
Every Citizen Must Vote 40. 000 dollar to the Gerתו EL ATLANTICO THE ATLANTIC VOICE Eaturday August 8th 1936 MEET LIFE PROBLEMS WITH ASTRO HELP SCHMELING FACES HEAVY INCOME TAX By Brother Tom BERLIN. Max Schmel. 40. 000 dollars out of his encounter in the United Question 3. Dear Brother e: Mars. hich in his case is ex ing, who has already left purse from the Joe Louis States pending an official Tom; erting lis baneful influence check up. may probably have to surrender another would like you to help me through the channels of exmatters with my daughter sickness man government.
She was born in September You need to watch this child since four monhts ago she began rate of The Electoral Law has been the time of voting, as a means exchange, the 100. 000 do to act in a strange way. Often in relation with her boyfriends amended so as to make it con of identification, and be specialllars he brings represents would see and hear her talking pulsory for every voter to vo ly marked by the Officer in about 250, 000 marks, and to herself and looking in the di There are indicati is nie luntarily go to the polling star charge of the Polling station. earnings of this size, in any rection as if she were speaking chart that she has drank some tion and record his vote The Cedula which does no: bear such one year, are taxed fter to someone. Thing have gone on kir of concoction watca has an Executive views with displeasure a mark, after the passing of an the rate of 40 per cent hereworse and worse each day, untnecremely damag! the fact that when the govern election, will be accep ed es cvi this, consequently means two weeks ago she ran cus the her nerative orgis as well as men calls for the votes of her ci dence that the party it repre that the Reich will claim house so fast that e never caught ter mr. The fire important tizens to declare those deemed sents did not vote, and he will 100, 000 marks or about her until she reached the ceme phat you shond take in the fit to guide the destinies of the not be allowed to buy or sell any. 140. 000 dollars.
tery. Since shat time we have er is to try a gama country, these have to be hanted down with Schmeling will also have had to tie her in the house and confidence of your daghter for automobiles thing in publie: will not be ac2. brought to the stations while cepted as a witness to any tran to face the payment of a 10 she is always talknig, talking to she is very secretive in all of her affairs but moreso In her others hide away. The Execntive saction, nor be able to function per cent or more property someone that we can see.
tax on the amount remainlittle love games.
says this must cease, that every In any communal transaction Answer. Dear Sister: In the meanwhile the child voter must voluntarily serve the these disabilities will continue in ing to him after settling the should be put on a diet of fresh country call or be recognized as force until the following elec previous claims; accordingly it is estimated, he will be To give the greatest he to cegetables, fruits, milk, lemona non citizen.
tion when he will by then re lucky if he eventually re you and your daughter it is im.
It was at first thought that cording his vote, set himself tains 50, 000 dollars as his rerative that you try to get her ade sweetened with honey. Meat of all kind should be eliminated these should be punished by de right as a citizen.
own as the result of his fight to write a few lines with pen tention, but as such a course As no selfrespecting man in which earned about 90, 000 ond ink and send it to me. She from the diet. She should spend would have entailed heavy ex any community of the Republe for the American and Ger can writs anything, anytalng sunlight, in the open air. Suna great deal of her time in the penditure in addition to being will, it is deemed, allow such a man governments.
that comes to her mind her very inconvenient. it was even punishment to overtake baths and sea. bathing would hin: name, a place.
tually decided that the personal hence all will heed the country help her considerably. But the The horoscope which is set up Cedula should be presented at call in the future.
DISEASE KILLS HON for this case tells that this ch la could make is in regards to the most important suggestion that has an extremely sensitive and child mental environment. DURAS BANANAS highly developed nervous syum This child should be removed Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard TEGUCIGALPA, Hondures. and that there are strong fadiA mysterious disease, which at cations, show in the chart that from scenes of vulgarity and Nacionales who tacks banana kept away from friends trees and kills this child cannot control her would in the least manner broach Frank Maduro Jr. them swiftly, is reported from emotional nature, particular y the question of amative love in Prop.
the city of Progreso in the heart along the lines of sex matters.
of the banana zone.
