
Sa CAMISAS AT THE JAMAICA STORE LE BREEDY PIJAMAS Much Ado About Nothing spelasthand celebrates Spain Confiscates Electric Concer Switzerland AL 645th. Anniversary Spalsu EDGAR YOUNG ALLAN SIME ALLAN SIME Importación y Exportación Imports and Exports TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN An Evil Pract. MADRID. The confiscat on laces and newspaper plants SF prorence of the American, orange Naval Base which they GENEVA. Bonfires and gea. all electric concerns in Spain, labor organizations.
to will acquire so soon as the new eral rejoicing hailed well as the 615th as several industrial Survey boats has given rise The new seizures, the regine much comment among our. esity arises, despite the explanniversary of Swiss Independ irms, was announced by the of Premier Jose Giral declare te washed as to were made to comply with so their reason for wation that these surveys bustence.
Spanish Government.
being here, especially as flags Processions and public meetbe taken every few years in the Th: industrial organization ta points in the program on whig an emarkings are to be seen all ten over ty the administration the Popular Front administration nterest of navigation. Soundingsings celebrated the birth in 1201 along the coast north and south of the Swisy Confederation. The Unte ncluded some publie utilities. In was elected in February are taken so as to locate new soctalist government, which reigns Iddition two radio broadcasting At the same time the govern of Limon. The common talk is hoals which may be thrown up ni The canton of Jeneva, arrangoncerns in Madrid were seizeit ment announced the arrest tirat the American government is y the action of flooded rivere. enthusiastic observances ct The action followed confisca former Premiere Richardo Sarde Currents also often change along the national holiday. Some contion of Catholic schools and col per a Valencia. It is said he was ervative newspapers criticizea leges by the government and the attempting to flee from he shores and a thou and and the Geneva celebrations as moreizure of aristocratic clubs, pa abord a French steamer, ane other things may happen Socialist than national ug COMERCIANTE ong these and other coasts to mass meeting: were held on the nteriore with prope rand Sitte shores of Lake Leman.
ESTABLECIDO EN LA PIA POR navigation Therefore there 15 The nation was born when mer MAS DE 20 ARS the Forst cantons of Us nothing to be apprehensive Vend: al detal, Vinas y Li Schwyz and Unterwalden swore coes exiranjeros y del país, bout when these gunboats arrive solemn oath to free SwizerREF LIMON, LIMON, abarrotes en general. and set to work for a few days land from the influence of the Micalán.
Bag maritime information to nouse of Hapsburgs. Big bonfires ESTATUE WETO EQUINATE DER CADO ESTRELLAT. JY LA CALLE 41 serve the purpose of all nations were lighte! on the mountain DI who engage in trafficing the seas, slopes and Alpine peak; to mori tlfy the people. The bonfire pre DEPOSITO DE MADERA LUMBER DEPOSIT tice has been continued through xil these years.
Compra Cacao en grano Cocoa Purchased The Pan American Highway We wish to announce we have passed our eighth year of Existence although the Skeptics say nothing lasts long here.
It seem as if the realization We have succeeded, because we have never deceived our members. You can fool the people some of the time; you can of our hope for the construcfoo! half of the people most of the time; but you can never tion of this important highway From Page 7)
TE fool all the people all the time.
is at last to be fulfilled.
tention of the order. We are of the opinion that order Remember that though we suffered from one Bank fal.
During the past few days there were given to round up all animals let loose on themb ure, we have met ALL OUR OBLIGATIONS up to date. We have never had cause to close our doors. We have paid Death has been a general talk between streets, there being scores of them, but not that those Grants for one hundred and four persons. We pay the same the American Engineers entrusttied in private yards should be interfered with. If such amount for Dependents as for Members; we do not make Bone ed wit hthe carrying out of this of the on, and Flesh of th other.
great task and our Ministers of an investigation were held it would relieve the tention Shou you join our SICK DEPARTMENT we do nou limit your weekly Benefits; as long as you remain ill in bed State. Nothing has been made now existing and clear the minds of many of our citi you receive your Benefits if even for One Year.
publie as to the arrangements zens who are encouraging the thought of an intended If you are seeking Help in the Hour of Need, join the decided on, but it is evident that terrorism as a means of exploiting these thrifty farmer ONLY safe and reliable Society, the the work will soon be initiated.
whose sole desire is to find employment for themselvec COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION Nicaragua is pledged to build her and so alleviate the question of nonemployment.
