
surtme medid YA LLEGO. La Máquina de cor pan, revo peral Jalling fondid Jired: Just Arrived. The Sewing «SINGER the mi lhe sa lay or Itable the trecut With rimed Beef, Spain Rebuffs American France and Poland to Co operate o esp recall atisfac League Held Doomed le sees AL WAR ON MOSQUITOS Best native lumber THE A71 ANTIC VCHCE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th, 1936, ele BRITHIS KING ON VACATION few week; ago King Edward of Tajer. Sibenik Tagoesiavia. The King took a set of these «SINGER 1936 in keeping with his tradition of He learnt how to cuton lobsters balls home with lira. He hns Cose para adelante y atrás, borda serce y perfora being the friend of all, spent his by going out at nights with lan set a new atyle by dressing for Le cambiamos su máquina vivia cresta moderna Vacation fishing in Yugoslavia terns in the company of more this game in a fisherman cut while yachting in the Adriatic than 100 canoes. He also learnt ton shirt the neighbourhood SOLO 15 COLONES MENSUALES Sea, and he aid much tishing the Yugoslav game of Bisch went crazy and everybody who Agencia Singer» al costado Norte del Mercado among native anglers in the Bay which is played by two teams was anybody bought one.
each composed of ilve inen: each While on their way through man is equipped with a wooden Vienna to meet the King, the ¡WELL. WHAT. Ball which is pitched at a large brother, the Duke and Duchess Machine 1936 Booth Bread, Red one, and the side securing of York met with an automobile the greater number of balls accident; they fortunately esca You can sew with it backward and forward, do Biscuits Buns, nearest the Red one wins ped injury embroidery, mending and hemstitching work.
without which You can hoats of eaüng the best.
We exchange your old machine for this wonderful new one.
80. 550. 60000 000. 00 Berlin Bread ONLY 15 COLONES PER MONTH Bocth Biscuits Singer gency at the North side of the Market in Limón. The Peoples Bakery MADRID.
Lid wal David Ellis Lit of Spanish Red Cross and was turned Where you will get the best. Philadelphia, Pa. an American re down.
the industry can produce. fugee, offered his services to the Mr. Lit, who came to Spain os a tourist, sought to draw upon his experience as World War director anitar of the eastern division of the Amer WARSAW. It was annouce, eral Rydz Smigly, will retinction ican Red Cross in aiding the im1 Marc visit in October STAGO, Chile. The In Chile and her sister nations mense task of caring for wounded officially that General Gustave Gamelin, chief of the This exchange of visits and per al pditorially expresses the should now understand that there ed in various hospitals throughou French General Staff, hal accepted spections of the respective arn Jhe gen belle: that the League of Na is to place for them in Geneva the city. Officials of the general Ar forces is expected to result in health department thanked in an invitation fromthe Polish tlong is doomed as a result of wtre Europeans troubles absorb for his gesture, but stated that at my chief, General Edward Rydz ewal of active cooperation the besitating, undefined attitude al ithe attention, putting Latin of the principal members. American countries in the back present there was no shortage Smigly, to spend a few weeks in tween them. Poland cannot ren Warsaw as the army guest. effectively with out outside ass men Tbe editorial maintains tnat round.
He is expected here late next ance, and a deal for large supp Mr. Lit name and address were week, and it is believed a Po ish of Franch war materials may Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard taken, however, and it was prom Army delegation, headed by Gen. concluded during General Smig ised he would be called it needed.
De Frank Maduro bijo PROP.
Ca Campaign which was effective Maderas del pais. Exis tencia permanente en at moderate prices Visit the Riverton section of or blown into crevices or into 000. 000 mosquitos with nuestro depósito.
