
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday August 8th.
1936 TWEEDS CASIMIRES AT THE JAMAICA STORE BREEDY Holdin of a Memorial Service INVENTION OF NEW PLANE The LONDON Site Sunday in bunks and unusualy Largt On Tuesray evening July 28th, dressed allusivey to the purpose The chairman offered the clos Graphic said Colonel Charles fuel tanks.
the Costa Rica Burial Scheme of the evening reunion. After, ing prayer which was followed Lindbergh has invented a new The plane wili be delivered to Assoc ación held a very type of airplane lenown as the the American flier in the next pressive memorial service im the reading of a passage of Scrip by the Mizpah. The Rev. Coo Flying Caravan.
two weeks, the Graphic stated the late Wilfred Ralf Parsons the singing of the hymn God all left deeply impressed by the for ture by Seister Carnegie and per effered the benediction and The paper sald a British firm. It added that Miles, noted whose death had taken place on our help in Ages Past. Brother service and quickened to the ful was constructing the machine, British constructor, cooperated th 12th. idem.
Carlos Valverde gave La Ora filment of their obligation to which was understood to 1:ave with Colonel Lindbergh on the clon Funebre and Bro. ManBrother rarsons, aithough iy Sea. which could be coveted design.
mankind, feeling that each is ing on the Lines, was a founzanares a short oration, also his brother keeper, that he is dation member of the Society.
in Spanish: both were highly truly nelgnbour to the other appreciated, and were followed and remained active and UNFAITHFUL HUSBANDS NOT WANTED IN consistent in the payment by the singing of the hymn man and is always having a di 01 Brief Life is here Our Portion vine duty to perform then to GERMANY s dues and in heartening the Bro. Hylton turn then came be mindful of Death and Eterni Society up to the time of his for the delivery o the sermon ty for as an epitaph reminds.
Husbands who are unfai by the offended party. It is much regretted death. The dethful will, in and enough to say he did his All ye who pass by take heed and future, lose continues the Decree, espe ceased was loyal and frank in duty, his Text being shall go read their jobs in the German Ci cially serious when commite every department that engaged to Him. The hymn God be As you are now, so once was vil Service says a recented by a teacher who ought his activities and always proved Berlin advice. The rule is to show young people a good a sincere and sympathetic with you till we meet again vas. As am now, so you will be sobbingly sung and followed by Prepare for death and folow also to be applied to a wo example: and is still worse friend. Everyone who came in a comprehensive address by the May the Soul of Wilfred Parman civil servant who com when committed against a contact with him left with Promoter, Bro. Blackman cons rest in Peace.
mits misconduct.
colleague without regard to pleasing Impression, and to his The Rev. Cooper also gaThe Administrative De whether both families have departure to be At Rest cree says misconduct of children.
truly felt and lamented. At the ve a short and pointed address civil Servants is to be punish The offending employee time of his passing the Society acclaiming the good work of the ed because it lets down the is dismissed from office as tendered its condolences to Mrs. Association and showing the prestige of the service, even he shows he has not enough Parsons and sent a wreath for need for and the usefulness of such collective bodies in a comif the misconduct be not moral stability and charac his grave.
munity. The Rev.
Estrada The Memorial Service gentleman, widely known or is forgiven ter.
was guided by a regular programme tive of any effort not only though a stranger is apprecia Abarrotes y Licores of under the chairmanship of Bro.
Articulos del País Mc Catty. The opening hymn spiritual interest but for our :was And are we yet alive to cial edification. May the stay Precios Economicos be fol owed by prayer from the among us of this young Padre LA IBERIA Chairman who afterwards adredound to our mutual good.
CLIMON, LIMON, a SALOMON CHIN WEE LE ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME Importación y Exportación Imports and Exports DEPOSITO DE MADERA LUMBER DEPOSIT BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA Compra Cacao en grano Cocoa Purchased BANCO DEL ESTADO UNICO EMISOR SOLE BANK OF ISSUE STATE BANK GERMANY TO LIST VETERANS ofrece al público los servicios de su Offers the Public the Services of its BERLIN Officers and so! The decree affects all persons diers of the World War were who have serve din a military made subject to registry and pos capacity who were born before sible traft by a decree signea 1913. The registration will take by Interior Minister Witam place between July 13 and Aug.
Frick and Marshal Werner von 22 Blomberg, War Minister.
SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE EN LA IN THE Ciudad de Limón City of Limon MAN MISTAKEN FOR WILD ANIMAL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN HULL POLICY PRAISED para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service PANAMA, After cal. have been saved from a great lng former President servicio bancario calamity.
Juan Rendered Sacasa of Nicaragua the incar It is probable that Nicaranation of mediocrity an edito gua will have a rapacious tyrart rial in the Panama America pral in the near futureſ but even so 873, 000 Fewer Idle ses Secretary Hull policy of non it will be the first step to vicintervention.
tory because all preceding Prest GENEVA. The quarterly un tragie occurrence of a rather body while the lantern was com But it also says, referring to dents have converted the repub employment report of the In unusual nature is reported to pletely shattered. He was taken the overthrow of the Sacasa gov lic into an extension of the Aner ternational Labor Office, a Le have taken place along the San to hospital and died there a les ernment, that the Nicaraguans ican Minister office.
ague of Nations orgaa, based on ta Rosa railway track during the days later.
unemployment exchange figures previous week.
The party responsible for and estimates, show that the man, it is said, was on his shooting is alleged to have ex United States had 11 506 000 un way to his farm on foot, early plained, that he was out hunt employed in May. 1936, as a one morning, with a lighted an ing and had mistaken the more gainst 12. 379, 000 the previous tern in his hand: he heard the ments of the unfortunece violin We wish to announce we have passed our eighth year of Existence although the Skeptics say nothing lasts long here.
May, a decrease of 873. 000 sudden report of a firearm and for those of a deer or some oth We have succeeded, because we have never deceived our Great Britain, the report says, received several shois in his er wild animal.
members. You can fool the people some of the time; you can had 705. 000 unemployed in fool half of the people most of the time; but you can never fool all the people all the time.
June, against 2, 044. 000 the preRemember that though we suffered from one Bank fa. vious une ure, we have met ALL OUR OBLIGATIONS up to date. We The general downward tread teze never had cause to close our doors. We have paid Death Grants for one hundred and four persons.
in unemployment figures noted We pay the same LIMON amount for Dependents as for Members; we do not make Bona in most countries of the world of the on: and Flesh of the other.
for the last three years continu MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS Shou you join our SICK DEPARTMENT we do not ed during the second quarter of limit your weekly Benefits; as long as you remain il in bed you recelve your Benefits iſ even for One Year.
1936, according to the report. Compra Cacao Material de Tranvia If you are seeking Help in the Hour of Need, join the The only unemployment IncreaONLY safe and reliable Society, the ses reported are in the gold block Sercicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION countries, France, the Nether Established in Limon, 5th May, 1928.
lands and Switzerland, and the Importación de mercaderia en general three Balkan States.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Guillermo Niehaus Co.

    FranceGermanyWorld War

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