
HE WHOM IT MAY CONCERN tu that interest rate is grea. THE AUSTRO GERMAN AGREEMENT IN THE ATL ANTIC VOICE Saturday August 15th. 1936 Holds Is Too Strong For Fair Peace Parley FRENCH TOWN SHELLED BY ACCIDENT SANTIAGO, Chile. The peace conference in Buenos is so overwhelming that it NICE, France. French Several other shells whisne walpaper El Imparcial Aires. It asserts the econo will reduce the Latin Ame submarine accidentally shell tled over the roofs of the expresses doubts at to the mic power of the United rican members of the con led the French Riviera resort town, scaring the villagers success of the forthcoming States over South America ference to the condition of town of Sainte weak and powerless onloo while trying to Maxime from their beds.
sink a kers.
Genaarmes said the sub.
The sincerity of the peace burning yacht at sea. marine was the Atalante.
TO deals expressed by PresiTwo of the shells land ad When it finally got the the in the village. One of the range it sank yacht dent Roosevelt when he pro hit a saw mill, causing con whose flames were endanWe wish to announce we have passed our eighth year of posed the conference ale Existence although the Skeptics say nothing lasts long here.
not questioned by theeditosiderable damage.
gering near by vessels.
We have succeeded, because we have never deceived our members. You can fool the people some of the time; you can rial, but it asserts the mate fool half of the people most of the time; but you can never fool all the people all the time, probably Remember that though we suffered from one Bank fal.
cary ure, we have met ALL OUR OBLIGATIONS up to date. We more weight than the spirihave never had cause to close our doors. We have paid Death BERLIN. The German, exerting economic pressure tual sues among the numeGrants for one hundred and four persons, We pay the same rous Government announced tat on Austria.
problems to be conamount for Dependents as for Members; we do not make Bone sidered.
in pursuit of the Austroof the on and Flesh of the other.
German agreement toner The announcement says Should you join our SICK DEPARTMENT we do nos malize the relations between the new regulations were limit your weekly Benefits; as long as you remain ill in bed you receive your Benefits if even for One Year.
these two German States, formulated foliowing dieus 11 you are seeking Help in the Hour of Need, join the Germany to List Veterans new regulations will be issuliions between the Foreign ONLY safe and reliable Society, the For Possible Call ed soon governing German Office and the Ministry of COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION Lourist traffic to Austria. the Interior, in which eco Established in Limon, 5th May, 1928.
These regulations ar: ex nomic and press political BERLIN. Officers and sol pected to abolish the border matters also were discust.
diers of the World War were barricade of a 000 marned. Nothing is said regard made subject to registry and postourist fee created by Chan ing the new regulations afsible draft by a decree signed cellor Ilitler as one means of fecting the latter two ficids.
PRAGA, Czechoslow, on the history of our two by Interior Minister Wilhelm kia. General Alknis, chic States and the fact that both Frick and Marshal Werner von of the Russian air force, who nations come of the same Blomberg, War Minister, is now in this country visit stock. Mr. Machnik declaring aeronautic institutions, ed. We have always re in a mulltary was the guest of the Cze garded Russsia as our great capacity who were born before choslovak Government at a eastern sister. All our repre 1913. The registration will take dinner at which War Minis sentatives who have seal place between July 13 and Aus SEE ter Frantisek Machnik made Russia recently have relorn 22.
THE NEW AIR COOLED a speech stressing the friend ed with enthusiastic reports ly relations between Cze concerning the progress choslovakia and Russia. they saw there.
EL This friendship is based REFRIGERATOR CZECH AND RUSSIA FRIENDLY The decree atfests all persons THE MIRACLE OF ICE FROM HEAT ELECTROLUX CABALLO BLANCO on an was a recently discovered paint. Marcie aux Purces. SPAIN SPAIN TROUBLED HISTORY MUST NOT FLY OVER BRITAIN NO MOVING PARTS Cantina Posada NO ELECTRICITY KEROSENE BURNER FRANKFORT ON THE Iivalve Metber of Parliay Cafeteria USES NO WATER PERMANENT SILENEC MAIN, Germany. Captainment asserted the Hinden EFFICIENT Ernst Lehmann, commander burg twice nad flown at Felipe Wing Ching of the German Zeppelin Hin low altitude over Leeds, a denburg, said today that, busy industrial center.
