
THE ATLANTIC VOICE 0911 Saturday August 8th. 1936 OUR INSANE ONES By the Diario of Tues :could sign the papers ior day last it is notieed there their repatriation he would is a recommendation frou have to be supplied with the Judicial Inspector Gene the papers shewing their ral to the Supreme Court of Birthplaces, their Baptisma!
Justice as to how these de Certificates, as well as those mended ones can be deport with regard to their entry ed to their countries of oli into the country. Consequent gin in consequence of the on this, Mr. Juan Rafael Var POR TONTO lo cogerían a Ud. comprando loteria extranjera si sabe. que la LOTERIA NACIONAL da 21 premios mis en cada 000 números. 0) que con 3. 00 saca Ud. 000 en la LOTERIA NACIONAL, en la otra sólo saca 4560.
3:0) que la LOTERIA NACIONAL devuelve en premios, 63 centimos de cada colón que recibe. La otra, comprando a 4. 00 el pedacito, solo devuelve dh prenios, 50 centimos de cada colon que Ud gaste. Haga el cloulo)
sir difficulty placed in the was cas, the Judicial Inspector Mayor número de PREMIOS. Mayor ganancia Para Ud. en cada premio. Más cantidad de colones devueltos en premios oba mais by the British Consulates at The article further states Cuartel and secured lior that the British Conzul at these supposed lunatics, ti e Kingston this is clearly a required information.
mistake and is meant ior The names of these persons. points out that as these per 35 years old, born at Free CRICKET RECORDS BEING MADE שון 31 Бор 3ry for our locat poyl be sons have spent all their and Kingston; Marta Servi Costa Rica is at last making mething, the former took a cate. Mr. Campbell team aforder manhood and womanhood ce, 55 years of age, born in Cricket History. The Youths ban the latter missed one. Tay much fun as everythingwa: 50 out here, it would be unfair Kingston; Elizabeth Page, ve accomplished a feat worthy lor, at 3rd man, took the Excel comic. Hayling, Sutton, to now dump them in kinas 51 years of age, born Capt. Campbell and Wade maidsof note. They dispatched our sior Skipper; did you see that ton without proof of their Short Town, Jamaica; Pru. 1935 Champions, the terrible Ex catch Sutton?
ed twice. The famous Panamnationality: he therefore de nella Tyre Maracayo, 40 wian Plummer was nisted to celsior for 43 runs all out, mands the presentation of years old, born at East Proshad scored Hayling before he and replied with 136 for just a The match played on Monday their Birth Certificates pect, Si. Thomas; Nathabest between the Pathfinder Minor3 and three tmise afterwards Clowed of the Parchment team Eight of these demeatedniel Samuel, born at Black single wicket. This is the ever done here by any club.
and the Britannic Minors from tried to make himself a wick ones now detained in our lo River Wat; Joseph LaurenThe Youths opened their inning Estrada was also very interest keep after bowling from with their newly discovered Osng. It was well attended by ends and four angles: his, bowl THE GIFT SHOP wald Sewell accompanied by Reu parents and school children. The ing is good, his Batting fair, but ben Brawn;t he former played in bomesters batted first and made he does not seem to possess the chorts but stood before the bowl 49 runs then had the visitors al sportsman temperament. Decke ANTIQUES AND SOUVENIRS ing of Johnson like a solid rock out for 41. At the close of the ry is a disgrace to bowlers, and came some of the Pathfinder should not be encouraged wiba tbe Large assortment of genuine old indian pottery. and after making seven runs was boys were taken off the bowled and caught by fleldhall Sutton was the outstanais Max vell Beautiful objects in native woods.
on the shoulders of their fans batsman of this Comic Maton ree Samuel Smith then joined Brown The Estrada dia well in eve made 32 not out. The game est PRICES REASONABLE and these brought trouble on the department of the DIRECTION: Prom Hotel Costa Rica, east 75 yards on car line game ed in a draw, Parchment tears late Champions. Seven bowlers Webb and Cameron did, excelent compiled 90 all out and Chinaright hand side, before Drug Store Nueva Eolica on corner and two wicket keepers were bowling also Foster. For the bell 62 for MISS BROAD Sucr. BOX 531 SAN JOSE COSTA RICA changed as also many of the outly Pathfinders, Patterson and During ing fleld positions but the partner Brown were the match win Izcelsior match noticed Sunday Pathfigurer LOOK FOR THE INDIAN SIGN ship could not be separated. This ners, their boylling was all that Boy signalling the Excelsior made history, not only for the could be desired, Keep Uprow in the sponge; whyrála ke but cal Cuartel are, the Inspes. ce, 60 years of age, deaf and Pathfinders not do the same thing at Cricket a second wicket stand tor General says, Jamaicans dumb; was born in Kingston time of the Motive Power och The Combination match hot when his team fell for 16 runs.
