
Our Sanitary Conditions The Atlantic Vaice give European Conflict Evident 21 nor PROPOSED LOTTERY TAX ABANDONED amon at them Germany to Fill water barrels, the filling up of cesspools in all holding, The visit of the Minister of Health, Dr. Antonio Peña Chavarría, to the City and other points of the ProDevoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone vince, has brought much pleasure to our authorities e3pecially those of the Sanitary Department, as well as to Editor English Section: NATION the public generally; as his expressions of eulogy reAno III Limor, Costa Rica, Catarday September 5th. 1936. garding the manner in which those entrusted with this No. 109 section of government service have executed their duties and the co operation and co ordination by the gen eral community in the fulfilment of these duties great satisfaction.
On Dr. Chavarría return to headquarters last Sun The revolution in Spa. in the tremendous loss of precious has been resolved into a was of day from his tour of inspection, he said, while there is creases daily in violence without properties. buildings which extermination, the rebels being still much to be for Limon in matters of Public there being any real indication have been in ex stance for over the Fascists with monarchial as to which of the parties will a thousand years; monuments of sentiments and the government ration of the Authorities and the Municipality but of Health he was very satisfied, not only with the co opeBu be the victor. During the monthl an ancient civilization which the Communists. Madrid, the and a half of turmoil in this cannot now be replaced. are the general public in all the hygienic labours which have Capital, is now the chief objecunfortunate country some being torn to pieces daliy by tive of the rebe who are been put in force for the advancement of atour health 100. 000 contestants have died both sides with the most modern tacking the fortresses of Irun an dthe securing of a more agreeable appearance for to say nothing of the wounded implements of destructive war and San Sebastian with all the the community.
whose number is roughly esti fare.
ferocity at their command; they umated at around 300. 000 The struggle for supremacy bombard these with Italian and The old colonizers of Limon have had much expeGerman warplanes and artillery.
rience in the lessons of hygiene and many have paid The government party is using the penalty for the lack of sanitation. Very many have French and Russian implements succombed to Yellow and other malignant fevers brought in their defence. Mexico recenIn view of the objection which prices, this amount to be used by tiy contributed 25. 000 rifles and about by the insanitary conditions during the last decade has been taken by the general the government in promoting sa several milion rounds of of the nineteenth century, so that when rigid enforcepublic to we payment of the ten nary works throughout the coun munition to the aid of the go ment of the preliminary rules of sanitation were placed 21 per cent tax imposed on their in uy, the other five per cent to be vernment forces. England is dividual winnings by the recent retained by the Board for the gen neutral up to now, but with the in practice by doctor Septimus Steggal, doctor Mig cucive Decree, and fearing eral purpose of the San Juan de menacinga ttitude of Italy Velasquez and doctor Cespedes during the first period is that their interests would be se Dios Hospital the side of the Rebels, it is eviof our present century, the community hailed with deat tvusly affected, the members of As a resuit of this agreement, dent she will shortly have to light the instructions handed out by these Pioneers in ujes National Lottery Board request it is understood that the Decree (To page matters hygienic notwithstanding their many inconven med President Cortes to accord 17 posing the Tax will be withniences. Orders, such as those for the destruction of conference which took drawn and conditions remain a3 vai piace ai sue Presidencia on Wed hitherto.
the clearing of yards of empty tins and other vessels nesday rast ace the above was written Rice Shortage After the matter had been ful we observe that the Barit has which would create breeding spots for mosquitos, and Trecas y discussed and considered, it publicity announced that they the pouring of crude oil in Crab holes, etc. were not was decided that the Board should will continue paying the full vaAs a consequence of the info mation obtained by the govern considered very pleasant occupations but as they were pay the government in cash, be lue of the prizes as stated in their ment regarding the shortage in essential for the promotion of better health conditions ore each drawing took place, a official list.
our stocks of Rice and the esti they were readily adopted by the more intelligent sec rum equal to five per cent of the mated Insufficiency or she next tion of our citizens and these encouraged the less suscepcrop. the Executive has placed ar tible to do likewise, hence we now have the satisfaction order in Germany, for a large of hearing our Minister of Public Health pronounce The Well Done.
ry day necessity, the first consign The large number of our rea The parties connected with the ment of, 8, 000 quintals will, it is Right swell must the people of Limon be proud of ders who are interested in the movement are arranging, it is al expected arrive shortly.
these expressions by Doctor Chavarria, when it is remem Sport of Kings will be glad to so saíd, for horses to be brought So that these importations mey bered that this Province is the most abandoned of the do learn that arrangements are re from Jamaica and Panama so as not affect the local industry, the Seven in progressive matters. Right well must doctor de exported to be under way for the to intause greater interest in the wholesale price will not be less aria boiuing of a series of Race Meets venture.
Umaña, don Rogelio Amador and their subordinate Insthan twenty seven colones per cers in San José toward the close ot quintal.
pectors of the year.
serving the cleanly aspect of our City and preserving des According to the Diario Mr.
the health of the community have been appreciated and insa Jorge Alvarado Piza has secured produa concession for the right of pro Formerly, the complaints as to the severity aná, at de mi moting these Races on the grounds As was announced. Congress the Ist. Instant. There are many times, austerity exhibited by our Judges by the fines in ames of the National Stadium up to opened its Autumn or Extraor items of weighty importance 10th of January next.
dinary Sessions last Tuesday, awaiting deliberation, among flicted for infringements of and non compliance with the them being that for the regula Sanitary Laws were very frequent, but these were lestion of our Banking faci:ities to sons which the clareless ones had to be taught so that modify our monetary system today it is much of a surprise to hear of the infliction of It was hoped that this would punishment at the instance of our Sanitary departmen.
have been the tirst item taken Every landowner sees that his premises must be but the President of the AsSERVICIO DE VAPORES sembly gave preference to the (To Page project for amending the Iiquor Law which enforces the Sunday Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York and holiday closures much to 05 con escala en Cristóbal y Habana the prejudice of this class of merchants LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS Many modifications to the pro Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón ject, as presented by the Execu Con 10 AMERICANOS y EUROPEOS para EUROPA Live Council, have been made by sh of those interested, the general (Santander, Plymouth, Cherbourg, Amsterdam Vapores Salidas trend being toward an unresHamburgo)
tricted trade with permission to open on all hol days and QUIRIGUA de Septiembre CORDILLERA.
Setiembre Sundays tilt p. The matter PETEN 13 de Septiembre is still under discssion.
Para GUATEMALA The recommendations the Fi VERAGUA 20 de Septiembre nancial Committee regarding (Puerto Barrios y Livingston)
the rates of rental for gritime YGOS and other government lan is aze CORDILLERA Set. F. ALVARADO Cía, also before this Session: and it Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas is strange that up to thi: none of the occupants of these lands SERVICIO DE CARGA y PASAJEROS have sent a memorial to the Exe IVO Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United Fruir Company en los bajos del cutive on so important a question Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse Gran Hotel Costa Rica especially in ew of the fact 70 that the Minister of Finance 13 determined that al back rents TELEFONO. 3156 will have to be paid.
Agencia ea Costa Rica Telefono 2088. RACES IN SAN JOSE supply, of this commodity of eveors of Hygiene, bei proud that their efforts in font CONGRESS RE OPENS publicly applauded by their superior Officer.
HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE ed on HAPAG LLOYD Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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