
MOTHERS DAY The Atlantic Voice The Situation in Europe REGARDING OUR IMMIGRATION REGULATIONS IN TRAFFIC The celebration of this great thought took place last Saturday when, in every city of the Republic, fitting ceremonies were held in connection with the recently inaugurated project of Mothers Day.
Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone One cannot, however, help thinking that, as in all Editor English Section: NATION things in this world, selfishness robs the function of much of its true significance and importance. There can Ano III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday August 22th. 1936 NO. 107 be no gainsaying the fact that the idea of forcibly bringing before the youths of both sexes the importance of revering Mother, the Cradle and Beauty of home life is all essential; for how can one forget the foot that rocked the cradle while the hands knitted some piece of work The revolution in Spain is pronist government in Spain, while ernment. Mussolini has also intito make the occupant more confortable; while the brain croding more bloodily than ever, is feared that France may even mated the possibility of Italy was busy with thoughts for future guidance and ins fierce fighung is evidence! on tually succumb to the pressure taking hold of the Balearic Isstructions to fit such occupant (it might have been you)
both sides and much fe and proof her radical groups and open lands which would make it very as for its duty in the ethical ideas of life and by which preperty are being ruthlessly des. y declare in favour of the goy uncomfortable for the British at be Lroyed. The Rebels are paration the best qualities in our leading men and woUsking ernment; England has also de Gibraltar. From every viewpoint, a most determined stand in spite rlared an embargo against the therefore, the present internatiomen are brought out.
of the butchery they have suf shipment of war material of any nal position of Europe is most seIn viewing the blessedness of the Cradle, one can. tered at the hands of the govern kind to Spain, but Mexico has rlous and uncertain, as however not disregard the pompous recognition the idea merits; Thent forces, and as a result of openly proclaimed herself against the revolution may terminate. because shall we not ask ourselvse the question, was the many promises their leaders the rebels and is senamg a ship there is the possibitly of her genthere any other occasion on which Heaven lowered balrave ueen making to Italy and ment of arms, to assist the gov eral peace being disturbed conies of light filled with chanting immortals. To what the Moroccans by way of ceding territory to the former and grant other event did any loosened star ever point? The Cradle ng freedom to the latter, many has, therefore, been given greater significance than any contingents of those called the othr occurrence on this world of ours, and down through Foreign Legions are continually Adverting to the information and to secure greater control reall the ages we observe it is the cradle which decides arriving in Italian airplanes to carried in our last week issue garding the movements of those the destinies of men and nations. May God bless the join their ranks. On ehr side the re the decision of the govern who gain admission as Tourists Mothers all the world over. In thousands of thousands povernment is enlisting thousands ment to stop all immigrants and then abuse the special priof volunteers, and these, with her entering the country. We have vileges accorded them of them there are domiciled, at this moment, the hands militia, are defending the posi since been advised that this is The government does not, we which shall guide the fate of Empires and Communities; tions atacked by the Rebels with not so, but that the proposal is are informed intend to prohibit the tongues which shall utter benedictions of mercy or great vaiour. It is estimated that to adopt every legal method to the admission of those who are hurl bolts of doom; the feet which will mount the steeps for the past month of fighting prevent undesirable, troublesome regarded as capable of becomtoward God or decend the blasted steps of ruin; the lips 50. 05 lives have been sacrific immigrants gaining admission ing desirable, useful citizens.
which will give utterances of blessings or ca.
Indeed, the mystery of the cradle is more tremendous This revolt is producing greathan that of the grave.
ter anxiety in Europe every day; Whither came our leaders or it is wellknown that Itely is whence shall come those who are yet to grace our centuThe revolutionists with As a means of trying to avoiding him to get confused helping and try with their presence? Not from thrones nor pedestals immunition, planes and men in the frequency of accidents along resu in his coming in contact high note; not from bedecked chariots spite of the promises of Mussoli public highways, the Traffic De with the vehicles.
nor highly As matters stand. on Internae ni to be neutral in company with partment has advertised in all motorized vehicles, nor yet from senatorial Halls, but the other Powers. Germany was our daily papers asking pedes tional highways it is understood from the Cradle the most stupendous work of mysti.
