
FIASPIRINA The safe remedy always!
IMED Tipo. VISIT OF COURTESY This bill must be paid at our office ision PARIS In an indirect way stay out of the Spanish civil, re supplying the Spanich rebeis French Government permitt war. Similar messages will be with war materials. The statel aid to Madrid by authoriz rent to other powers if Britainment flowed an investigation hg Frenchmen to fight against an Italy agree to tie plen, it of the landing of Italian planes panich Fascists. The govern was said. France, however, re en route to Spanish Morocco in therehen authorized citizens to figüt serves the right to send arms French North Africa.
decides the civil war provide they te either faction.
Measures for caring for Sparried regular passports. Di Officials indicated Franes could nish refugees were taken by the omals said the passport sti not consider herself bound by a Cabinet, which also lappropiaministrulation effectively imited ivo unilateral declaration of neu ted 10. 000. 000 francs for the inteers to those who met with trality if the others did not join protection and repatriation of take the peae approval of the Spanish Lef in the scheme for staying ciear French citizens in Spain.
e arte ist government.
of the Spanish strife.
bardo Telegrams were sent to From the rebel scle of the Ro The government officially an mald be we and London, officials assert tounced its investigations bad war it was reported conmmauders pel, urging Italy and Britain to shown that foreign powers we bad placed a 20, 000 000 Svane mer order for airplanes with Ita y.
Eleven foreign airplanes, three of them marked wita the Nazi THE GIFT SHOP Swastika, were reported irom the international zone of TanBAYER ANTIQUES AND SOUVENIRS gier to be at the air field at Teutan, Spanish Morocco Large assortment of genuine old indian pottery.
Beautiful objects in native woods. dispatch from Ceutan stated troops were being prepared ports PRICES REASONABLE for transportation by air to Spaincis movement. It was said II French and Spanish, who for DIRECTION: From Hotel Costa Rica. east 15 yards on car line in craft from abroad. Duce might be influenced by con years have earned teir, living SIT right hand side, before Drug Store Nueva Botica on corner. Nevertheless. General Francis cessions of territory in Africa evading authorities, were report MISS BROAD Sucr. BOX 551 SAN JOSE COSTA RICA be co Franco. generalissimo of the end that the Fuehrer might be ed my French officials to rebels, was quoted by a French linked to the rebels througir an taking increasing quantities of ased LOOK FOR THE INDIAN SIGN newspaper as saying no orders agreement to cooperate with Ita machine guns, rifleg and amever had been placed for Italy munitions over the border for sa lian planes and no planes had Customs guards were renforce to rebels.
been received from a foreign ed along the Franco. Spanish power.
horder, it was reported from DIFFICULTY IN OBTAINING In Paris political quarters so Danchariaenca, France, to The Mexican gunboat Potos. the friendly relationship between premr. were represented ad believ CEDULAS at orde expected here on the 5th. Sep both Republics.
mulaing Premier Mussolini and Shan vent the smugglieng of on bomber when the usual courtesies She may remain in harbour for cellor Hitler might be in the tions into Spain.
Many complaints are heard rehat thill be exchanged in token of several days.
background of the Spanish Fas Professional smugglers garding the difficulty encounter both If ed in securing the Cedulas of Identity demanded by the govse tente ernment of every male who forma our Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ata We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back a part of our citizenship.
de su recibo que dice: intende of receipt which reads. number of these persons hafarme Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofiVe submitted their declarations nemseln cina dentro de los primeros 10 días for the periods from 1930 to before the 10th of the month 1936 and hold their correspond at.
de cada mes ing receipts from the Goberna, Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena clon, yet after months of waiting of oblige us to suspend our service, a step which de tener que cortar su servicio.
and despite repeated applications we would much regret to take.
ts, the they have been unsuccessful in ubalte obtaining the Cedulas, and the absense of these is causing mi delay ny or them much inconvenience colo as they are precluded from cnrthe transactions eside This is a matter that has been. zens from the exercise of their proposal is being made to trade. Judging from recent dis It is hoped the Tributacion Ortheir oeceiving much consideration sin right of the franchise; hence Pre place a Tax on all visitors to cussions regarding Customs resice will put a little supurt on this sent me the last elections, as it is futsident Cortes government has the country: this does not seem trictions, the imposition of such matter as we understand that de the there is much to be desired in been seeking such ways and a move in the right direction, a a Tax may not be favourably re partment is being blamed for the righteous manipulation or means whereby the law on this it might endanger our Tourist garded by strangers.
delay ssingu ur election Code. Many infrin important procedure may be per ements are known to be repeafected.
aly occurring, such as the cast We consequently note that of wing of more than one vote by modification has boen made There will be Races in Linion, who breeds, cares and maintain owners will wave this small outMange same party, the use of false which obligates every citizen to on the 15th of September and a a horse for racing purposes would lay and so help in making the the edulas and the refraining of record his vote when called by premalousands of di interested cit: the government so to do. Should very tempting programme, with should not quarrel over a dedue. National Day of Costa Rica recuse he would live the lite large Purses, has been issued. It Lion of five colones or there memorable one in the Province of a vagrant and be excluded was hoped that this would be a abouts for expenses.
of Limon by encouraging the We do hoje all breeders from participating in any civic splendid meet, but as it is underand Sport of Kings.
transact. oo. further modifica stcod that some of the ewners tion is that each cedula must carare objecting to the proposed dery a potograph of the voter so duction of five per cent from the as to prevent the cedular being winnings to defray expenses, used for the casting of more than may not be.
LIMON one yote during a particular elce.
This objection savours of stingand owtlon. In some countries the useofinean. Horse breeders finger prints has been adopted as ners should remember they are SEE Fábrica de Hielo preventative. great convethe ones who uphd Races, and rance has Ibint there are Refrescos ex enses which been brought about by the use of the Cedula and must be met in every case. In localities where spe al trains photograph as a voter will be le to cast his vote in any ProEste un and a Coloentrance REFRIGERATOR vice other than the can be charged the prot from one in which he had been registered.
iliese e sist in defraying shes NO MOVING PARTS It is believed that the re uit penses as printing, preparation of NO ELECTRICITY KEROSENE BURNER of these efforts the ground, etc. so there may will eventually be no needford such a USES NO WATER LA FLORIDA PERMANENT SILENEO deduction compent the 130, 000 voters supposed to be in the country to but here EFFICIENT in Limon where the ga come out and cast Gate entrance cannot be control.
their votes Fábrica de Hielo en called upon. In our last led the expenses must be met FOR FULL PARTICULAFS elections a little over 80. 000 votfrom the winnings. And after Venta de Leche SEE AGENT FOR LIMON PROVINCE cd therefore President Cortes 15 all, what does a five per cent desirous of eleminating this lack deduction mean? No sportman JOHNSTON of interest in the choice of Ru bould cavel over 50 small BRITISH VICE CONSULATE PORT LIMON iers of the country destiny amount; and, of course, a man Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Utols y Maderas an

    Civil WarFranceHitlerItalyMussoliniNazismSpain

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