Apartado 395 FOR FULL PARTICULARS when he reached the coast SEE AGENT FOR LIMON PROVINCE of Northern Ireland JOHNSTON eastward trip across NEWLY FOUND COPLY the Atlantic, he BRITISH VICE CONSULATE PORT LIMON ordered by the German Go LONDON. On exhibi by 27 inches, was found in vernment not to fiy across tion at the Tate Gallery is a very dirty condition in the British territory: SO marketToulon.
pley (1737 1815. American The picture, which is of Sir Philip Sassoon, British born member of the Rojal circumstantial rather than rous rebellions and critical ry outbreak.
Spain has survived nume, mists attemped revolutionaUnder Secretary for Airt Academy. The picture is great artistic interest, came periods in the last five years old the House of Commons that of a little girl playing to the Toulon market from Some of the dates: October, 1984. Radicals revolted against the governin London that Great Britain with a dog.
a sale at Bandol after the was taking up with Ger Credit for the discovery death of Mme. Herné, April, 1931. King Aion ment.
to so quit the throne and fled. April, 1936. President many the question of recent belongs to Francis Mc whom it had been left by a Zeppelin flights over Br. Ewen, artist, who has lent Miss ztanley Hunter, a van revolt in Seville crushedi.
August, 1932. Royalist Niceto Alcala Zamora ousted by Parliamentary vote.
the picture to the gailery. cer of American origin, of January, 1933. Extre. May, 1936. Manuel Azu Vyvyan Leeds, a Conser The picture, measuring 35 Paris.
mist uprisings which collaps ña, former Premier, elected REBELS IN President of Leftist govern MOROCCO REPORTED AT HELM blance to a figure in a porFrom its striking reservi ed after five days, December, 1933. Entre ment.
TANGIER, Morocco. A, from the region spid, but trait group by Copley of rebel force numbering later they were sent in 20, 000 men held complete trucks othe frontier of the painting is believed to repre control of Spanish Morocco Tangier international zone. sent one of his daughters.
HAVANA. Representa Jid apply brain and brawn to after having seized the chiel Shipsailings from Alge tive William Sirovich con opening world markets for military posts throughoutria and from Malaga, Spain, ferred for an hour with new Cuban industrial pro.
the area, refugees reaching to Spanish Morocco were Chile to purchase arm Preside, Miguel Gomez ducts. The project would here reported.
and presented a proposal, not clash with either the The rebels were declared sensation was caused SANTIAGO, Chile. Th that Cuba open her doors Palestine project or the Sc.
to be headed by General here when a Spanish Fascist Chilean Government alleg for at least 100, 000, perhaps viet Biro Bidjan project as Francisco Franco, military help up a Spanish telegraph ed intention to make large more, persecuted German some Jews do not desire to Governor of the Spanish office and demanded that purchases of war materials Jews for whom American migrate to the Holy Land owned Canary Island, 300 the employes surrender. The appears to be confirmed by Jewry and international hu with the present Arabian miles west of Morocco. An police jailed the man.
new reports that a meeting manitarians of all creeds are trouble, and others do not unconfirmed report said he of the commanders of the seeking to find permanent desire to live under a comhad been arrested by govern army, nayal and air forces homes in countries where munistic State.
ment troops.
Well. What. have beek called to consider immigration restrictions do told President Gomez Detachments of Spanish the matter.
not prove to be a bar. that Cuba as a daughter of and Moorish regulars surBooth Bread, At recent meetings of the Mr. Sirovich, followin Spain may now open her prised the guards at milita Biscuits Buns.
commanders of the services his interview, said: gates to religious and racial ry posts and compelled them Without which you can boats it was asserted that moder Mr. Gomez shows he is tolerance to the same people to surrender. young offi. of eating the best nized equipment was urgen a man of great tolerance, Spain expelled more than cer who refused to turn over Berlin Bread tly needed to put Chile on Nutrality and progresſive four centuries ago.
his command to the rebels Booth Biscuits a par with other countries. ness. He demonstrated This is tre scond attempt was killed on the spot, re.
Technical and financial great interest and asked for to establish a Jewish colony fugees related.
People Bakery. plans are now under consila detailed plan for which in Cuba, as the previous All loyal officers and deration, but the details of, am flying to Los Angeles project suggested to forme their families were at first Where you will get the best.
these have not been disclos later.
the industry can produce.
President Machado was reimprisoned, persons fleeing ed. The Jewish settlers wou jected.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
himself and his team the CUBAN JEWISH COLONY OUTLINED a The

    FranceFrancisco FrancoGermanySpainWorld War

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