
For Liver and Stomach Ailments THE ATLANTIC VOICE that as from the date of the inscription until the launching of this suit. Mr. Shaw has not presented a single receipt for any amount invested by him for the purchase of shares it was conseThere has been placed before the defendant, registered the quently impossible for him, the the Lawcourts a demand by Mr. gricultural and Building Cor defendant, to recognize him as a Shaw against Mr. poration of 28 Miles, and, by shareholder. The defendant has Nation, as Gerente of the Agri notice published in the Orficial asked that Shaw be called upon cultural Corporation of 28 Miles, Gazette, called for all receipts in to provide costs in the Suit.
for the considerable sum of five the hands of shareholders for The matter is before the Civil thousand colones for refusing to moneys legitimately paid in to Judge in Limon, and the Limon acknowledge him a shareholder the offices of such Corporation Service Bureau, along with the of the Society in which he claims for account of shares so that Corporation Lawyer in he has invested 975 colones, in they could be redeemed for re José. are attending the case on shares, since the year 1920. The gular shareholders Scripts, and behalf of the Shareholders.
demand has been made at the instance of Attorney Silva.
In defence of this demand the defendant claims that Shaw founded a Society in 1920 and ran it for aver nine years with out registration; that in 1931 he.
San INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF Flatulence And all forms of Stomach Indigestion Colics Disorders OF INTEREST TO NEURALGIA?
FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES FIASPIRINA das The safe remedy always!
om BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA MECHANICS Tonight, at 30, the membMANUFACTURED BY: ers of the Fraternidad Lodge will HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA ho. a memorial ceremony in hotake nour of Bro. Baltodano, a most SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA worthy member of the Order, who passed away during last month.
The ceremony will be one of a most distinctive nature; so it beter hoves every member of the HEALTHY SPORTS IN LIMON Craft, who can make it possible, BAYER Mr.
to be at the Concordia Hall to witness it.
As a public function, in the Lattely sportive activities in ja kecn rivalry was witnesa bet Lodge room, it will be the most solemnly impressive yet seen.
yal Limon have provided proof that nestea between two you! hful Ela Sere is arising a keen awaken teams the Junior Patiders ide of the spirit of healtny sport and the Youngster from Etsara. in our midst.
The City Boys won oy a small Last week we witnessed a 511 1110: but if the visitors had ad acessful Race meeting brought reeeived the care and institucmate about by Mr. David Lee and histors in the technique of the al: rolleagues. We say successful regane as has been bestowed by servedly for if it were ot go Captats Dixon on his lads, they BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE rom a financial standpoint it would certainly have been the was so from a moral one, in so victors. They hit out everyle nuch that there will be a repeti thing, and they attempted UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK to Bated lon on the 15th September, and obtain a run every time a ball Cif the customary Fiestas take was struck, irrespective of its tra ofrece al público los Offers the Public the place in October there will be a velling toward a fielder, with Loa further meet.
the naturalressult that they lost servicios de su Services of its or This week, we observed some some good wickets, by this lack thing which prognosticates of judgment.
deeper interest in Cricket. On This game among the Youths Sunday there was a match bet was much appreciated as it afEN LA IN THE the ween the Pathfinders and the forded a day of recreation to the this schoolchildren of Messrs. DavidChampions of the last season, der Son and Thomas who were the Excelsiors, in wh ch the brought out to welcome their Youths administered a sound ies older Juniors from the Lines and son to their seniors by giving for which thoughtfulness these para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service them a complete thrashing teachers must be congratulated servicio bancario Rendered which, by the way, proves the The public also showed their apcertair decay of all hurah great preciation, because the crowd hercede declining years in surpassed by that during the ex brought in a team to engage Mr. time with the score standing at, tition of the real sporting rivalverything which require endu hibition by the Jamaica Boys. Campbell Sporting XI. The 63, Sutton being undefeated for ry of the old days when St.
Fre, and physical fitne 35. On Tuesday another mosten visitors went in first and put up 36. Marks: The Central, The TraOn Monday there was a re thusiastic game was witnessed 89 runs of which Plummer, an desman, The Eleven Bros. The cognition of this principle when when Mr. Parchment of Matina Old Limon player, made 47. The Captain Parchment is to be Future Hope and the Estrada great surprise of the day was complimented for his successes Clubs used to entertain the pizwhen the visitors got three of We say successes from many blic with healthy sport. These the best batsmen out for three standpoints, first for bringing sports lend to the moral educaTHE GIFT SHOP runs at the earlier stage of the about such a harmonious and tion of our young men and game Needless to say all the Li sportive game, played in honour should be encouraged by our monites were flabergastod and of our genial and sporty Coman Merchants, Corporations and em ANTIQUES AND SOUVENIRS dispaired of the game, but here dante Col. Arias, for imbiding ployers of labour, as well as by EC Large assortment of genuine old indian pottery.
is where the experience of the and reviving in our cricketers the government as they greatly older cricketer comes into play: that interchange of competitive help to inculcate self respect and Beautiful objects in native woods.
Capt. Sutton, of the Excelsior rivalry, so very necessary at this decency in the minds of our PRICE REASONABLE went in and made a determined time in this Zone, and for hav men.
DIRECTION. From Hotel Costa Rica. east 75 yards on car line stand against the onslaught of ing a mora lvictory over the team right hand side, before Drug Store Nueva Botica on corner.
Doure and Plummer, for indeed which he engaged: for indeed From the types of games playthey were on the spot. This de with a few changes, they were ed on Monday and Tuesday we MISS BROAD Sucr. BOX SI SAN JOSE COSTA RICA termination of Sutton, and the fit to engage the Jamaica com feel sanguine that there will soon LOOK FOR THE INDIAN SIGN dashing sportive style of Phil bination. It was very pleasant to be a general revival of this manBrown, saved defeat and brought sit and watch the game, and as lysport in all sections of the the game to a draw at the usual already said, it augurs a repe Atlantic Zone.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Ciudad de Limón City of Limon 12 Ainess and that youthfulness rust for a week day, was only to be


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