
8 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday August 22h. 1936 Chile Plans Foreign Payments Boys Slay Consul Wife The Tragedy of the Spanish People The COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY THE GIFT SHOP SANTIAGO, Chile. The tha: holders of chilean bonas. nces in spite of recommendations newspaper La Nacion, the gov the United States, where more against acceptance continually ANTIQUES AND SOCVENIRS ernment mouthpiece, denied than half of all the issues were made by the bondholders comthat there was any truth in sta placed, so far have refused to mittee Large assortment of genuine od dian pottery.
tement persistently made by the accept the terms offered. which In an edotiral. La Nacion Beautiful objects in native woods.
Opposition press that Chile pro are approximately 4, 75 on every points out that about 10 per cent posal partly to resume payments 1000 dollars bond. The newspap of Chilean bondholders in FranPRICES REASONABLE on its foreign debt obligations er explains that the government ce, Switzerland, Germany and DIRECTION From Hotel Costa Rica, cast 15 yards on car line under the plan embodied in Law hopes the bondholders eventual Holland already have accepted right hand side, before Drug Store Nueva Eorica on corner 580 had completely failed. ly will take up the offer as the the offers while almost 80 per MISS BROAD Sucr. BOX S1 SAN JOSE COSTA RICA The deniel admits, however, best possible in the circumstan cent of the British holders have expressed satisfaction with ChiLOOK FOR THE INDIAN SIGN le proposal. The editorial de Lic. Francisco Fonseca Ch.
cares that the payment plans.
which was devised by Finance Minister Gustavo Ross, cannot Lawyer Public Notary Abogado y Notario Público be improved under present conST. JEAN DE LUZ, Franco. filled with convicts release ditions. The opposition holds saying of the Norwegian Con from Pasajes prison and others English Spoken by Lawyer Oficina contigua a la that the plan is unfair because sul wife and her nurse In San who came from Bilbao it draws funds for payments Sebastian Spalh. by boys barely These convicts came for only Biblioteca Office Next to Biblioteca from profits coming from nitra big enough to hold rifles was te one purpose she said They te sales and from a tax on copper ported by refugees reaching stormed the Palace of Justice in San Bebastian and made (Formarly, Criminal Judge of Limón) exports, instead of from the who here from that city.
Yonths of 14 and 16, enlisted bonfire of provincial records in le nationa Trevenues. six month discussion in Con in the Popular Front minta order to destroy al evidence gress here stood in the way of roamed the streets in defiance against them.
of their superiors and fired inAt the end of the first week ed to a philsophy of anarchy, op the Ross plan when it was proBAYONNE France. Fas or bloody fighting, it becomes, oeed to government in any form. posed, but a slight majority gave discriminately on suspected Fas cist major named Molles was re possible to begin to estimate the To them the sovereignty of the victory to the government. The cists, the refugees said.
Dona Carmen Adam of Hava ported executed by a Leftist fin clared in Finance Minister projjortions or the stark tragedy indiviaual is supreme. Only rena recounted the shooting of ing squad in San Sebastian at mystical doctrinecently that it was impossible to the Norwegian woman. She was ter he had led rebel forces in a of tou spanish people. This civil Spain is this war like many of those of the of absolute individualism still a better the conditions offered in wounded first in the arm, Dona losing battle against an army of nineteenth and eariter centuries, force to be reckoned with the his plan.
Carmen sald, when she peered the Popular Front.
Tierce and uncompromsing. is variety and the power of these Rightest soldiers placed madifferent from those struggles radical movements among the sary, he says, to combat the in through a curtain from her apartment.
chine guns on the terrace of the between regions or political fac masses are evident.
fluence of Russian Communism. She was helped down to an San Sebastian and made tont for control of the central General Francisco Franco, lea. Presumably, he would seek to res ambulance by a nurse in uni reported at ne frontier. and governmeni. us bas become ader of the rebels, bas intimated tere the old regime, the autho form the Havana woman re fought an hourlong batt e with deadly combat between irreconci inat if successful he will impose rity of the landlords, the Church ted. As the couple reached the loyalists. The rebels, it was said.
but not labie concepts not only ol gov a military and the industrialists. Fascist rule, recessidewalk a deadly fusilade rang hoisted a white flag in su necessarily the monarchy.
ernment but of the basic social out. Both the nurse and the render. but resumed firing an economus organization of so.
Left republican Government, if patient ſell dead. The Consul Leftists approached the casino it survives, will owe its victory wife was expecting a baby witciety second assault ended with primarily to the ardent support hin the month.