also acting in an underhand way trians to keep on the left side of that vehicles, when going in opan favour of the rebels, but she the roadways, as near as they posite directions pass each orcal art in all the mysteries which surround us.
as her on the left, and when going has now definitely desisted and can to the watertables, so to avoid getting in contact with in the same direction, the overTO PAGE 11 hay issued manifesto demandmctorized vehicles.
taking one also passes on the ing that all nations cease renderThe request seem a strange left. This new order therefore ing help of any kind to either party. Great Britain realizes the one in so far as the rules govern entirely changes the old order ing traffic regulations are con of things; for if a pedestrian is of Italy by aiding the rebels and feels it is cerned. The order should de Journeying to Westfalia and In the Diario of Wednesgements he saw by the papers a direct threat toward a confla signate which side of the road meets a vehicle coming to LIday date mention is again were being made for the repa eration in Europe being particu taken as the central starting left of the roadway he must is the Left for if Limon were mon. in keeping to the extreme made of the activities of the triation of these unfortunates. Jarly aimed at the fall of Judicial Inspector General, Mr Mr. Johnson further stated Blum point of all roadways, one would pass that vehicle on his right Socialist government Vargas, in his endeavour to re that during the ten days so France so as to have the more easily understand which would instead of on his left as former patriate the demented supposed Mr. Vargas was on his visit he radical Fascist party placed be the left but without such ly The Traffic Department Jamaicans who are at present re, he did not at any time call power thus estranging the pre Left for the pedestrian, caus is the correct tuition.
designation any side may be the should therefore define which housed in the Cuartel here. on him in connection with this sent relationship between that In an interview which the Bri matter, nor has anyone else country and ngland and arawtish Consul stationed in this Cl done so: he therefore knows ab ing her nearer to Italy. Should ty very graciously accorded us, solute y nothing more than what this happen France might find We were informed that he knew he has seen in the Newspapers. aerself also wrapped in a simi nothing whatever of the arraniar revolution which would sercously weaken her power. Eng.
land is consequetly conserving SERVICIO DE VAPORES Ser Navy around Gibraltar as a means of testing the efficiency Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York mong the further official was been filled by Lieutenant of this fortress as well as that con escala en Cristóbal y Habana from of Malta which latter lost much de aanges which have taken place ismael Pantoja Arguedas otr edere, we note, with much plen Heredia.
Df her significance as a result of and satisfaction that our The Atlantic Voice wishes both her proximity to Italian air bases LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS Ersteemed citizen, don Abel Robles, nese oficials every success pos Germany and Italy have now AMERICANOS. EUROPEOS y Provincial Insbe in their new spheres of la declared they will never permit 1019 Commude Pector of Hacienda Ustalas. the establishment or As a Limonense, lon Abel is Vapores Salidas one of the best known and most popularly respected throughout PETEN.
23 de Agosto again VERAGUA 30 de Agosto one of our local officials, and After long experiments, Bri ct. ivenient centres throughout wis him a further period of that ta Government Scientists ha country and the people ins QUIRIGUA. de Septiembre success which he previously at ve succeeded in envolving, it has tructed as to their use.
tained in another direction. been officially reported, a respi As it is believed that babies rator which will afford all neces will be among the targets for aF. ALVARADO Cía, sary protection during a gas at viators in the nex: war, the goyrata. Work is to immcdiately beertiment bas also succeed in Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas We also note that our genial gun on the production of a suf producing gas masks covers for SEEDS Secona Comandante of Police, nicient quantity of these masks all baby carriages.
Para otros informes dirijase a la, oficinas Col. Romualdo Rodriguez has to enable every man, de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del woman Filters be attached to the been selected Chief in charge of anu china in England to be sup covers of the carriages through Gran Hotel Costa Rica the force of Fiscal Guards recent plied with one should the necessach air will be pumped to the ly established in Estrella and any arise.
baules by their gasmasked nurTELEFONO 3156 that his place, as Comandante, The masks are to be stored txt ses attring a raia.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
What About our Demented Ones unfriendly attitude in in dors UNITED FRUIT Co.
e pe More Official Changes sure bour.
us the entire province. We sincere. Britain Providing Gas Masks for Al DE


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