
8 THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, AUGUST ist. 1936 MEET LIFE PROBLEMS WITH ASTRO HELP POR TONTO lo cogerían a Ud. comprando loteria extranjera si sabe: A2 By Brother Tom as CADO ENTRE. que la LOTERIA NACIONAL da 21 premios mis en cada 000 numeros.
Question. Dear Brother 0) que con 00 saca Ud. 6. 000 en la LOTERIA NACIONAL y en la otra solo saca 500.
diums of black magic praeTom.
tices. The Great Christ is que la LOTERIA NACIONAL devuelve en premios, 6; centimos de cada colón que recib. La otra, comsufficient to protect us prando a 400 el pedacito, sólo devuelve en prentios, 50 centimos de cada colon que Ud. gaste. Haga el cálculo. am having trouble with against all forces of darkmy farm, my fruits won mess and evil. All we are ask Mayor número de PREMIOS. Mayor ganancia Para Ud. en cada pregell, my fowls, hogs anded to pay for His all powermio. Más cantidad de colones devueltos en premios cows get sick and are dying ful protection is to believe one after the other: have in Him with child like sin two neighbours who are plicity and to follow in His doing everything they can foot steps.
to ruin my farm, my family am interested in your must come so that the heedful and my whole life. What DESOLATION IN HIGH PLACES case, for see you are not shall change their ways and do would you advise?
wicked at heart. If the aniinto the other fellow as he would mals on your farm are sick like to de done unto by hini.
and dying, it is clear they From page not only compel the tramcars to Well. What. are eating and drinking ment by its mangement: Luis is diminish their velocity but consfood the class of competition netca tantly prevent them from fairill Booth Bread, not pure. There may be soEDGAR YOUNG out to her tramway system bying their scheduled itinerary, and Biscuits Buns.
me form of poison on the the motor buses. These operate eventually occasion serious acciCOMERCIANTE ground of their feeding plaWith ou; which you can boats the dents for which he feels the goof eating the best ce or the places where they along the same routes as same vernment would be responsible for ESTABLECIDO EN LA PROVINCIA FOR Berlin Bread drink water. Get to work, tramways and charge the MAS DE 20 AÑOS destroy your pig sty, and ten cents within the city arca; their lack or energy in this res Booth Biscuits Vende al detal, Vinos y Li build a new one, preferably what more, on Sundays and ho rect.
These changing conditions are cores exiranjeros y del país, The People Bakery.
in a new locality. Give son e lidays, when by law the tamvars abarrotes en general.
twenty involving the downfall no attention to the chicker are allowed to charge nly of Miceláne.
Where vou will get the best. coop by fumigating it tho cents per trip, these charge the individuals but of great CorpoESTABLECIMIENTO ESQUINA KORTE DELMER.
the industry can product. roughly. With regard to the same ten cents thus compelling rations and Nation as well cattle, consult one or more the trams to come down to the much consternation to the unpre Answer Dear Brother: competent veterinary doe same amount Mr. Reel complains pared. To the watchful, however competition tors and follow the sugges of this unfair in it signifies the need o Biertness Your case is interesung. tion: they give HEAVY LOSS you.
Do which the government ought to to meet the situation as it arises The horoscope shows liut you are under evil aspects. Isults then let me hear from ther declares there are these things, and watch re decisively intervene, and he fur knowing that these are but the certain signs of the times in which we Your nain trouble lies with you in another few months. other means being adopted which exist, and in which these changes During the night of Friday, you yourself.
When we 17th July, one or more thieves assume an Question Nº Dear Brobroke into one of the rooms ncaggressive, antagonistic and ther Tom: cupied by an employee of Mr.
superstitious attitude agains Lindo, on his premises in our ncighbours, they too, have been engaged fo. SINGER» 1936 San Jose, and caused much sewill respond with a similar a month to a young mali attitude.
rious loss Cose para adelante y atrás, borda surce y perfora whom have known for Joseph Reid, a gardener, who Quit believing that these many years, but for the past Le cambiamos su máquina vieja por esta moderna. occupies the room, was away at neighbours are trying tol week he has been acting SOLO 15 COLONES MENSUALES the time, so the rogues, after ruin your life, they are only, very strangely and has not Agencia «Singer» al costado Norte del Mercado thoroughtly ramsa cking the trying to defend themselves paid me a single visit. am place and destroying many of against your antagonistic very upset and confused. the things they came across, deattitudes will not write him nor ask camped with various art and a Quit giving your money to him anything and still am Machine 1936 large quantity of the unfortunate hypnotists and other are just dying with anxiety to You can know what has happened.
man wearing apparel, the value sew with it backward and forward. do of which has been roughly estiembroidery, mending and hemstitching work.
mated at about one thousand Answer. Dear Sister: We exchange your old machine for this wonderful new one. colones.
ONLY 15 COLONES PER MONTH The greater part of the stolen If you had your Singer gency at th: North side of the Market in Limon, apparel was being accumulated inclui by Reid for the purposes of a ing hour of. would have been able to advise you visit he contemplated making to LIMON his old mother in Jama ca niom lin a more detailed manner. young man family is not type who forms an idea and whom he has been absent for a Nevertheless, the facts as in favor of the engagement carries it out but instead, number of years, so their losa Fábrica de Hielo shown in the horoscope, set and will do everything they one who wavers in all his all the more keenly felt by him.
up for the occasion, indicate can to dissuade him from affairs.
Refrescos sorrow and regret will be his objcct, and in the second The robbery was reporte:1 to These are the facts, it is the Detective Department on the the outcome of this enga place, he can be easily innow left for you to map out following morning, but up to this gement.
fluenced by family and In the first place, the friends because he is not the show the facts it is for you stand, been found of either the a course of action. can only time no trace has we underto do as you please.
culprits or the things.
YA LLEGO. La Máquina de Coser Just Arrived. The Sewing «SINGER»
HARDSHIPS BROUGHT ABOUT BY LAW LA FLORIDA THE MIRACLE OF ICE FROM HEAT ELECTROLUX Fábrica de Hielo The labouring population in, complained to the government Venta de Leche the interior are finding the rate chat with the fluctuating prices of payment provided by the law for commodities, and the gold SEE y Maderas THE NEW AIR COOLED on minimum wage very inconve exchange rates which regulate nient and irksome. They have payments to their employers for their coffee and other products, it is unfair to expect them to REFRIGERATOR exist on the amount provided Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard exist on the amount provided, as the most they can NO MOVING PARTS Nacionales expect is one colon and fifty NO ELECTRICITY KEROSENE BURNER Frank Maduro Jr. cents per day which, at live days USES NO WATER PERMANENT SILENEC Prop.
to the working week, equa only EFFICIENT seven colones and fifty cents.
Frank Maduro hijo, They assert that with this Prop.
FOR FULL PARTICULARS Best native lumber amount they cannot support SEE AGENT FOR LIMON PROVINCE Maderas del país. Existentheir wives and children especia permanente en nueslio at moderate prices cialiy as the latter being minR. JOHNSTON depósito ors, are now prevented by law BRITISH VICE CONSULATE PORT LIMON from assisting in the work.
EL ATLANTICO Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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