The dynamic planet Mars is any form.
Frank Maduro hijo, Recent dispatches said that very active in the life of his chlid Religious enviroment and softProp.
Best native lumber three plantations in the district and at this time when she is soothing music ith the proper Maderas del país. Existenof Las Guanchias had alrcacy beginning to experience a new diet and the professional attencia permanente en nuesho at moderate prices been destroyed and that the ci phase of her life, which ill con tion of a competent physician depósito sease is spreading rapidly, and thue to about 45 years, she is woulo do more for you and your unless means are quickly found very amenable to the disturbing child than all the hynotists and to prevent its spread. ruin of the astral influence of this ficry plan blac magicians in the worli.
banana Industry could not be. JAMAICA CITRUS TRADE avoided THE MIRACLE OF ICE FROM HEAT Jamaica anticipates that for ville oranges were also sold to the coming season, her crop of English marmalade manufactu MULTI. MILLIONAIRE Oranges, and Grapefruit will rers during the previous period sufficient to approximate. and it is expected that there will INDIAN GOES TO SEE 450, 000 boxes for disposal on the be a larger demand for them THE NEW AIR COOLED LONDON English and New Zeland this time kets. The quantity exported last It is also reported that the The Maharajah of Nysore, season amounted to 350, 000 boxes, Island export trade in Limes the possessor of eighty million of which New Zeland took. is steadily improvingchipients pounds sterling goes on a visit REFRIGERATOR 48, 000; hence the approaching crop now being around 1, 000 pack to London; he takes a party of shews marked increase.
ages per week thirty persons including his per NO MOVING PARTS An appreciable quantity of Se sonal doctors, priests and Sir Mir NO ELECTRICITY KEROSENE BURNER za Ismael, Premier of Mysore USES NO WATER PERMANENT SILENEC This will be the first time be EFFICIENT has left his kingdom although he TO CONFISCATE PROPERTIES OF LATE is now 52 wears old. He is said PRESIDENT to be a sick man who drinks no FOR FULL PARTICULARS water but that from the Ganges.
SEE AGENT FOR LIMON PROVINCE He carries with him the facily JOHNSTON According to the information to institute legal proceedings goddess Chamundeswari.
released by the Guardian of against the heirs of the Estale The Maharajah desire to ba. BRITISH VICE CONSULATE PORT LIMON Inidad, the National Congress as also against those who at one ve a heart to heart talk with lae of Venezuela may promulgate a timer or another acted as Minis English Premier is the season for law by means of which a num ters of Public Works during the his breaking the orthodox Hindu FIVE MILLION DIE FROM FAMINE ber of properties held by the la Gomez regime, tradition in leaving his state; he Chengtu, China. Relief wor are also threatened, they report, te Presidenl Gomez will be In addition to this clai on received by King Edward and kers estimate that five rallion before the new crops can be har fiscated.
behalf of the State, the presa will be given, on arrival, a ro persons have died in Northern vesterl.
The reasons for such proceed says it is understood that over yal salute of twenty one guns. Szechuen Province in consequen The National Provincial auth ings being taken are due, it 8200 clams have been instituted The Nizam of Hyderabad, re ce of the worst drought ever ex rities are doing everything 70stated, tothe discovery by the against the heirs by private in puted to be worth 100, 000. 00 perienced there. Other milionssible to aid the stricken populapresent regime of certain extra dividuals.
has never loft his State.
neous payments made by the na tional Treasury and charged to the cost of a reservoir, construct ed during the year 1927 by Nos permitimos llamar su atención dla dorsonol ata the We beg to call your attention to our remark of the back Public Works Department in conde su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
nection with the Waterworks sys Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office tem of the city of San Juan de cina dentro de los primeros 10 días los Morros. It was also discover before the 10th. of the month ed it is alleged, that the reger: de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not voir was built on lands owne Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which privately by the late President.
de tener que cortar su servicio.
We would much regret to take.
who then leased it to the State of Guarico.
The Attorney General of ite Republica has been instructed be ruar ELECTROLUX con Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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