
15: An Evil Practica The Atlantic Vaice The European Situation an conthe importation of Rice ing them for work next morning.
to Consternation over Sunday Closing in it was comDuring the previous week there was an unusual seizure of horses and mules tethered around the city, the animals being seized by night by supposed policeDevoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone men and rushed to the Pound. Those of the men who Editer English Section: NATION were either met conducting the animals to the Pound or were caught red handed cutting the tethering ropes Año III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday August 29th. 1936 No. 108 stated they were acting under orders from the Coman.
dante of Police.
On enquiries being made of this gentleman by many of those whose animals had been so seized, he is alleged to have told them that the order had come from the GoAlthough not so seriously inten bels. It has therefore been offi, which is being subjected to air vernor, on this latter official being interviewed he dise as they were recently, nter cially proposed by France that bombings.
rected them to the Agent of Police, who, in turn, sent national conditions in Europe are international Committee be It is also reported that the re them back to the Comandante when they were inform still greatly disturbed in established for the pupose of bels have secured control of ed they would have to pay the sum of EIGHT COLONES sequence of the continued har inaugurating such means as will thirty of the forty nine Provinces to obtain the release of each animal.
penings in the Spanish warfare. more effectively control non in of the Republic.
What a difficult position in which to place a numBoth contestants are known to tervention; this Committee will be still receiving assistance from very likely represent twenty or ber of poor hard working men! No place in which to various sources motwithstanding rare nations and may meet in keep their animals at night so as to be certain of findnon intervention agreement London during the next forthIf this action is for Mexico, a week or so ago, sent night to initiatie activities.
the purpose of providing additional funds for the Muthe government an exceedingly Meantime the most desperate The production of native Sugar nicipality, it is certainly a peculiar way of extorting it urge amount of material, and in and bloody encounters are being has at times fallen so short of the from these unfortunates who labour in their small holdaddition to the financial aid waged throughout the Republe normal demard that the governRussia has been making, it is but withouth any apparent de ment, in order to prevent the soar ings to supply the market of Limon with foodstuffs and now stated that one of her ex. cisive results for either party. Jing of prices has had to import assist in feeding the inhabitants.
perienced Officers will soon be in Late cable advices inform that this articles of every day necessity Foodstuff prices are abnormally high at presentMadrid to take charge of the go General Mola forces have cap from neighbouring untries and Potatoes are scarse; Rice will probably reach fifty vernment air force; then a for turel one of the more important dispose of it at such a price ce of two thousand men are sup government position in the de compell would be speculators to a cents per pound in a couple of days; Beans too cost posed to be shortly leaving Ire fence of Madrid, and they are row bandon their efforts of exp oita more and is no longer the ordinary item of diet it once land to join the ranks of the re some 10 odd miles from that City tion. And so it is now with our was; there has been a dearth in our Corn enterprise Rice; the local supply has fallen so which resulted in this article being sold in and around very much below the ordinary reLimon for as much as twenty cents per pound. These quirements of the trade that pripoor striwing people who are endeavouring to asist ces are continually on the increase the food problem of the Province ought therefore to be In order to relive this situation Costa Rica went legally Dry by music and occasionally restprotected by our local authorities rather than being last Sunday as a consequence ning at the different corners of the there is a proposal for the government to import large te enforcement subjected to such disadvantages.
