
HOP LEE LUNG Establecimierto de Licores, Tierda y Abarrotes exInstallation Ceremony Gen. Pershing Welcomed to Freach Academy The unique feature of the ever. THE KING GEORGE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN SATURDAY, AUGUST 1st. 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 21 NICARAGUA PLANS JAPANESE BIRTHS AVERAGE 240 PER HOUR CHANGES TOKYO. The Cabinet bu For the last five years Japan laust reau of statistics announces that annual increase of popu ation MANAGUA, Nicaragua. Pre the increase in Japan popula has been close to the 000. 000 sident Carlos Brenes Jarquin an tion last year by the excess cf mark and the totalis nov above nounced that sweeping changes births over deaths was 028. 628, 69. 000. 000. There were 169 peowould be made in the fiscal sys. the largest annual increase on ple to the square mile in 1931, tem of the government.
record. The nearest approach to compared with 183 in England.
He said that the budget must this was in 1932, when the in 266 in Belgium and 243 in The El más surtido en Matina be balanced, revenues efficiently crease was 007. 398.
Netherlands, but Japan has and honestly collected and com On an average 240 Japanese much more mountainous lani mission control of foreign were born every hour in 1935, than the others.
change reorganized.
while 138 died The government, it was statont ed, will make arrangements to pay a large part of its outstanding obligations for merchandise TE purchased abroad and to restore PARIS. General John more ihan honoring abort mithe country credit in all parts Pershing was formally received litary leader. The presence The Hall of the Costa Rica Bu, ties and Lodges contributed to into the company of the Acade mong us of the man who incerrial Scheme Association was the programme an dthe addresses of the world.
my of Moral and Political Scien nates for us thronged on the evening of the were particularly inspiring the strength of ces to Which he was recently America, which came tas ir aid 14th July to witness the instaleiected to succeed the late Jose at the most critical ragment of Istion of officers for the ensuing in was the installation of Sisters term Mrs. Daisy Blackman presid Foster and Sterling as the TRUST FUND Yves Limantour of Mexico. the war, reawalkens baralituThe president of the academy, de. In your person waoWelcorze ed, and after the singing of tae two Fast Presidents of the Ladies LONDON The first annual Henri Truchy, in welcoming the the American Army and the cpening Ode And are we alive. Social Dept. Tre ceremony was ve America nation. to Mr Blackman, the Prono ry Impressive, and the honcur con report of King George Jubiice General said: Trust shows that on March 31 In receiving you we are doing ter and Installing Master, ente Terred on the Sisters is truly me receipts from donations and ta.
ed along with his Executive Staf! rited.
He was presented by his Privato Much credit is due to Mr Black rious sources amounted to 1, 031, 923 BRITISH POSTAL SERVICE SHOWS BIG PROFIT Secretary and suitably welcomed man and Mr Foster for their unThe trust will spend 100, 000 LONDON, Postmaster Gen Postoffice income reached the by the phesident. He then, in his tiring efforts in the interests and usual dignified manner, deliver progress of the Society. LABOR during the present year in an at eral Tryon has announced unprecedented figure of tempt to meet some of the more that, in spite of reductions in 80. 000. 000 in spite of inereases ed a most inspiring address which OMNIA VINCIT.
urgent demands associated with parcel post rates profit on pos of 000. 000 in wages, Employ was keenly listened to by the lar the welfare of the rising genera tal services had increased from ment has been created for apge audience and heartly applaud Carnegie tion. 10. 900. 000 to 11. 250. 000 prox. mately 11. 000 pexeans in ed Promoter Cecy.
Although telephone rates and the postoffice and for many Bro. McCatty 38istThe Jubilee Trust was estab charges had been redused, a new thousands in associated rendused in the installation of the follished by King Edward VII record in telephone profit was tries.
lowing officers; Bros Ed. José Achion Ng while Prince of Wales. It is in set at 900. 000 wards, President; Goulobourne, Ist. Vice President; Car COMERCIANTE DETALLISTA tended to help youth emerging from school and starting in life.
los Valverde, 2nd. Vice President, Licores. Abarrotes, CrisClubs and brigades are formed Ford, Fin Secry: Wade Rec falería, Artículos de Fe under it and a program of out Secry: Knight, Guard, and rretería y Eléctricos: todo door amusements is assisted by We wish to announce we have passed our eighth year of Sister Blackmann, Treasurer.
se encuenta en este establishment of camp sites, play Existence although the Skeptics say nothing lasts long here.
