
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, AUGUST 1st. 1936 TWEEDS CASIMIRES AT THE JAMAICA STORE le BREEDY THE LEAGUE AND IN THE INTEREST OF HEALTH THE SCHMELING. BRADDOCK ENCOUNTER ETHIOPIA a CABALLO BLANCO means neration and propagation ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME Sectively tack e the The encounter between Max slon from the Boxing Com nis To the Editor. consider ments. The frequent expothe preceding articles but an sure of the naked body to Schmeling and James Braddocksion of New York for it to tak The Editoriftroduction to the series: the sunshine will greatly has been definitely fixed for the place during the afternoon ins now start with Nature assist the system in the per Kindly allow me space in your 26th of September and Promo tead of at night as is customar healing factors, to be follow formance of all physiologi very valuable journal to express tor Johnson has solicited permised by some articles on the the following important topic of healthItaly deserves the condemna foods.
tion of the entire civilized word GRAND OUTING GRAN EXCLRSION EL for her wicked, cowardly and by In order to get well, stay, BAPTIST DENOMINATION brutal act perpetrated against well and become useful meni TO BAGDAD FARM Ethiopia, in unprovokedly robbers of human society, we bing her of her lands because she BAGDAD FARM Ramal Rio Frio must, first of fall correct our knew herself sufficiently strong Río Frio Line Martes Agosto 11 bad habits by acquiring sel Cantina Posadą and powerful to do so.
fcontrol through a thorough Tuesday. August 11 th.
Precios De Limón 00 The League ayed a hands y Cafeteria Round Fares Limon 03. 00 understanding and practise Zent2. 30 off policy in the matter: but she Zent2. 50 Madre de Dios 00 of the laws of our being. Felipe Wing Ching may one day be forced to live up Madre de Dios 00 El Tren saldrá de Limón, The greatest obstacle, to to her obligations for the pronature healing efforts are Train Leaves Limon 30 a. 50 a.
Apartado 395 tection of the weaker and smallfear and worry, while joyrul er member nations regardless of emotions heighten the acti Race, Creed or Colour.
vity of all the organs and Britain has become too lotered aggression.
glands of the ANOTHER SERIOUS body, the cal functions. Sun bath, ant, recentiy, with the other In the light of what has taken heart beats stronger, theken regularly, will greatiy large powers of Europe bent on place, it is not unreasonable to brain thinks clearer, the help to keep the body in unjust territorial expansion. believe that the League will be CLASH IN AFRICA whole body rejoices and the best physical condition. Had Ethiopia been stronger, po unable to further deal with the prospeis under the influen Moderation and discriminatically, her statesmen would question which tha!
According to advices which ce of a peaceful contented tion, however, should al have been able to detect the in Ethiopia will be left to her fate. have been officially confirmed mentai state.
ways be exercised. Those trigues and adequately defend However, the matter is still eng. there has been another and se The restoration and in cir not accustomed to tne di. herself against such unwarrant aging world wide attention, and rious encounter between Ethio taining of health and viiaiipeople of African descent, in all ty are within the power of climes, are keenly watching the plan forces and an Italian gar rison stationed to the north o the every intelligent person. The progress of events. Why Addis Ababa factors geLeague should have failed to efThe Ethiopians were, it!
of situation, life in general are th same those on the side of Justice may said, repulsed with heavy losse which should be en: loyed not readily understand for she but no reference was made to in the prevention and curu LIMON, LIMON, was well aware that Italy was garding that of the Italians of disease, or rather in the out for territorial expansion and improvement of our health Importación y Exportación Imports and Exports that Abyssinia was the most con and the prolongation. huVinlent morsel to be div. ded; Eman iife.
thiopians must therefore, go Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON DEPOSITO DE MADERA LUMBER DEPOSIT The seven lile essentials without a home while our civiliare sunlight, fresh air, pute zation sits by and quietly apwater, natural food, adeus ompra acao en grano ocoa Purchased proves this glaring act of politiAbogado y uate exercise, rest and a cal banditry cheerful state of mind.
Notario Público Edwin Horde All life, on our pianet, is dependent, directly of indirect rays of the sun upon th and vitality. Many perOficina: Altos Pasrectly, on sunlight for the the skin should begin with sons sleep with closed win of the nose and throat. Recual Ingianna formation of its organic com an exposure not excec1. dows because they cherish gular exercise in the openi binations. Plants, trees and fifteen minutes.
the old delusion that Light air, during all seasons, is their fruits are really st Equal attention should be air is dangerous. After one of the most important ed up sundight. more of paid to a continuous supply few hours they begin to factors for th preservation less continuous exclusi) of fresh air during day and breathe the exhaled air. of health dicated by thirst. which is sunlight induces severe night. Few people seem to Cold is really but an Water is necessary to all best satisfied by pure water forms of vegetable and inibut forms of anemic diseases, realize the absolute necessi effort of the system to cast be derived especially if the diet be de ty of the life giving oxygenout impurities, chiefly thro mal life, even the lowest from our food. Most fruit ficient in blood building ele for the maintainance of hea ugh the mucous membranes types. The change of ma contain a yery lyrge pertter, which is the source of centage of water, from 80 animal heat, is dependent to 90 per cent, so that peo on the presence of water ple eating plenty of frech in the tissues. No vita! ac fruit and vegetables need tion is possible without wa little or no water in addi ter which makes up nearly tion to that supplied by two thirds of the human their food. Besides, in fru body. More than one half of and vegetables, the water the water taken into the in organic combination wil El éxito en los negocios y en la systeni is again discharged other elements and, in this vida está siempre en espera del through the kidneys, about state, has the most benefi one quarter through tie cial action on the system.
hombre que tiene el dinero neskin; 17 per cent through Arminius.
cesario en el momento preciso She lungs and per cent through the intestines. Thus we are constantly losing wa Usted debe ser de esa clase air de hombres moisture and the js daily giving off from to pounds of water by invisible perspiration or more in Estrada the form of sweat dung strenuous exercise. Tne Abarrotes y Licores amount of water needed by Artículos del Pais the body depends, therefoSUCURSAL DE LIMON Precios Economico re, on various circumstances, principally on climate and LA IBERIA occupation. This need is in Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
a may also Ahorre. we exhale is saturated with SALOMON CHIN WEE LE Banco de Costa Rica


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