
OUR CRICKET 1936 SAL UVINA FARE For Liver and Stomach Aliments INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF Flatulence And all forms Indigestion of Stomach Calics Disorders FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES divu war will be strongly sup MUNICIPAL TAXES DIE EL ATLANTICO me Unity vs Pathaders Cup By The MIRROR hope other Clubs will make Ich was abandoned hrough similar efforts next season, Two (THE RIGHTS ALTS)
thus the latter has two points ward the close of the year. What of our Clubs now have Junior th two matches to play. am of their players? Should they go teams: what are the others doing?
mac aid we are golig to see a tie at they will be given minor engageI should like this to be clearly end of our Season Personallments against the Secondary Scho. understood, local Cricket sides Gurshould very much enjoy witnesis, such as, Wolmers, Munro. On have no such thing as Managers.
tries the Excelsior and the Tras labar, St. Georges, Kingston Col Club has two Presidents, Trea tapasters tighting for champioa lege and possibly, Jamaica College, surer, a Secretary and a Captain ello honours. The Builders are Sir, it would inean Cricket and letsall Captains rule the men dor tutto in the running at present. more. Then there is the socia) side their charge, no one else does so relat and two matches to go.
While it is a good plan it needs Manager is chosen when a team mit Tomorrow, the Excelsior will en quite a lot of thought: in short is going abroad for the purpose of re the Irons Can they live up going to Jamaica means a special arranging questions of finance and their former record? The former selection.
to represent the side. not to die.
ye four consecutive wins, but on am suggesting that when giv tate to the Captain on the fieid.
occasion they beat their oping accounts of matches our various have beea Boticing some very pents by a smaller margin. Any writers should do so in detail as is de y, its left to be seen: Cricket done in other places. Do it general irregular signals by some o our lng such an uncertain game.
PE ly, and do not be partial Follow Umpires such as the sigtalling of Lid It is rumoured that the Path the examples of those who write bye boundary to represent six ders will be visiting Jamaica to for the Gleaner. read the last runs. six is properly signal e a ly issue which carries an account of waving the hand from side to side finishing with an open hand held José Achion Ng the Test match, England vs. A!
above the head. bye is signalled Inc India above zy first warring the hand COMERCIANTE DETALLISTA Quite recently we have been the head then waving it from side hearing much about Youngters or to side An Umpire should also icores, Abarrotes, Cris Youths, even when they play adere talería, Artículos de Fe. gainst others like themselves and remember that the scores are guiddet rreteria y Eléctricos: todo refer to the Pathfinders Ex ed by what is signalled.
Manufactured by: Cor. To be continued. se encuenta en este celsior game. The fact that the latestablecimiento a ter were the first to import young Precios de Situación players on their side should be BRITAIN FOR NEUTRALITY HERMANN ZELEDONBOTICA FRANCESA borne in mind. They did this three San Jose, Costa Rica the LIMON COSTA RICA Brown, Gordon, to say the least LONDON France appeal lumannastery of Taylor to world powers to maintain strict neutrality in the Spanish civil Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard ported by Great Britain, a high Nacionales nuthority said.
What next will there be for sus is being taken of all sani He added Great Britain fear the government to tax is the entary basins throughout the comFrank Maduro Jr.
ed any to the Spanish bellige quiry of many. An additional tax munity with a view, we underProp.
rents from outside countries has been placed on very bottle stand, of a tax of two colones fight easly transform Internal of alcoholic preparation; the per month being placed on them, Frank Maduro hijo, Etrife into a European death stamp duty on Bank cheques is even though there may be no Prop.
Best native lumber struggle betwent communism increased: receipts for cash and water with which to flush and er Maderas del país. Existenand the more conservative forms the privilege of operating a Ra clean them.
cia permanente en nuestro at moderate prices of government.
dio are to contribute to the coun All these additional charges depósito In some quarters here it was try revenue; a timbre of the have naturally ora caused landlords believed the government, on the value of fifty cents must now to increase their rentals. What Toa strength of a new 10, 000, 000 be affixed to every letter or ds next can we expert.
trade loan to Russia might cument addressed to officials: approach Moscow, with a plea there is also the suggestion that that there be no Russian inter salaries should give their propor vertion.
tional share, and lantly cenR. In a Court news item of a fort Republics has no control what Ight ago, we mentioned that in ever ower the Judicial Depart he of Shaw vs.
ConstitusGUACIMO GUAPILES do cord had been instituted bretion of the Therefore ty by bringing such a case to continued don Octavio, whate. HENDAYE France Among The inost seriously hurt had his Cantina, Licores close within the space of twen ver is done by his department refugees from Spain landed by leg amputated while aboard the Extranjeros y del país.
one days, and the comment entirely due to the best discre the German steamer Bellona steamer. Four of the wounded Tienda bien surtida as made that this was due totion of the officers of the de at Bayonne, France, were four were taken to the Saint Leon Abarrotes en general ke pe vigilance of don Leon Cor partient and not by any vigi German citizens who had been Hospital, where doctors describ administration in expediting unce of any other power of the wounded during the revolt. ed their cases as serious.
PRECIOS sin COMPETENCIA tatters in a businesslike manner. government.
They were in a group of reThe error of our remarks was fugees waiting on the docks at pinted out to us by Lic. don Oc We are exceedingly grateful Gijon to be taken aboard the Valo Rodriguez, Civil Judge otto don Octavio for the correction German ship Kols when a grena als Province, who, in a short in and hasten to make the necessary ice thrown by persons engaged in Mrs. Brigadier Matchell, wife past 20 years: they deserva much erview said the President of the reparation.
astreet fight fell among them of the Senior Dfficer of the Sat credit. We are hoping that much vation Army in Panama, was re good will be derived from this cently here on a vacation along visit. Mrs. Matchell is an Enwith Mr. Doctor Edwards. glish woman who has spent 20 fore leaving for home these lædičs years as a Missionary in the West paid a visit to our Corps and TrdieMrs. Edwards is an Am conducted a meeting in our Hallerican now residing in Panama; which was much appreciated. she acted as Mrs Matchell inter al who attended. Both ladies spo preter.
ke of the delight and pleasure Wo wish them a pleasant trip they had experienced on this their home and much benefit from thels first visit to Costa Rica; they vacation.
were particularly impressed with WRIGHT the greeable climate og Carta cesario en el momento preciso Adjutant go where they also spent a short time.
During their stay in Jose they Well. What. had the pleasure of interviewing some of our Ministers of State Booth Bread, and their were loud in their an Biscuits Buns.
preciation of the courtecies extend Without which you can boats ed them by all. They also visit of eating the best ed the Bible Institutes and other Berlin Bread points of interest Booth Biscuits Mrs Matchell and her ERRATUM LUIS WA CHONG came show Nation amont according to the Comte Germans Injured in Spain SALVATION ARMY OFFICER ON VISIT Ahorre. El éxito en los negocios y en la vida está siempre en espera del hombre que tiene el dinero neUsted debe ser de esa clase 13 de hombres Banco de Costa Rica SUCURSAL. DE LIMON have done much more on this The People Bakery.
their first visit to the country than all the other Leaders of higher Army rank during the Where you will get the best.
the industry can produce.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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