
For Liver and Stomach Ailments THE LAW COURTS Even the cold reglons of PataINVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF Indigestion de, been nonsulted with costs. Colombian Doctor Discovers Leprosy Cure.
Wanderers Reorganized América Escape It is officially understood in 9th. September. As Captain Extreme Cold keting Circles that Mr. Butler will be absent, he has he Rivers, Manager of the Wand uauthorised Lord Harris, our En ers has reorganized his Cricket Capitalist who has BUENOS ATRES. It Wint.
guaranteed victory to the Wand er in South America, but the e ab. He expects to meet the Fear crers, to manipulate these two is a peculiar absence of extreme. 35 of Beverly on the Libe on Oval on Wednecday exhibition games. Other enga ly cold weather.
the gements of this ex Champion Fourteen degrees above zers cht th. instant and to play the Club w! ll follow.
read the thermometer at the cold an. turn match at Beverly on the est spot in Argentina. Laqiuaca on the Argentine. Bon.
vian border.
NYT gonia were comparatively warm In the case of Mr. Samuel parties were notified of the file with readings of 23 degrees.
ure aw of 28 Miles against Mr. Sing of the suit, and on the 12th. The South Orkney Islands, Nation, as Representative of instant they were informed of the southeast of Cape Horn, report e Agricultural Corporation of decision of the Judge; all within ed only nine degrees below frezays at place, for Five thousand Co the short space of three weeks.
ing ere ies for refusing to recognize The Weather Bureau predict Flatulence And all forms cum as a shareholder of the Cor Truly, President Cortes is haved more rain which may further ign ration, the Court has decided ing things shaped in an enlighretard the corn harvest, already of at Mr. Shaw claim is contrary tened manner.
delayed because of an unusual of Stomach ECO aw as the receipts presented period of wet weather.
ical him are not valid from inaay ust. indpoints: his suit has, thereColics Disorders side, This case establishes a record ids It has been officially announc the well known Bactereologist brevity in the Law Courts re. On the 21st of July, the ci that Professor Lleras Acosta, of the Republic of Colombia, has made a great discovery in the treatment and cure of Leprosy.
MANUFACTURED BY: Dr. Lleras recently gave the HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA Co. ombian National Academy of Medicine a brief history of the «SINGER» 1936 SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA experiments he had been conCose para adelante y atrás, borda surce y perfora ducting for twenty years to evolLe cambiamos su máquina vieja por esta moderna ve a cure for the dreaded diseaSOLO 15 COLONES MENSUALES se, which disclosed he had developed an effective culture. He Agencia «Singeral costado Norte del Mercado The heavy rains have caused, of sunny Bagdad.
obtained 96 per cent of positive the postponement of all outdoor The climate of Guapiles is mo cases in 3, 038 practised reacsports and enjoyments.
re exhilerating and there will be tions; these 3, 038 persons were Mr. Lee had to put off his Ra time to visit the site for the pro Machine 1936 14 classified, according to clinical ce meet for the next Sunny posed bridge over the Yellow PIdiagnosis, as follow. 638 clear You can sew with it backward and forward, do lepers: 360 clinic lepers, 211 childay.
ver, to open up the fertile VaEC embroidery, mending and hemslitching work.
The Baptist big excursion to Ney of San Carlos. Surely a trip.
dren of lepers; 211 in apparent Cuacimo has also been postponed on the last excursion for the year We exchange your old machine for this wonderful new one. good health, but living in the two houses of lepers 264 unaffected to Monday 17th, instant and will is right for the amount of ONLY 15 COLONES PER MONTH colones and fifty cents to far with the disease and 1, 195 in good go to Guapiles Singer) Agency at the North side of the Market in Limón.
away Gua piles and Pastor ForThe results obtained by the The change gives a longer run, de excursions always afford Professor were declared to be through more pleasant and in pleasant outings among a seloot very suprising, the reactions be teresting country, than that preot of friends.
ing more pronunced than those viously arranged to the Rice fields Some more fistic activities oc finding them, he got irate and of the famous Professors Wasrred last week on the premi abused Daley, who in turn beserman and Kaha.
tone Wall Daley Whips the Bull Losses Caused by the Hurricane José Achion Ng COMERCIANTE DETAI LISTA Sex os!
Licores, Abarrotes, Crisfalería, Artículos de Ferretería y Eléctricos; todo se encuenta en este establecimiento a Precios de Situación Much disappointment is stat the opportunity of doing so, as a ed to have been experienced by large number of the trees were a number of our farmers in con only blown down, not rooted out, sequence of the diverting of the hence the fruit was not injured boat which should have called Some, we understand, actually here last week for a load of three went throught their cultivations quarter fruit.
trimming and covering the fruit Many of these farmers allege in expectation of cutting orders that at least fifty per cent of but, alas, they did not reckon on this class of fruit could have a divertion.
been salvaged, were they given cled en COSTA RICA ED COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY Ahorre. eguita, but the audience was the Bull, alias Shaw, by the a very large one.
horns and administered such a man, known as the Bull of sound thrashing to him that be neguita, approached Daley at roared as if he were in the grip residence and accosted him, of a tiger.
it is said, as having stolen The Bull resorte dto the Agent me old railroad purlines he of Police for redress but was in his back yard and had told that he was wrong to have ntracted to sell to a landower gone into the Tiger strong: the vicinity. Daley invited him hold and insulted him. He then search his place for the miss got Attorney Powell on the joo purlines. He did so and, not who advised him to seek the soothing attentions of our Me dico of Health and obtain a cer tificate proving that the clawe of the Tiger Daley had made him unfit for another engagement during the ensuing fifteen fa days. Armed with this certificate, the Bull proceeded to lodge Id LIMON a notorius accusation before the th Alcalde: to wit, that the said well known battling Daley did Fábrica de Hielo attack and maultreat an officer of the Law. this Bull being an y Refrescos authorized person (a watchman of the Company. The Court detained Daley and sent him to Colonel Arias Dispensary to be there he for criminal investi gation. This disclosed that the pretensions of the Bull were unLA FLORIDA founded The case was sent back to the Police Court where it is being further ventilated. It Fábrica de Hielo is however said that the Bull was Venta de Leche made to yell bitter. y: and he got out of those premises by the shortest broken gap he could find, a sadder but a wiser animal.
El éxito en los negocios y en la vida está siempre en espera del hombre que tiene el dinero necesario en el momento preciso Usted debe ser de esa clase de hombres FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
Banco de Costa Rica y Maderas SUCURSAL DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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