
RHEUMATIC PAINS. FIASPIRINA The safe remedy always!
YA LLEGO. La Máquina de coser om Just Arrived. The Sewing «SINGER FROM SIQUIRRES Regulation Costs Bermuda 35, 000 Saturday August 8th. 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Cedulas as demanded by Law.
MENE MENE TEKEL. However, these are the signs or IL WIT be noticed by an an. tereby divested of the character the times and whoever are found nouncement in La Tribuna of authority which they have hit wanting when the scales are apthe Bust. ultimo tant another herto been enjoying. This sig. plied can only blame themselves.
turn has been taken on the nlfies that only nationals will be permitted to carry arms in their The note says By disposi vigilance over the Company AN EXCURSION TRAIN tion of our 1st. Comandante of property.
All paths will lead to Bagdad, Police, and in accordance with Through these columns the neLaw and the respective Rulings. cessity has been continually urg: the farm on the Rio Frio, Guanot the great Indian City, but orders were issued during last ed of making oneself a Costa on cimo Railway Branch Line, week to bring to an end all Po Rican for the privilege of enjoylice Permits which had been ex ing citizenship rights, Tuesday next, when Pastor Forde Here is run the last Excursion train take tended to Watchmen of the Nor another proof of such a neceswhich will be allowed this side thern Railway who are not Costa sity to those whose trades or of December Ricans.
professions compell them to pay For the Siquirres pleasure seeThe Order runs. All those attention to the Handwriting on kers and business men, it will be individuals who render services the Wall although until now as watchmen or the Rollway, very few who claim to be intei a splendid opportunity to get to Bagdad and back for 00; 90 who are not Costa Ricans, are ligent have even got out their it is expected that this train, befng the last of its kind for the 1636 season, will leave Limon at 30 am on Tuesday with a BAYER «SINGER1936 record crowd of sight seers who Cose para adelante y atrás, borda surce y perfora will be able to meet their friends Le cambiamos su máquina vieja por esta moderna. at 3iquirres and Guacımo. In or SOLO 15 COLONES MENSUALES der, however, to save regrets, all are asked to remember the troub Agencia «Singer» al costado Norte del Mercado lesome HYDRANT at the Machine Shop at siquirres which bas, NOTE OF THANKS already knocked many off suah trains. Every one should keep Mrs. Parsons begs, torouga PERU RAISES RICE their heads within the Machine 1936 windows of the cars and also refrain this medium, to thank the maYou can sew with it backward and forward, do DUTY from riding on the patforms.
ny friends and sympthisers, inembroidery, mending and hemstitching work.
cluding those of the faithrut CosLIMA, Peru. government ta Rica Burial Scheme AssociaWe exchange your old machine for this wonderful new one.
decree issued increased the imJosé Achion Ng tion, who personally assisted and ONLY 15 COLONES PER MONTH port duty on unhulled rice from in various ways expressed their Singers Agency at the North side of the Market in Limón. 12 to 10 centavos per kilogram COMERCIANTE DETALLISTA sincere condolence during her reThe duty on hulled rice remains cent and sad berievements unchanged.
Licores. Abarrotes, CrisThe duty increase is intended taleria, Artículos de FeThis township displayed a so recitations. This compliment was to protect the interests of the rretería y Eléctricos; todo se encuenta en este mewhat gay appearance last returned by Miss Elizabeth Le rice growers of the northern establecimiento a Wednesday when a touring par wis, of the Beverly School, ren provinces. Nevertheless, the ty of 73 school children with dering a solo entitled Bonnie decree includes a warning that Precios de Situación their teachers, made a hal: here. Eloise. her mates joining in the shou there be an undue increaCOSTARICA HAMILTON, Bermuda The They represented the English chorus. The party left on the Lise in the prices of native rice Bermuda Government may lose private schools conducted at Be mon bound Local train.
in the home markets, these tarir more than 35, 000 in revenue verly Liverpool and Zent by Mr.
Is may be reduced.
