
Saturday August 8th.
1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Further Honours for Talented Jamaicar SAL UVINA (THE RIGHT SALTS)
For Liver and Stomach Ailments INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF THE GIFT SHOP Indigestion FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES Tre many among us who have knowledge of Canon Law and leave Rome for England to aten following, with a lively in the chose The Unity and Plura tend a lecture course at either the scholastic achieve lity of Crimes according to the Oxford or Cambridge and at its the ents of the Rev. Father Glad Canon Law which is considered conclusion the will, toward on Wilson, will be further a rather difficult and technical close of the present year, return eased to hear that this talent subject He, however, not only to his native Island for permason of Jamaica recently pass had it accepted, but so success nent mission work.
his examination in Rome for fully defended it in a public ex In the year 1925 Fr. Wison e Doctorate in Canon Law with amination before a Board of Spe commenced his studies for the ghest honours cialists in this branch of the priesthood in the College of the In keeping with the regula Law. that his high standar. of Propaganda in Rome, an interins which govern the examina work is stated to have attracted national Institution with stuin, Fr. Wilson was required to much favourab e attention from dents from Mission countries the epare a thesis to be submitted the Ecclesiastical authorities in world over Throughout his courLatin which should constitu Rome Se Fr. Wilson was an honour a useful contribution to the Father Wilson will shortly man. and in 1932 he qualificd with distinction for the Doctorate in Philosophy and Theoloy After he had been ordaimed to Flatulence And all forms the priesthood he served for a time on the faculty of the College. In 1934 he paid a visit to of Stomach ANTIQUES AND SOUVENIRS Jamaica as the guest of His Large assortment of genuine old indian pottery. Lordship Bishop Eminet the Island Vicar Apostolie, and was Colics Disorders Beautiful objects in native woods.
given a most enthuiastic recepPRICES REASONABLE tion by both catho ics and nonDIRECTION: From Hotel Costa Rica, casi 75 yards on car line catholics right hand side, before Drug Store Nueva Polica on corner. Father Wilson is just thirty years old and is the son of Mr.
MISS BROAD Sucr. BOX S31 SAN JOSE COSTA RICA Nelson Wilson, who stil served MANUFACTURED BY: LOOK FOR THE INDIAN SIGN the Island Educational depart HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA ment as teacher in charge of one of the elementary schools.
SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA JAPAN PREPARES FOR FUTURE STRATEGY TOKIO. Admiral Saizo included Formoga in bayashi, will be appoint zone in which fortifications the next governor of the were not to be increased. Tax on Unmarried Men and of Formosa, accord The Japanese Navy expects The Westfalia After Death ROME. Preraier Benito Jus to reliable reports. For that the United States and case is again looming before solini poured another 1, 300, 000, 000 next few years that im Britain will atrengthen their MEXICO, public gaze. As was announced lire into Italy colonial enterpriMarry or rtant south ward outpost defenses in this zone and is in these column some weeks ago. se. There is quoted at 8T conJapan will be administer placing a former comman pay taxes is a proposal relative to this serious yet amus cents. by a naval man.
der in chief in charge of the fronting Mexican bachelors.
ing intrigue. the Mortual of The change follows the island, which will play an Twenty women filed a petition Charles Bennett alias Tory waste announced decree in the Offcial Gazetandonment of the Wash important role in Japan with Congress yesterday to tax opened by the Lawyer of the following efMr.
ston Treaty of 1922 which strategy in the Far East.
all unmarried men 30 years or Francis and the Judge adjudicat fective for 1936 37: older per cent of their annualed the mother of the girl from cified expenses, 400, 000, 000 lire; Ministry of Colonies for unspeDISCOVERIES BY OUR CHEMISTS income The petition declared the whom Francis bought as Alba Ministry of the Interior for the ex wou provide three benecea for the estate. At the ins families of soldiers, 50, 000, 000 IIthe laboratory of the Na. of Milk sold daily in San Jose; fits: tance of the Lawyer, the Pernal Agricultural Centre, it is purchasers of this precious re; Ministry of War, for military imated Ty Parly appealed against the that six hundred quid food are consequently advis The population would be administration of the Judge choice of Albacea or Exe colores arts of water are used to aduled to investigate the supplies ot greatly increased.
600, 000, 000 lire; Navy Ministry cutrix, as but as the judgment ate the four thousand quarts tained for their children and as for expenses incurred in conof the Supreme Court has been certain if a yearly vaccination of If Mexican married young, handed down confirming the nection, with the colonial situaCows is effected; if their water development of the cour try Judge auto, the judge, along tion. 200, 000, 000 lire; for the Ale supply is free from pollution and natural resources would be Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON their grass of the best. They complished more quickly.
ac with the Executrix, her daugh Ministry for colonial air admishould also satisfy nistration 50, 000, 000 nre.
ter and Mr. Brock, as Charge themselves of Affairs, went down to Westthat the milk carries the govern Crime would decrease, for falla on Thursday afternoon to ment test as to Volume. wives would keep their husbands take over the inventorled belong his return from Panama: this Abogado y This Department has also dis at home and out of trouble. ings of the deceased from Mrs. was denied, and instead He is covered that a verity of seeda The women delegation Notario Público pro Russell and Perry who have been now detained in his office under imported here as a special feed posed that the taz be used to taking care of the effects of Police guard pending the renefor Birds is nothing else than Oficina: Altos Pashelp younger men get married, this estate all this while.
wal of his Bailbond.
the Gangha Seed. Marijuana: construct maternity hospitals This latest move undoubtedly Serious complications are excual Ingianna needles to say the importation and build women homes. Con proves the illegality of the sev pected within the coming forthof such special Bird seeds is gress is to consider the proposal eral Bills of Sale made by both ight in connection with this declared prohibited.
at its September session.
claimants to the Estate. After Death Deal. as Mr. VilMr. Polson, Perry law lalobos, the Lawyer in the Estate yer, made an application for is determined to bring all conthe detention of Mr. Francis on cerned to justice.
the Mexican Women Seek BEFORE THE COURTS Italy votes big fund Ahorre. ON VACATION El éxito en los negocios y en la vida está siempre en espera del hombre que tiene el dinero necesario en el momento preciso Usted debe ser de esa clase de hombres It is pleasing to note hatt the among his own.
Merohandise Department of the Mr. DaCosta has assuinUnited Fruit Co. has, granted ed Mr. Bloomfield position, Mr. Osmond Bloomfield, Clerk and we feel sure he also will in charge of the wholesale ces make good.
partments (hardware and groeerles. leave of absence for six weeks.
Mr. Bloomfield has been associated with this department of the Company for thirtyoud years and his services have alCantina Posada ways been highby appreciated by all his employers. He left for the y Cafeteria Isle of Springs, his native land.
on the 31st. ultimo to enjoy a Felipe Wing Ching well earned rest from his busy job. The Atlantic Voice wish Apartado 395 him cheerio and a fing time EL CABALLO BLANCO Banco de Costa Rica SUCURSAL DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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