and should be repatriatea as Gardens up North Street in Welding 116 runs. The Excelsior the Director of the Asylum Bread Lane or Line; James Sok their beating like soldiers, ween Mr. Panchment XII and THE BALIKO says there is no room for Thomas Beecher, 32 years even though Hayling had to OLER in this Institution of age, born in Limon; Har lay on the ground for one entire 16 sc which has a ry Alexander Whiteloeke, over without attempting to SOTELO FAMILY CO INTO EXILE SAvite Only 400 but is now housing 30 years old, born in Limon attend to his field However, 436 at a cost of two colones and a naturalized Costa Ri. when the clock struck four rest LISBON. Portugal e biten The not attempted to prevent and fifty cents er day. can.
came for the weary with the sco widow of José Calvo Sotelo. their departure. 02 The Governci of Limon It is left to be seen what re at 126 for one wicket: Brown Spanish monarcist leader She was met at the station also approached the British steps the authorities will and Smits were then at 35 and who has been assassinated by General José Sanjurjo.
Consul at this. Port on the take along with our Consul 70 respectively.
and his four children arriv former commander in Spanc subject of repatriation when with regard to these poor ed here to go into exile.
For cnce Mr. Drummond, ish Morocco and leader of he was informed by M: people.
Founder of the Excelsior, hail the Mrs. Calvo Sotelo said the an unsuccessful monarchist Johnson that before he Spanish Government had revoll in 1933.
opportunity of indulging in 16567 EM 20 sleep during the progress of catch; the absence of his ful!
BE sorus pitched voice was most noted BELGIAN WORKERS AIDED Lowling for the Pathfinders, 50 eros 12 Robinson took wockets for Brussels, The Chamber of Workers having the same em11 runs and Smith for 20 Deputies, after urgent debate, ployer for at least a year will reEstablecimieito de Licores, Tirda y Abarrotes Mr Cleveland Clarke, the Club adopted bills Instituting paid celve a guaranteed six day werk resident took a wonderful catch vacations for aifl workets in all The vote on the bill guarantec et mid off which dismissed his industries freedom for trade ing. liberty for trade unions was El más surtido en Matina friend Maxwell for 10 runs. The unions and a forty hour Meek for 183 to the opponents of the Cunningham brothers, Syl workers in dangerous and un measure abstaining from the vester and Winston, also did so healthy occupations.
balloting 5550 the a HOP LEE LUNG DULL RACES BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA DAY Mr. David Lee is still keeping were out to see the Pack horses he spark of the Racing Spirit frolicing up the old Aviation ablaze among the sporting peo ground. Our genial Comandanpe of Limon.
te and his Secretary were, as BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE He pulled off four events last usual, much in evidence; we Tuesday, and amused the tang noticed he got the better of Sepbota led footed ones UNICO EMISOR With White thle in the event won by Goopie STATE BANK 03 12 Band. fairly good crowd of the Coconut horse. This Races stigan lovers of this the Sport of Kings bolted off the ground, but his ofrece al público los Offers the Public these bo rider wittily brought him back noi and came through the Judge servicios de su Services of its tuoi Stand ahead of his opponent: it was certainly an amusing oneTee is sangu ne the will pull off a huge event on the 15th of Sep tember as he hopes to get down EN LA IN THE TCC Estrada all the 24 Miles Cracks who have not been able to perform on a Abarrotes y licores count of the recent Banana CutArtículos del Pais tings; but as a result, of the Precios Economicos hurricane Messrs. Domian, Litpara toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service LA 1BERIA fleton, Romero and the Atlantfe Rendered Racing Syndicate may drop in again once in a white.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
SALOMON CHIN WEE LE SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Ciudad de Limón, City of Limon اور تازه servicio bancario o


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