of the thirty streets, they would indulge quantities year old Ligour Law which proht whiffing their liquid refro hment from Germany and to dispose of it If the animals were discovered tied cn Municipal at such wholesale rates as will bitis the selling of all intoxica even in the presence of the poproperty or found straying along the city streets, there ing drinks on Sudays and hol lice who were, of course, power permit rotail prices being kept might be some excuse for this unjust procedure, but to within normal limits until rew days. Limon was thrown into less to do anything cut the ropes by which they were secured ou private greni amazement, the The creps come in traders have, naturally, premises where their owners reside is certainly an outTrost unusual thing to see all protested the application of the It is certainly strange the witn available rage establisaments closed on a Sun law as they claim that Sundays so much swamp lands cilly morning and everyone want and bolldays are the days an for the cultivation of th Many have been the complaints of this vile manner Bio know what had really hap which they do most business, so modity, so much abandoned Ba of exploitation and it would be well if don Ricardo Alpened. Could it be possible for a it. expected taht as soon as nana fields suitable for cane grow varado would impartially investigate them, as we canLaw to be enforced to the letter the extraordinary Seesion ing and cattle rearing our Capinot bring ourselves to believe that this ruse was the inin Costa Rica? So it was how ton of Congress opens on the talists do not think of undertaking 1st. September a move will these cultivations on a ecale which (To Page 10)
Many of the habitues of the made to amend the law in this would enable our demands to be re Puis made a burlesque of the respect. However, the closure gularly met occan by providing themsel served a good purpose as there WEDDING BELLS During the past week 650 head of ves on the previous day, with was an entire absence of drun stock were imported fron Nicarabodies of Rum with which they keness with all its accompany gua for butchering. cce paid an San Jose, there will be joined in Today, in the Carmen Church, staff of the Hospital.
The ATLANTIC VOICE takes paraded the town, accompanied ingannoyance.
import tax of forty colones per! Holy Wedlock two of the most this medium of wishing them 1;head Must not the cost of livin: be prominent members of our Social felong happinais and successes exhorbitant under such co ditions. community. Miss Julia Gutierrez in every desire of theirs through and Doctor Carlos Seanz of the out their companionship. Legal Light with a view of increasing thr possessed of decortorizing machiinterest in our Slanilla Industry ner or they may be hand scrap Goes Home in the making of Ropes, Bags by cultivators themselves, as Mattings, Hammocks, etc. the ne Jamaican peasantry do those Barrister Hector Josephs, National Agricutural Depart oz the penguin, to obtain the LL. has retired from ment is offering the seeds of the fibre. for its many uses.
SERVICIO DE VAPORES his position of Attorney General of Sisal Plant free of charge to any. The Department is also offer British Guiana which he las one who cares to have them. ing to allot Wheat seeds to all cup ed since 1922, and with his fSalidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York who own lands adapted to this ly, has gone back to inte sand con escala en Cristóbal y Habana This is a vexy useful item of cultivation.
home Jamaica cultum and in addition to being Mr. Josepn eldest daughter easy of growth it cots little or Applicants are required to state tely graduated as Barrister LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS no expense and when planted a whers their lands are located AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS long potrero fencings will help to how much is available, the class Keep animals from breaking of wheat it is proposed to culVapores Salidas be readily purchased by those His Lordshiy Bi bop Wollgar VERAGUA 30 de Agosto ten arrives today: he will be met on the pier by large number of QUIRIGUA de Septiembre his flock who woul, along with In connection with our pre as will represent the tax on the Military Bail PETEN accompany 13 de Septierabre vious article on this subject, and such tickets before they can be him to the cathedr where a T2 as is Girected by the recently cashed. Thus each piece of the Deum will be sungin thankspublished Decree, commencing diet which wins the Grand giving for his safe retin. ALVARADO Cia.
with the drawing to take place Prize will only be worth e 2, 700 Arrangements have also seen on Sunday the 6th September instead of 3, 000 its face concluded by the Ladies of the Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas the Executive will demand the value indicates, the owner having Church to accord him a fitting payment of the ten per cent tax to secure a timbre for 30 welcome, special selections are Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas on all winning tickets.
to be attached to it before de la United Frui: Company en los bajos del it being prepared by the children Special Timbres, or stamps, will be countenanced Gran Hotel Costa Rica for pay guided by the Teachers of the will be issued and the owners ment; and so on with to all va Day and Sunday Schools an alof the winning tickets will me te lues.
so the members of the Ladies Au TELEFONO 3156 quired to aflix so many of these xillary Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Fostering Native Industries UNITED FRUIT Co.
through. The leaves will always tivate and the quantity needed. Bishop Wollgarten Returns THE LOTTERY TAX


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