
O DE RE THE MILLA MARITIMA LANDS ANE The Atlantic Voice ananero Pero nde por Dijesolation in High Places a la toda Hages strony es The Spanish Rebellion It is observed that the Agents of Police in certain tricts have been pretty busy calling in the people on Con nse lands to meet the delegate from the Commission tornisointed by the government to investigate their hold.
Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone Os and ascertain the quantity of lands formerly paid Editor English Section: NATION the rates after which the payments were made, and roteger amounts now due and owing. Many have reported Ano II Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday Augu: 1st. 1936 No. 104 sont there has been no concerted action among these in En el pnection with a request for a regular contract and a el duction of the rates which are two colones per month.
ligacker hectarea, for Banana lands; one colon per hectarea ama Cacao, cultivations; seventy five cents for pasture Sds, and fifty cents for minor crops.
As one moves around, the ob the result that the power plant control the charges for Light This matter has been taken up in these columns servant eye is confronted with has a capacity much superior to and Power, hence the Company changes brought about by bap that needed for the manipula finds herself much cornered by lemend conferences held by the Editor in Penshurst, Cahui penings, which surprise the tions of the Railway. The sur these movements.
Whate and Old Harbour in consequence of which he took ill thoughtless, but which to those plus power from this station is Another circunstance has also la bed is still so. At these conferences he urged that pro who are mindful of the prophe now being brought into competi lately arisen which mokes the li ator ber representation should be made in so far as securing tie utterances of the sages, who tion with the original electric fe of the Company less Sconforkoper recognition and a reduction of the rates to that stated that these changes must be plant owned by the Cia. Luz table than hitherto and call for pring enforced by the government on the lands occupi expected, nothing is seen but the Fuerza; and the government, by serious complaints to the gove governI by the Fruit Company, which is one colon per hectafulfilment of the visions display means of the Junta Nacional de mento a per annum. So far as it is known, in reporting their ed tothose whose conception had Electricidad, is issuing rates. tol To page been atuned to receive and broad Ban oldings, not a single tenant has lodged a protest to cast them.
12 de investigating. Officer regarding the oppressiveness el pF the rental for these lands as compared with those Day by day we note movements as lands of the Cia. Bananera. Hence so soon as this of skill and human ingenity fall port is placed before the Attorney General, and on his ing and disitegrating a sthough is ecommendation the Minister of Hacienda confirms the they were nothing The latest the declared insolvency of the xisting rates and conditions, no powers will be able to pro Electric Light and Tranway Co of This conflict still pursues its for the defence of the city, It is ffect a change. We therefore once again advise those San José; Mr. Reed, the Ad sanguinary course with no indi expected that this effort will be Teconcerned to act before it be too late.
ministrator, has so declared be cations yet as to how it may ter a most sanguinary one and may fore the government. Who in minate. Numerous encounters be a decisive factor in the waryears gone by, could have imaginare a most daily being reported fare. The city and the surqe edthat an enterprise of this mag from various points of the Re rounding districts have been denitude would find itself in such public. The revolutionists are clared a war zone by the govern straitened conditions, financially, officially stated to be in control ment and placed under strict mias to itself insolvent? These of twentyone of the forty nine Hary control.
We profoundly regret having to undergo an operation; it was things, however, muts come. How provinces and General Franco Fearing that this conflict may announce that during the past throught that this would have are the mighty fallen. When ya claims he is fu ly prepared to eventually peoduce a new Euroer few days the illness of the Rev. afforded good results, but his see the abomination of desola continue the conf. ict for yet pean catastrophe, the French Ra rather Acosta has taken such a infirmity has once more develop tion be ye not affrighted, but some time.
dical. Socialists have proposed Turn that his condition is now cd to such an extent that, as watch, watch your own footsteps The Executive of the Revolu the formation of an internatiobe ausing his large flock and nu stated, his condition is now reThis Company came into Cos tionists have now ordered a gen nal Commission conposed of renerous friends and admirers garded as exceedingly crit cal.
ta Rica at a time when there eral offensive from both fronts presentatives of the governSuch concern We can but prayerfully hope was no thought of rivalry in her with Madrid as their final ob ments of England, France and As is known the good Father for his early restoration to line of business; and from 1885 jective As the government is Italy to bring about its settlehas been laid up in the local health.
to 1935 she controlled everything concentrating 300 thousand men ment Up hospital for some me and had electrical in the country. She placed her own charges on Light Power and motive force in the THE MUNICIPAL. SIME CONTROVERSY Capital. During these fifty years of noncompetitive operations, she The members of our Muniei. the Chief Executive and his sharemupal Board having adhered to the Council whose decision on this must have returned the y resolutions taken by them in vital y important question is be bolders the cash they invested. Our Immigration Authorities given any consideration this dispute, notwithstanding in awaited with unprecedented But evil times have now overta are determined to do everything As it has been discovered that the objec ions thereto by the interest among all classes in our lien her; the Pacific Railway possible to restrict the entry of certain aliens have been making Governor of the Province, the community.
undesirables into the country.
which formerly, was propelled by efforts to enter the country as amatter has now been referred to steam, now uses electrically driFor the future all applications nationals, our Consuls have been ven locomotives, for which purpo public must be made direct for permission to enter the Re instructed that they should not entertain an application for a se the government had to harness the Minister of Public Safety: Costa Rican passport unless the one of the appropriate rivers with and unless the signatures on applicant produces a properly au these papers are clearly and le thenticated birth Certificate.
gibly written they will not be SERVICIO DE VAPORES STAMP DUTY Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con escala en Cristóbal y Habana Rev. Fr. Acosta more Seriously III STILL TIGHTENING ON IMMIGRATION UNITED FRUIT Co.
INCREASE HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón para EUROPA (Santander, Flymouth, Cherbourg, Amsterdamy Hamburgo) CARIBIA Agosto 15 Vapores As provided by the recent y promulgated law, all cheques on the local Banks must, from and after last Wednesday, the 29th.
July bear a five cent TIMORE in lieu of the present two cent oile.
Salidas PETEN VERAGUA QUIRIGUA de Agosto de Agosto 16 de Agosto Inorder to meet immediate demands, the government was authorized 400. 000 telegraph stamps being provisionally used for this purpose; 200 000 to be resealed three cents and 200. 000 five cents Para GUATEMALA (Puerto Barrios y Livingston) CARIBIA Agosto 10 ALVARADO Cia.
Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica Parties having Bank tranzac tions should bear this charge in mind as all insufficiently stamped cheques will be refused acceptance by the these institutions SERVICIO DE CARGA y PASAJEROS Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse HAPAG LLOYD Agencia en Costa Rica Teléfono 2086 TELEFONO 3156 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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