
Assailant Denies Wish to Harm King LIMA, Peru. Jorge Prado, ces Mr. Prado continued to de ce for all regardless of political Presidential candidate of the mand the establishment of a views.
National Front, will receive a united government working for Mr. Prado, who resigned as tremendous ovation on his ar the development of Peru. Ambassador to Brazil to run for Three irrigation projects. border stream rises dangeyiyal here. new democratic era must the Presidency, finally reached costing 80, 000, 000 pesos rously. This dam will proDuring his election campaign be inaugurated. he said recen Peruvian soll late last month. 22, 200, 000) and bring vide irrigation water for in southern towns and provintly. based on liberty and justi after a journey by plane, on ing under cultivation 1, 500 more than 150, 000 acres in foot and by ox art. cross 000 acres of raw land in Nor an area that hitherto has cultivated KING SOLOMON GATE LOCATED which was expected to last two cultural development pro and, for the most part, de CHICAGO. The ancient Institute who had previous days lasted nine, five of which gram of President Lazaro voted to cattle range.
The first irrigation progate Onat King Solomon ly found the stables where were spent in the jungles.
Mr. Prado was en route to Li Most important to the borject to be finished. Mexican built for the city of Megiddo Solomon kept the blooded El in Palestine has been unear hor:es he bought from the ma when his plane was forced der region will be the Azu authorities say, will be thed. The discovery was Egyptians and sold to the down at Campo Grande in the car Dam on the San Juan Palmito Dam on the Nazas Matto Grosso. This was followed River, prominent tributary River in Coahuila, wher announced by the Oriental Hittites.
on the next day by ano her emer dumping into the Rio Gran about 900. 000 acres in the Institute of the University The gate was historically gency landing at Santa Cruz de just above kio Grande Torreon district will be of Chicago.
important as it was the scene bad weather again being the City, Texas, Engineers alre irrigated. The dam will imThe gateway to the Bi of many great struggles cause. On the third day the blical metropolis was clear between ancient Egypt and plane ran into a dense fog over site 100 miles southwest of cubic meters of water.
ady are surveying the dam pound about 3, 000, 000, 000 ed by archeologists of the Asiatic powers.
the heart of the jungle.
Third on the list of prohis gasoline nearly exhausted, Azucar Dam is expected jects is Angostura Dam on the pilot was compelled to make to aid in Rio Grande flood the Yaqui River in Sonora, a forced landing on the sand control, since the San Juan which will irrigate many banks of the Rio Grande River aimost invariably goes thousands of Yaqui Vailey Here the plane buried itself on a rampage when the lacres in that wild section.
deeply in the mud and had to be LIMON, LIMON, abandoned. Often up to their knees in water, the two made Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard their way to Importación y Exportación Imports and Exports a litt e hamlet Nacionales Puerto Perrigon, eighty kilomeFrank Maduro Jr ters from Santa Cruz. Trucks DEPOSITO DE MADERA LUMBER DEPOSIT sent to the rescue from Santa Prop Cruz could not reach the haFrank Maduro hijo. Compra Cacao en grano Cocoa Purchased mlet because the bush trails were under water. Mr. Prado Prop.
Best native lumber had to continue s journey part Maderas del país. Existenly on foot and partly by mule cia permanente en nuestio at moderate prices ROOSEVELT AND LANDON TARGETS FOR DRYS and oxcart.
depósito At Puerto Pailas provisions CHICAGO Dr. Leigh Cel just spent two days in Towere scarce, and for five days vin the Prohibition party ean peka.
Colvin continued.
