a have reached us state that Cowith light and power.
hydroelectric pan, as enjoyed. cuacavations have suitered In their des re to remedy this by the cities of the interior. At condition as soon as possib e, the this time the change from the million banana trees have been greatly and that about half engineers in charge of the elec use of imported oil to Costa FI destroyed. The farms located 2tric light company continued can water is especially interestthe work on the new hydroelec ing as it is an improvement on the Old Lines, around the tric ant. situated at Asuncion which saves the exit of Costa Ri vicinity of Siquirres as also thoon the headwaters of the se in the Hone Creek District Rio can money abroad Banana, at a forced pace, and Within a very few weeks the experienced the greatest los.
succeeded on Sunday, the 26th new ant on the Rio Banana We were unable to obtain the of July, in produc ns sufficient will be abe to dispense entirely neccesary information at thu tihydroe eetic power to makeup with the aid of the esel engime to say to what extent the for all deficiencies and give us nes, which will then be held in damage will effect present Baonce more complete service. abeyance, but ready to take ap nana shipments; it is, however, This came as a surprise to the their tasks in the case of any expected that no changes in the people of Limon, because while unforeseen circumstance at the shipping schedules will be made we knew that this work was hydroelectric plant.
for the coming week.
SERVICIO DE VAPORES Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con escala en Cristisel y llabana LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS Vapores Salidas Further advices from 650 Amhara where a large number, ceived by the Ethiopia 18 and Djibouti disclose that of Italians were slaughtered: Harrar is also said to have Ethiopians are intensitive their meanwhile Ras Kass, the young been recaptured and the Roi!
efforts against the Ita ians. Raser, is in command of anthor Imru has reorganized the Abyus force whose objectives Addis way to Djibouti 20 serious y dainlan army, it is said, and has Abasa.
maged that it is almost imposinit ated operations with a force large quantity of rifles ma sb e for the Itailans to get maof 60. 000 men in the district er alleged to have been rerently reterial and food up to thei: men in Addis Ababa. The Italians IMPORTANT NOTICE are demanding that France repair these damages but, of cour se, France under no Jelin. tions to do so. for Italy is tisore In order to legalize their rights to Graves, as an encroacher on the rights Vaults or Sepulchres situate in the Cemeteries oi chers.
of this City, all interested persons are required Serious ghting has also occurred in the Lake Tana vicinito make the necessary purchases for which ty in which the Italians were sta They will be extended Possessory Titles by this ted to have suffered badly.
In spite therefore, of the Junta. In the absence of such Titles no persomighty weapons at the disposal nal rights will, in the future, be recognized.
of the Italians the Tribesmen Furiher information may be had at the seem to be wrecking havoc among their forces.
office of the The Negus is said to have already received over three milJunta de Asistencia Social de Limón lion pounds ster ing as gifts from sympathiseredin England. VERAGUA QUIRIGUA PETEN de Agosto 16 de Agosto 23 de Agosto ALVARADO Cía, Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica TELEFONO 3156 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    Civil WarCommunismEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerItalySpain

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