Chilean Press Refutes before the end of this year as Sawyers, Mrs Brown the result of the action the and Mrs. Lake respectively. Despite a wet evening, the loUnited States customs in limitMr. Sawyers, a veteran school cal Wesleyans were able to carWhat. Debt ing returning passengers to only master, was responsible for the ry through their Flower Service one gallon of duty free liquor, a trip, and expressed much aprecia last Sunday. The items were par Booth Bread, SANTIAGO, Chile. Debates prominent merchant stated.
tion for the gratuitous facilities ticularly interesting Biscuits Buns.
Before the regulation was imafforded by the Railway Co.
of unusual bitterness are taking Among the juvenile artistes Without which cou con boats place in Congress concerning posed each departing ship carConsequent on the late arrival was little Master James Cennir, of eating the best.
foreign capital in Chile ried about 600 cases and since of the visitors very little sight who made his debut as a solcist.
Berlin Bread Left st groups are waging a the regulation approximately seeing could be done; they only This tot earns the creditor Booth Biscuits had time to visit the Anglican being the best singer among the campaign in the Opposition 120. The government collects press against foreign capital. five shilings per case There pre principally Amercan, iBritish forty one more regular sailings Government. The party were en ment. He is in and German, in spite of an ener before the end of the year те Where ou will get the best.
tertained at the latter by the lo grade.
getc. defense by government sup presenting an approximate loss cal children with a short prothe industry can produce.
Mr. Aubrey Shaw presided porters, who point out that Chi of 29, 520 with an additional esgramme consisting of songs and at the function.
le independence and progres timated loss of 10. 000 from sive development are due to sup. cruise ships.
port by capital from abroad. It is believed here tha: followN 85.
The Opposition publications ing the Presidential electica rephave recently been concentrating resentations will be made for reBANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA their attacks on Gustavo Ross, sioring the previous conditions.
tne Minister of Finance, who has REMATE DE LA FINCA LLAMADA SAN ANTONIO SITUADA just returned from Europe, on the ground hat he is inc. ined to favor foreign concerns as EN LAS LOMAS wealthy investor and a friend of British bankers. las 14 horas del 11 de Setiembre próximo, en la oficina del Notario Lie. don FRAN.
This attack has become so inKLIN MATAMOROS, sita en la Avenida 2a entre Calles y Se rematará la siguiente tense as to constitute the inotive propiedad: for the Radical party refusal to LIMON Finca N9 055, tomo 910, folios 438 y 439, as. y take portfolios in the Cabine after President Arturo Alessaasituada en la Segunda División Atlántica del Ferrocarril, distrito 39 Cantón 39 de in Povincia de Limón, denominada HACIENDA SAN ANTONIO. Mide 135 hectáreas, dri had refused to remove Mr.
3, 105 metros y 48 decimetros cuadrados, y es terreno cultivado de banano, hoy en abanRoss at the demand of the Lei dono, y el resto de charrales y montes, con UNA CASA de habitación, que consta de Refrescos tist circles cinco cuartos, de madera y techada con zire, y DOS CASAS para peones. Linderos: al Norte y Este, con propiedad de la Suc. 4e Juan Rafael Jiménez; al Sur, río Reventazón y linea férrea al Atlántico; y al Oeste con el camino de Pascua en parte, en parte AUSTRIANS HAIL el río Pascua y en parte el lote 68.
SCHMELING BASE PARA EL REMATE 6. 654. 27 VIENNA. In all Vieana ciNo se admitirá postura que no cubra la base y los interesados deberán depositar nemas where the film of the en el acto del remate el 10 de ella, pudiendo pagar el resto del precio en las condLA FLORIDA ciones de Largo Plazo, sea al de interes y 25 de amortización anuales, con garanLouis. Schmeling bout is being tia de la misma propiedad.
exhibited. the Nazis have trga nized enthusiastic demonstra Fábrica de Hielo Para más informes véase el BOLETIN JUDICIAL 179 de hoy a en el DEPARtions.
They shouted, Heil Hitler de agosto de 1936. Heil Germany! and Heil Schmeling. The police were obilged to intervene to restore order Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Statement on Foreign Well. Church School and that of the boys of bis class in the govern: The People Bakery.
y Maderas


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