Established in Limon, 5th May, 1928.
nortion of 100 kilometers so the hands of all concerned will soon Government officials ought to be men of vision and he full and much labour needed should foous their attention on the progress of theil in every direction.
community and the happiness of its inhabitants, there fore if an error has been committed by their subaltern By BROTHER TOM it should be corrected with the least possible delay.
Work is pretty scarce, especially for our coloured Question: Dear Bro. Tom. an abnormal desire for too much people, for whenever an avenue is opened by the go food oi a dainty class. The chart vernment only nationals are supposed to be given em For years have been suffering iscloses you have often eaten to from stomach troubles and no re excess and, as a consequence, the ployment; hence these foreigners with long residentia The seem in sight, although siomach breaks down under the Cantina Posada claims should be encouraged to find work on their own have taken all the medicines re strain Not having sufficient winy Cafeteria initiative to assist in allaying the non empleyment crisit the commanded by friends anil spent over to school yourself to eatwhich threatens every country on the face of the eartiere que a small fortune in consulting anü drinking moderately, nor Felipe Wing Ching in a lesser or greater degree, rather than distressing and ang auctors. What cai. you do toto iimit yourself to a plain, simhep me?
pie diet, you have created a life Apartado 395 terrifying them by permitting their working animals to mach is sluggish; this causes be stealthily removed under Cover of Governor Or bly Answer. Dear Brother.
trouble in the digestion of food, ders and extracting eight colones from them of which can un ior the stomach being ofton filthe evil marauder earns two for his theft the Munici vurnished truth, although it may se with an excess of rich food. Exiles Join Spanish Rebels pality disposing of the balance. In addition to the other not do you much goos fermentation takes place and the disadvantages, the unfortunate worker may be prevent Sie horoscope shows you are food becomes poison intead of LISBON, Portugal ed from earning his day task it may be a day on a weak. willed person as far as nourishment to the body.
1, 500 Spanish exiles who took reappetite is concerned.
Th. Kidneys are also forced to fuge in Portugal after former which he should be cutting his ten or so stems of bana in your case, the planet Se do overtime work in throwing oat King Alfonso flight have left nas and which he loses as they become over fit for the turn is in Capricorn, in the 6th.
the ash accumulated from She to take part in the civil following supply day; but this is not all, the Railway Thouse, which controls health. Sa excessive and ill balancea food. They are reported to have com Company loses the freight, the Fruit Company the pre turn is in opposition to the Moon Your remealy lies with your ed a column at Salamanca and fits she would have made on their sale abroad and th in its own sign, Cancer, whict sea; control your abnormal an. to be marching to joing the Fargovernment the Export Tax.
ruies the stomach. The Moon is per. te, adopt a simple nourishing cist forces. Among them We again express the hope that an enquiry will be in opposition to Jupiter. This is wiet with plenty of raw vegetab. some of the best known names held by the Governor so as to put an end to such evi the story in a nutshell; you have res, and you will find yourself of the Spanish nobility, together better off in the long run. with army oft cers of monarchist practices.
Anunterbt well known Porzuguese Ngjonalists have foundReaders, who may desire to ed the National League of Nuostatn Brother Tom a Ivice, no Alvez Pereira, named after Estrada should send their enquiries or the feat warrior hero of Por queations to the Editor of this tuguese history, who in the Th.
Abarrotes y Licores Salon in time to reach him not teenth Century expelled the SpaA. ticulos del Fa inan Wednesday of each niards from Portugal.
LA Precios Economicos week. e, of course, reserve the The sim of the league is tatmás surtido en Matina LA IBERIA rigut of with. holding any ques ed to Le to create a strong poLion which we may consider in itical and intellectual barrier asuitable for publication.
gainst Communist ideals.
Meet Life Problems with Astro Help EL CABALLO BLANCO About war.
are Fáb SALOMON CHIN WEE LE HOP LEE LUNG Establecinierto de Licores, Tirda y Abarrotes EI Få ve Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    CommunismPopular FrontsSocialismSpainTerrorism

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