
MOTHERS DAY 1936 are ip de te the la calit were on FIASPIRINA ONG always!
eral JOE LOUIS AGAIN VICTOR on further than the third Louis will confront the latter OF HOUSE Saturday August 22th. 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 11 Straw Hides Spanish Pesetas From Page NEURALGIA?
Dishonour not the cradle be it ever so humble; for LISBON Portugal Banks get not the hands by which it was rocked; the lips that and exchange houses here HEADACHES?
flooded with offers to buy peseso lovingly sang about it; the tears which fell at times tas and many stories are told aon it; the faith in God which made the way for it. And, RHEUMATIC bout howthese notes have been particularly, let us remember the humblest Yet the great brought to Portugal, although est of all cradles the world ever saw, the greatest in the Spanish Government has long PAINS?
which a child ever slept, woke, laughed, or cried the prohibited them from leaving the one over which Mary bent; to which the Wise Men country.
It is said that when some big.
brought gifts and on which Heaven showered recogni tion with music and song.
take fierce Spanish bulls were recenty shipped from Andalucia to Lis Siow oftca wave we not heard Kerase No bon for bullfights they cross no crown, shall it not also be Had there been trampling straw in their no cradle at Bethlehem, there had been no Cross. Had freight cars which concealedes there been no Bethlehem there had been no Golgotha.
veral hundrea kilograms of notes of the banks of Spain. Nobody Would to God that we could find a generation of Mothers The safe remedy wanted to make too close on ins like her who bent over that Cradle at Bethlehem mothBAYER pection of the bulls in their quar ers rid of the selfishness which surrounds every home ters on the train and so the hid today. How changed would then become the entire PILES den money passed unsuspected.
phase of human society in a few short months.
es In all these celebrations, however, one cannot fail pals José Achion Ng to observe the lack of universality in the carrying of this lida great idea into effect. How little consideration is given COMERCIANTE DETALLISTA the idea of reclaiming those Mothers who might not be TENCE Radio news brought us another me ing. Braddock fight for the Licores, Abarrotes, Crisregarded as of the first grade of Society, or who might shoula taleria. Artículos de Fe haven fallen into a less desirable condition ictory for the marvellous fight championship which than their take place some time during the rretería y Eléctricos todo og Joe. on Tuesday night.
more fortunate sisters. Mothers whose lives may be se encuenta en este As was scheduled Louis met coming month: but Braddock establecimiento a considered a tragedy through no fault of theirs; mothers he ex Champion, Jack Shar having badly injured his left who live forsaken lives; mothers without a place they ser ey, at the Yankee Stadiu:n New hand in training which neces Precios de Situación can call home; mothers devoid of protection and with6 ork for a ten round bout, with sitated his undergoing an opeLIMON COSTA RICA out the things most indispensable for their existence; Flora he result that in the first two ration, there is no certainty Jounds Louis hit Sharkey to the when this bout will come off.
mothers who cannot demand any rights for themselves lerna hat three times, and on each There is a rumour that Brador their progeny because their miserable situation does ccasion he took the count of dack may eventually decline to THE SKIDDING not even permit of their being heard.
do line In our country there is no protection for mother or child against those fathers who, taking advantage of pund when Joe finished him for the championship. this, how ER With a terrible knock out. ever, would have to be decided While carpenters and a numtheir weaknesses and the tardiness of the Laws, abanThis victory places Louis in by the Boxing Commission of ber of labourers were engaged don them on the slightest pretext. Our local law codes do very favourable position for New York, ber of labourers were engaged close the door to a proper investigation as to fatherhood, heeting the victor in the Schlast Monday in lowering a house therefore the true significance in the happiness of Mothfrom its blocks, which were ers Day is not as complete as should be the case.
about six feet high it skidded from the packing they had aMothers Day is becoming a great institution all the Guillermo Niehaus Co.
ced under it and landed high world over but we cannot help seeing selfishness again and dry on one side with the prominent by the lack of appreciation of Fatherhond.
LIMON other suspended in the air. Two Father is left severely alone in all the manifestations of MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS men got injured in the fall the appreciation for as is usual, the world gets unmindful owe les of one we broken and the Compra Cacao Material de Tranvia of the principal factor in all things. Here is the life giver, other got badiy squeezed.
35 the mainstay of the entire homelife. In the same strain The cause of the accident is appro Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Vie o as we say No cradle at Bethlehem no cross should we ability Sald to be due to the incorrect say no fatherhood no cradle. hence father should Importación de mercaderia en generai manner in which the packing was done and this. Is alleged come first in all trought of procreacion. However, one was called to the attention of should not be surprised at such forgetfulness, for have the the men by another carpenter not men forgotten the providential care of their Heaven The Wanderers Victorious but no heed was taken of the ly Father who gives the provision to make all things on Wednesday last, as was an grounds, At 20 the warning with the resu as stat possible! dl sunceod, the long looked for re mig was declared closed with The bui. dmg is known as the It is to be hoped that in the very near future, when urn of the Wanderers into 140 runs for 10 wickets. Boyd house on fourth street pur sporting world berame a rea Carpbell, the Broom. made 33. and fifth avenue nearing the of these ladies are commemorating the glories of their ated the Lord Harr managed the in quick free batting no droom fices of the Northern Railway motherhood, which are properly due them, they will not umber an, Captained by Smithing co forget the primary and chief cause of all things and heart tas)to victory.
wae Fearless then went into Captain Calvin of che Fearless bat and could only muster 52 of Beverly called the coin runs wica the most careful playorrectly and sent the home teaming, of which Coultas: the wickets at a couple of responsible for 26.
Toutes past the noon hou. Col Arias was most gracionis to Zumraer little Tas (S. he players, he gave them an exnith) were th eopening pair for tention of time for oscupying toe Wanderers. Pluminer was ground so that the game out Hea for 12 runs, El éxito en los negocios y en la the score be played to a finish at 45 en Jeing 27. At and at its close he shook vida está siempre en espera del nith retired with 71 ruzis to hands with the leaders, Lord Har credit: he was Wied out the ris, Cay. Tas and Groves and hombre que tiene el dinero negave en evciope with an encleSure to young Tas. Smith cesario en el momento preciso for his masterly score or r.
Weli. What. The aiso complimented them Usted debe ser de esa clase for the spordive spint mortosa 3ooth Bread, de hombres throughout the game. Thrce Biscuits Buhs.
rusing cueers were tharester Without which you can boats given Lord Harris ane is rar of eating the best.
by the huge crowd o the MarBerlin Bread derers syluzera. and bia Booth Biscuits ended a pleasant day ECE Rmid a large crowd who came The People Bakery out to welcome their return Cricketfield througo to: per Where you will get the best. severence of Cricket Capitalist subs industry. can produce and Mr. Rivers Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
one 13 Was CHEN Ahorrell and res TERII ECH Banco de Costa Rica 10 SUCURSAL DE LIMON Experts POSITE


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