During the last years of the the Fascists raising the red flag of the radical and revolutionary monarcny, particularly under Pri They were brutally slain. new token of surrender. The masses in the capital, in Catalo Dona Carmen asserted by one of major was found wounded and mo Rivera dictacorsdip and nia, and in he industrial centers, the boyish groups in the streets, was led through the streets, strip more recently under the repubof the north. The program of the uc, the radical movements extend Mrs. Frany Castello of Bogo ped of his insignia before his LIMON radicals is the completion of ed ter inuence in the cities ta, Colombia, said the city was execution.
the revolution of 1931. No comanu albo in many of the agriculpromise between then and the tural districts. Yet only at brief Fábrica de Hielo leaders of the present revolt inzervais for example, when seems possible. The fight, it apthe monarchy was overthrown, Refrescos pears, must be fought to a finNacionales and last February when the Poish.
Frank Maduro Jr puinr rront gave the Lett conAlready the losses have been trol of the Cortes have these great. And when victory has been Prop ciements been able to unite on woner exhaustion has forced a Frank Maduro hijo speciate policies. Differences o truce, there can be no assurance idealogy are intensified by clashProp.
that one or another form of exes of personalities. The RepublLA FLORIDA Maderas del país. Existentremism will not impose its dieicen, Iberal in their political theo tatorial rule upon cia permanente en nuesito the masses, at moderate prices ries and moderate u their ecowho heretofore, despite long pedepósito no ides are dinded Fábrica de Hielo riods of bad or indifferent gov three groups. The Socialists constituting the largest, ernment, have always contrived single Venta de Leche to remain spiritually free. In täis popular party, are divided into y Maderas inheres the possibility of the two principal sections: the smaldarkest tragedy for the Spanishrs before the delayed sailing of its perth at Pier 42, at the for LEW. For three hostaged a demonstration outside ler, reformist and inclined to people, work with the Republicans: the twe Spanish liner Cristobal Colono sforion Street, Nurth River larger, more revolutionary, tends avout 100 persons, sympathizers Tan demonstrators paraded to coop: with with the lefüst Spanush govern circle outside the per entrane munists. The Communists ment in its eToris to put down bearing piacards inscribed ROME themselves dividea, The German Ambastion in East Africa, was welco the Fascist. monarchist rebelion va fo United Front! and Doa the official (Moscow) group supporting the von Hassel. called on sador, Christian August Ulrich med with great satisfaction in wica Fasoisin. At intervalat Popular Front and Colonel Italian circles. Colonel Ciano ple of now aiding and women raised intelligent thanked the Ambassador warm policy. It serves also to point ngni arms with the government; the other sec Galeazzo Ciano, the Foreign Min ly.
Duropean chenchef tion, influenced by Tzotzky un ister, to communicate the Gercomozomising philosophy. refus man Government decision The Italian press hails the Gerhout any need the Rational way whereby, svit ana chouted: Down with war Down with fascism!
of diplomatic ing to have regular relations with suppress its Addis Ababa lega. Italo Gerian friendship.
to man step as another proof of contortion and useless controThe possibility that the extr: the bourgeois republic or its tion replacing it with a consu Giornale Italia says: The versies is possible to so ve prac misi uprinsing in Spain mig supporters. On the extreme tically and in a form satisfac have repercussions on shipboard are the Anarcho. Syndicalists, The German Government story to every one the problem the trade unionist who are devot recognit. on of the de facto situa friendship to Italy and an exam East Africa.
This act, equivalent to official decision is at once an act of of the Italian fait accompli in chairman of the protest meetis who announced to the demon trators: The crew 19 Left Yos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ata me officers affiliations are We beg to call your attention to our ramark at the back so well known Towever de su rec bo que ca; of receipt which reads.
Este, recibo debe pagarse en la ofimáy ös, it is entirely possible This bill must be paid at our office that beiore the ship reaches Co cina dentro de los primeros 10 días ruuna, Spain, it may be a work de cada mes before the 10th of the month eru alip Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Twelve policemen looked salg Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us 10 suspend our service, a step which un and passers by stopped at de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take tervals. The demonstrators dis persed without disorder meeting was sponsore1 by the Spanish Workers Club, 80 FD Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Avenue.
Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard EL ATLANTICO FLORIDA ICE AND FARM. Co.
Best native lumber into Leftists Denounce Rebels Reich Recognizes Conquest comare left late general.
was seen by Ceorge Edward Compañía Eléctrica de Limón

    AnarchismBourgeoisieCommunismFascismFranceFrancisco FrancoGermanyIndividualismItalyPopular FrontsSpainUnited Front

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