
The Atlantic Voice OurEconomic Recuperation bhabi The Civil War in Spain tective asaltance to those of the All Inmigration Stopped resOur Coconut Industry in Danger Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone Editor Enpleh Section: NATION Truly in this selfish world of ours nothing can las23 everything changes.
Año III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday August 15th. 1936 No. 106 This Province has been passing through a very se.
rious cycle of depression during which deprivation, strip gency and distress were brought to every door, and these, awful economic conditions were just disappearing when, suddenly, within a few seconds, a setback in our recupe.
ration toward prosperity has overtaken us and it will The latest news items indicate of those countries. The Air ļo neutrality agreement suggested that this horrible destruction of ces of the Rebels are also said by France has not been settlei, need many months of carefuk consideration before is life and property has in no way to be receiving assistance frow as Mussolini still adheres to his Pan be overcomey abated during the past week, ra other private sources, demands that the pact should in Since the signing of the Banana Agreements, one ther that it is now entering a mo From Lisbon it is reported that clude not only governments but observed the gradual but certain change in the econos re sanguinary phase.
Abd el Kader, the Moorish Chler, all private individuals, and that mic life of our community, as the increased activities in Generals Mola and Franco are has offered General Franco his all foreign assistance to either of the operations of the Fruit Company produced now. Vi how in contact, and are making services along with twenty thous the belligerents should be stopped final errangements for the launch end warriors.
before Italy can become a party gour everywhere and in every department of our cone munal life. The Company having placed thousande at ing of an intensive offensive Meantime the international thereto.
gainst Madrid, in addition the disposal of many for planting and harvesting the sloo to more and rious gold coloured fruit an impetus was given everyone to get busy in his particular line. Merchants began te forces operating in distinctive reimport, and so soon as these importations commenced, the.
Following on the several In issuing the necessary insneed of gold was experienced; this caused our exchange According to a report by trictions latherly instituted by the tructions covering this decision, the to soar.
With the soaring of the exchange rates came the Unted Press, the Southern Sorces government in regard to immigra the Minister of Public Safety stat rise in the price of Cacao from five cents to thirty five of the Rebels are in tion, it has now been definitely od that the government does not possession cents per pound. All were, consequently, infused with of a considerable number of the decided that no more immigrants ensider in advisable to permit life. The most modern war planes of Italian respective of class or nationall more aliens entering the country The Company began cleaning and caring her car cao fields which had been abandoned for some years and German manufacture which y are to be allowed into the coun under present conditions.
are being operated by nations?
try others caught the impetus and soon labourers could picly chose and refuse work. Landlords, who had lowercek their rents and neglected their holdings, effected much needed repairs and once more raised their rents, and the heavier importations provided more work on the water fronts. Even Lawyers saw more cases coming up; while housewives, who had to dispense with their helps, were It seems rather strange that, dustry by the Chapulin or Co earn their livelihood by selling fortune was continually on the move and the economie in a position to re employ them. And so the wheel of our Jarge Dailies, and even the conut Worm is most apparent the Oil and the water coconut. national section of this Journal, and the attention, of the Junta so it is essential that the matter recuperation of Limon could be observed on every hand.
do not, in the interest of Agricul Nacional de Agricultura ought be taken up and the Cemists of Suddenly however the breeze arose and in a few she ture, give a litt e more attention to be called very forcibly to this the Agricultural Department minutes much wealth disappeared. More than fifty pey to this matter.
calamity. Coconut Oil forms a provide the remedy for checking cent of our Bananas are lost, and Cacao trees have been stap e food dressing among the the evil.
so badly shaken that coming crops will be less.
residents along this Coast, while New Municipal Tax It is exceedingly distressing to This setback has cast a sort of gloom over the City the refreshing drink afforded by observe the destruction being The Municipal Authoritles of Bendita. as a ce er ty aroundpital Village and it is well known this palm tree. the Agua done to the trees around the Hos Merchants have cancelled much of their foreign orde and planters have dispensed with their extra hands.
San José are investigating a pro Siquirres was wont to designate that when a tree is attacked by posal to impose a tax by means it when handing it out for sale those insects the Agua Bendita Fortunately, these setbacks are not of a lasting nature, of a Timbre on every receipt and are only brought about as a means of correcting our piven for the payment of rent, to passengers on passing trains, becomes unfit for brink no matmodes of living; for, as the seed only regains vigous by.
the va ue of the Timbre, cannot be slighted. Many of the ter how delicious it might have Stamp duty, to be in proportion dying, so greater opportunities are, at times, obtained poorer families in midst been previously.
through sufferings. It is therefore hoped that we she to the amount received.
This proposal has been brought all regard this temporary evil as a corrective measuxo about by reason of the Health the manner Authorities decision that every which we handle future blessings.
house, becoming vacant, In the efforts being made to the children who go barefooted should be thoroughly fumigated further safeguard the health of ir their respective districts.
before being allowed to be re oc our future men and women, the As soon as this census is comcnpied, and as the Sanitary de Ministers of Public Healu. and pleted a further study of the partment of the Muin eipalty is Education have issued instrue question wil be undertaken to to attend to this work the pro tions to the San tary Depart decide the methods whien nay posed tax is to meet the necessa ments throughout the country best be adopted to carry out the y additional expense. to have a census taken of 211 desire of the government that SERVICIO DE VAPORES these growing citizens should no lenger go without that whish the Minister of Health describes Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York is the most important per una!
con escala en Cristóbal y Habana element in the defence of the indiv. dual.
Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS 621 para EUROPA Counterfeit Coins AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS (Santander, Plymouth, Cherbourg, Amsterdam in Circulation Hamburgo)
Vapores Selidas number of counterfeit coins CARIBIA Agosto 16 of the Colon denom nation have QUIRIGUA 16 de Agosto appeared in San José, apd al though, it is said, they can ue PETEN 23 de Agosto Para GUATEMALA easily distinguished there is just VERAGUA 30 de Agosto (Puerto Barrios y Livingston)
the possibility that those concerned in this illegal act may eu CORDILLERA Set. deavour to trade them among the less suspicious in the outF. ALVARADO Cia, to Tying districts, therefore care SERVICIO DE CARGA y PASAJEROS Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas should be taken by all when tendered these coins.
Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse Para otros informes dirijase a la oficinas The colour the false coins de la United Fruit Company en los bajor del bas, we understand. stained, Gran Hotel Costa Rica Speckled appearance, whHe that For the legit male coin bears a Agencia en Costa Rica Teléfono 2086 TELEFONO 3156 bright polished finish.
or our CENSUS OF THE BAREFOOTED and cause us to more carefully attend on UNITED FRUIT Co.
HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE HAPAC. LLOYD Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    Civil WarFranceItalyMussoliniSpainSpanish Civil War

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