Lloyd Aero planes had to drop didate for President, declared he There are 244 beer salooms the food by means of parachutes to would attack (Governor Landon 29 re in a city of 64. 000 the two men. Santa Cruz was LONDON. George Av had caused.
well as President Roosevelt in his Why, some sections are as bad reached for the second time af drew McMahon, who sou You chose a shocking!
fall campaign Mr. Colvin as the Bowery. six saloons to ght to attack King Ed wrong method of protesting serted that Kansas, which be a block.
ward, told his wife in your grievance. his wife called the premier dry State. He said it was Governor LanBrixton Jail, am neither told him.
had become wet during the London associates blocked traitortus nor disloyal and Scotland Ya. Letectives don administration.
passage in 1935 of a bill forbidCOMERCIANTE did not intend to shoot the dompieted taking endence There startling amount of ding anything stronger than s monarch.
from more than 100 persons liquor there. he asserted in an ser cent beer in Kansas.
ESTABLECIDO EN LA PROVINCIA PCR The 34 year old prisoner who were near il: spot interview. More than at any ti The Prohibition party comMAS DE 20 AÑOS asserted he wanted only to where McMahon leveled me since 1880.
plaint against President Roose Vende al detal. Vino y Li protest because the Home loaded revolver at the Briraat was the year Kansas vot velt, Mr. Colvin explained, is that cores exiranjeros y del país, Office had not answered his tish ruler.
od constituional prohibition. he sponsored repeal.
abarrotes en general. letters.
Both Scotland Yard and Micelánea. have faith in you. his Mr. Kerstein were conductESTABLECIMIENTO ESQUINA NORTE DEL MERwife comforted him. will ing an intensive search for CADO ENTRE LA AV. 30. LA CALLE Wa PUERTO RICO CELEBRATES 4TH. OF JULY do all that is possible to help the woman in gray who was you.
reported to have forced Me San Juan, Puerto Rico. The independence a chance to de ter four days hard going McMahon, his wife and Mahon to drop the gun.
Fourth of July crowd biggest monstrate their feelings. through country inhabited by Alfred Kerstein, his attorn Mr. Kerstein said a dozen cheer came when Chief Justice Governor Winship in his spe wild Indians and pumas. ny, talked for an hour in the persons wanted to testify del Toro, concluding his speech, ech gave no indication of anyth From Santa Cruz the fight prison hospital, outlining for the prisoner, but he 10anserted that no greater inde ing but continuance of the is. was resumed in another airplane the unsuccessful attacker garded most of them as 19.
pendence is obtainab. e than Poland with the main and, urging dispatched by the government, defonse, when he will be toriety seekers. Because of Rico enjoys under the American that with the development of and, after a night spent in Co arraigned in Bow Street the crowds that were wash fias. Seemingly, it was an im self government the island or chabamba, La Paz, eventually court.
ing the royal procession, Mr.
provised statement rollowing the gante act be aberalized by Con was reached. Here a large crowd Isolated from the oglier Kerstein said he believed reading of his set speech, but gress.
had assembled to greet the hero prisoners in the jail hospital few persons actually saw the crowd, eager to demonstrate We should strive for the lar of this uncontemplated odessey MeMahon has been question what happened.
against the independence. actie gest measure of self government Mr. Prado continued his joured by a doctor at intervals Mediahon will appear be.
vities of separatists, shouted and within the American Union. he ney and entered Peruvian ter since he was arrested after fore Chief Magistrate Sit clapped as the Chief Justice said.
ritory via Lake Titicaca and Pu the incident on Constitution Rollo Graham Campbell to turned from the microphone. Such efforts are noble and no. He had by this time fully Hill. His friends said he answer charges of possession Despite the Opposition propa deserve the sympathy of all recovered from the effects of was terribly worried and of a gun with intent to eaganda against the day cele. rightthinking Americans. s wanderings in the bush. Ibroken over the trouble he danger the King life bration the demonstration turned out to be the biggest since the American occupation in 1898. Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ata We beg, to call your attention to our remark at the back with a colorful military and civil de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
parade. It was reviewed in front of the Cap!:o) by Governo: Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office Benton Winship and other cina dentro de los primeros 10 días officials.
before the 10th of the month de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Fioats depicting scenes of ear Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which American history gave a code tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take Torful touch. The celebration was not without a broader political Significance, giving the opportuoth to those who opposed island agwho EDGAR YOUNG Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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