Sick Benefit Dept. Bros. We have succeeded, because we have never deceived our establecimiento a ing fields and facilities for hikMettle, President; Gaston, members. You can fool the people some of the time; you can ing.
fool half of the people most of the time; but you can rear Vice Pres ent; Foulkes, Fin: Precios de Siluación Donations have come from all fool all the people all the time.
Sechy: Wade, Rec, Secry: COSTA RICA parts of the British Empire and Remember that though we suffered from one Bank a Theodine, Guard, and Sister ure, we have met ALL OUR OBLIGATIONS up to date. We the world.
have never had cause to close our doors. We have paid Death Manning. Treasure.
Grants for one hundred and four persons, We pay whe same Ladies Social Dept. Sin amount for Dependents as for Members; we do not make Bone Blackman, President; Melen of the on and Flesh of the other.
Shou you join our SICK DEPARTMENT we do nov zie, 1st. President: DaIMPORTANT NOTICE limit your weekly Benefits; as long as you remain ill in bed ley: 2nd. Pres; Carnegic, you receive your Benefits if even for One Year.
Rec. Secy: Sterling. TrasuIf you are seeking Help in the Hour of Need, join the rer: McKenzie and Camp ONLY safe and reliable Society, the bell. Centinels; Wilson. MesIn order to legalize their rights to Graves. COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION senger, and White, Guard.
Vanlis or Sepulchres situate in the Cenetris Established in Limon, 5th May, 1928.
TOT Juvenile Dept. Sis. Reid, Pre sident: White, Pres; yn of this City, a interested persons are required dal, Asst. Pres: Bro. Ivan Hen to mke the necessary purchases for which FRENCH OBJECT TO NAME OF HITLER ry. Rec. Secy: Sis. Spencer they will be ex ended Possessory Titles by this Asst. Ree. Secy: Bro. Francis: Fon. Secy: Sis, Johnson Junta. In the absence of such Tilles no persoPARIS The French autho proved name Ast. Fin. Secy, Brown, War of Hilaire, which nal rights will, in the future, be recognized.
rities have threatened with pro very closely approximates Hitler den: Pryce, Ast. Warden and Guard Further information may be had at the secution a peasant of Mellionnec, as pronouneed in French.
Cortes du Nord, who had his inInvestigating Committee. office of the fant son baptized with the first Bros. Bond, Chairman; Junta de Asis encia Social de Limón name Hitler AN OUTRAGE McNeil; Vice Chairman; Mc The legal action implies no ofCala, Valverde, Theodine, fense to the Chancellor of the Lewis, Sisters McCalla, BRAZIL REDUCE COFFEE PRODUCTION Reich. It is taken because trench From San Vicente de Moravia Wilson, Reid, Daley: RIO DE JANEIRO. It is Pasmore, Campbell, It is believed that Brazil will statutes provide that first nanies comes the information of a most reported that a 25 per ceat early release McKenzie and Manning several million est be taken from the calen represensible aet.
crifice quota will be imposed by bags of fine coffee.
In consequence of the evil inA can pa dar of Saints or from Bible raTwo fine anthems were render the National Coffee Department ign for wider distribution of the mes in the case of Jews, fluence which a large number of ed by the Association Choir, and on the new coffee crop.
that town more respectable recoffee crop was outlined before The father of the child in this a duet by the Misses Francis It was impossible to sidents felt a recent y esta bbishlearn the Coffee Exporters Associution, particular instance stated he deand Campbell. Miss Reld and whether this quota will be relin. It was recommended that distri sired to name his son after the ed Public Dance Hall was par zir. Dixon assisted as Pianistsquished freely by the growers or buing depots should be establish German Chancellor, but to avoid the community, they openly exing on the younger members of and were highly appreciated whether it will be purchased by ed in various countries in Cen. prosecution it is understood lie Delegates from various Socie. the government as formerly. tral Europe.
will agree to substitute tha ap operations and in this they were pressed their disapproval its supported by the Parish Priest.
Apparently, this action was caNos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ata We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back using the parties Inter e sted de su recibo que dice: of receipt wlrich reads.
much financial loss, for while Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofithe Priest and his mother were, This bill must be paid at our office it is reparted, walking along the cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th, of the month public thoroughfare last Sunde cada mes day, one of the men concerned Be so good as to comply with this request and do not suddenly attacked them id Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which most vicious manner and from 1893 de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take the effect of which the lady, in particular, now surfers. 1The outrage has produced wave of general indignation throughout the locality. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. 1 Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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