
THE AZ ANTIC VOICE Saturday August th. 1936 ITALY SEES PERIL IN SPAIN WARFARE Una Póliza de Vida en cualquier momento puede ser la salvación suya y también la de su familia.
Sceks Friendship of France BANGO NACIONAL SEGUROS YA LLEGO. La Máquina de coser The Famous After Death Sale By Arnaldo Cortesi ROME. The devolopments in understanding btw. en France is Spaia are being watched with close titude of Italy and Germany Gimany attent on by the Italian public Le krown and it is not thought that Ita y proposta to act as Germ pro cause it is thought far more tan after what has happened in Spain ny broker while Britain the future of Spain hangs in the Britain will be any less kindly dis ably will act in the same capace balance.
posed than they toward Russia and for France. The idea is to eliminat victory of the present Leftist toward the Franco Russian alliance Franco German enmity sufficier government would be regarded As for the gencral European probtly to allow these two countries with considerable aprehensioblem, which will be the main item enter a four power pact with cause it is believed it would result on the Locarno conference agenda, tain and Italy.
in the Communists seizure of po Italy continues to believe that yo It is fully realized, of cours wer. This might have serious refety lies only in an agreement for that the existeace of France n percussion in France, where the tho collaboration of the great po liances with Russia and Czechoslo extreme Left makes no se set owers of Western Europe, Italian 01 vakia are formidable obstacles its hope that Premier Leon Blamficials continue to sist that Pre such a plan. What is to be don may turn cut to be a French Ke mier Benito Mursolini will not sub about these alliances is perhas rensky, a stepirg stone to faci mit a plan, but he is expected to the principal problem the Locara litate a proletarian dictatorshi. exert fluence to bring about an conference will have to face The outcome of the Spania revolt is likely to have a more imJes med ate effect on the general tien of European politics. If the LetPARIS President Albert Le two countries united by som tisty win, the Kalians foresee that ico Britain, attached as she is to her brum, received the new Spanish ny moral and concrete ties without making any referentale traditional conservatism and the Ambasador, Alvaro de Albornoz.
capitalist system, will feel impens address to the French Pre to present events, President rralu led to out loose from France and sent the envoy made a trect brun expressed a wish for con PIDA INFORMES AL draw nearer to Italy and Germany, re rence to his country peritinued cordial relations betwee which regard themselves as the fous situation and appealed for France and Spain.
and Kriend France sympathy The Cabinet council allotted main Continental bulwaiks against communism. If the rebels 100, 000 francs to cover the exLIM ship for his government.
win, Britain would be less inclined to The development al present penses of repatriating French ocurring in my country, heitizens stranded in Spain. In the said, only ter of has followed more or less consisten day. The republican sentiments of gro niso reported on the meas. De y since the end of the World all Spaniards, and especially in res being taken to handle there War.
the present circumstances In the present uncertainty about count upon the friendship bet being disarmed mustagees reaching France. They ard and temporarily the outcome of the Spanish revoltween Farnce and Spain, which cared for under government au DE the general impression in Italy is can only increase the welfare of pices.
that the outbreak of latvies Dess that has marked General Francisco Franco uprising and the governMe ment attempts to repress it was SINGER» 1936 cia a shock to Britain. It shows that the Communist menace is not as Cose para adelante y atrás, borda surce y perfora dead as some pers: 13 rresert. Le cambiamos su máquina vieja por esta moderna Italy sees a further reasot: why SOLO 15 COLONES MENSUALES European countries that are the main pillars of law and order ky Agencia «Singer» al costado Norte del Mercado The opening of the Mortual in rent an order to Mrs. Russell and toe Estate of Charles Bennett others who are stated to have and Italy, should settle their der which she means Brita. Germany In las tory of Westfalia having unlawful charge of all the live ences and prepare in perfect harht Machine 1936 been effected, the Civil Court has and dead assests of the deceas mony to exercis: a stabilizing influ ed, to dellver same to the legal ence over Europe.
You can sew with it backward and forward, do con ly appointed Executrix in order Whether these Italy forecast embroidery, mending and hemstitching work.
that a proper and complete in prove correct, it is belaved the We exchange your old machine for this wonderful new one.
Spanish reyolt will tat uence the ventory can be taken with a discussions at the next Locatno ONLY 15 COLONES PER MONTH view of arriving at the amount conference. Italy has not accepted Singer Agency at the North side of the Market in Limon Our City Fathers are arrang which should go to the Educa the invitation to attead the confer. int to remedy a long felt want tion Department.
ence, but it may be safe y assumed by the construction of an up to Some of the cattle and pigs, she will do so and tha: Gerinary the date market attachment for the a fishing boat and seine, as well also will be represented sale of meats.
ag some of the fun ure are said The Franco Sovie: alliance, VOF It cannot be denied that the to have been disposed of alrec which is one of the essential elt: stalls allotted for such a pur dy by those charged with ReceivThe Young People Society, sitors were therefore the winners ments of the Europea political and Choir of the Seventh Day by the small margin of pore in our present market are a ing: hence there appears to be picture will certainly be discussed Adventist Church at Cairo car wsgrace to the principal gate more trouble brewing in this di and this will bring up the question ried off a special service there way of the Republic.
rection at Wastfalia.
The highest scorers were Gorof the Communist danger. The at Sunday evening a fortnight ago. don 13 tor the Pathfinders and representative audience com Gayle for the Eagles. In the prised of many visitors from the first Inning Gayle took outlying settlements greatly ap wets for 16 in 10 overs and be preciated the programme of songs, beat this record in the second and recitations. Mr. Abbot, the Inning by taking wickets for Young People Leader, president in overs.
at the organ. The proceeds of the Gordon the star bowler for Service go towards the building the visitors, took wickets BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE fund of the Church which is being 13 a overs in the first extensively repaired.
ning and for in overs UNICO EMISOR the second STATE BANK Pusey accounted for wicket for in two overs.
ofrece al público los Offers the Public the friendly game of Cricket servicios de su Services of its was played here Monday before Special Correspondent last between the Junior Pathfinders of Limon and the Young Eagles Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON The boys were all in fire sporting spirit and played a gent EN LA IN THE lemanly game throughout the two Abogado y Innings allowed each side.
Batting first, the pathfinders mustered 33 runs to which Notario Público tha para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service Eaglo replied with 22. Neither Oficina: Altos Passide showed up well in the seservicio bancario Rendered cond innings, the Pathfinders cual Ingianna scoring only seven, while the home team compiled nine, the vi Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Just Arrived. The Sewing «SINGER clos New Meat Market 00 RE FROM SIQUIRRES Dinti niach runs BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Ciudad de Limón City of Limon

    CommunismFranceFrancisco FrancoGermanyItalyMussoliniSpain

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