Cook Country, 11, an area boun contined spaces. The most ef dye, 000. 000 with green, ded by Belmont and Crawiord fective spray is a kerosene ex: 15. 000. 000 with yelow. 000 Avenues and Ninety fifta street tract of pyrethrum mixed with with blue and another 000 CUBA RELEASES POLITICAL PRISONERS chicago, and the Cook Country kerosene and water to which soft with brown.
line, any warm Summer right soap has been added. Lyell Clark, sanitary HAVANA The first thir Dolores de la Torriente and Lydia and you will find no snidge Cost: 48. 039. 99. çf this the rom teen, including four women of an Lopez hrocha, serving sentences fires, no mosquito netting, no WPA put up 27. 939 74 and the neer of Des Plaines Valley MJ quito Abatement District, fi declare estimated eighty Havana polttical for subversive propaganda, and pungent cdor of citronella Yet Desplaines River Valley, Morgusused laboratory stains to colthe pa prisoners affected by the amnestina Gonzalez Garcia, serving once this was a mosquito infest to Abatement Dictrict 20. 10125 the mosquitos. This however. Medit ty law left. Principe Fortress and a term for membership ed district of Illinois. The reason was expensive and it was leashould the women prison.
imunist party.
for the change is the systematic ned Toe women incluide the writer, that ordinary clothes dy The The men include Lazaro Fena WBefore PA workers were tur worked as we as the more Eltere crad. cation of the mosquito former secretary of the Contence from the Des Pleines Valley by ned loose on this job sc entific pensive stains.
territ ration of Labor, and the student WPA workers under scientific studies had been conducted that leader, Manuel Antonio Virona direction revea ed much about mosquitos Water is added to the dye hus all An cutstanding radical labor lea that was not known before. For make a per cent solution many In water areas tat cannot be der, Cesar Villar, who is serving effective y drained boats, pumps to fiy? Cn the strength of purely example, how far can a mosquid With this the mosquitos ar hrou COMERCIANTE severai sentences for political oiEstablecido en la Provincia sprays and larvicides are resorspecial sprayed with a nozzipated circumstantial evidence it was which projects a fine mist sonther ženses imposed by Havana provinted to. The fighters look much por más de 20 años cial courts, may be freeu next like firemen as they slo:72y chug concluded that the salt marsh Vende al detal. Vinos y Lisix or eight feet. WPA worker u sur cores extronjeros y del pais, week Agüitional hundreds are ex along in motor boats. Ina. vidual mosquito (Aedes sollicitans walk over the marsh areas an Afrie abarrotes en general.
petied to be released soon from soldiers in this war attack amal the entomologist) can journey as far as forty miles. They may soil and water where mosquitoe of spray the liquid on the molefore MISCELANEA prjvincial jails. The Urgency ler pools with portab e tanks Establecimiento esquina Court will drop pending charges and sprays carried like knapbe right breed. About 30 per cent of threret Norte del Mercado ugainsi others, including nume sacks.
Entre mosquitos in a sprayed are aceurop rous exíles, many of whom are In conjunction with the work quire a coat of dye.
The larvicides are various expected to return to Cuba. Pyrethrum powders are puffed of draining and poisoning bree ding places, an experiment The method was first used Ikancel being conducted to determine Panama when the United atenon.
the distance over which mosqui Public Health Service was way. 00 tos in the Des aines Valley acing its major offensive againsritory tually fly. Mosquitos are stained malaria mosquitos during the this a with dye and catching posts set construction of the Panama Pry wh up at varying distances from nal. Joseph Le Prince, he the marshes. WPA workers man chlef sanitary inspector oftea the catching posts and trap the Isthmian Canal Commission on BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE mosquitos in flight.
ceived the idea when he was trauch It is poss! ble to tell from justing to trace the flight of UNICO EMISOR what point the dyed mosquito mosquitos which threatened even came and judge the range of make a failure of the canal profes the flight. This is importaat in ofrece al público los Offers the Pulic the ject.
ans determining the area in the vifrom servicios de su Services of its cinity of the breeding place tent which must be protected.
he Last season on the western border of the Des Plaines Varey.
nd 200. 000 female mosquitos were er EN LA IN THE stained purple and 100. 000. GUACIMO GUAPILES TE at the southern border 000. 000 has vere stained green. For two ensi weeks after the staiping perioCantina, Licores dic catches were made. However, Extranjeros y del país.
para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service advorse weather conditions in Tienda bien surtida terfered with the normal fligint servicio bancario Rendered Abarrotes en general and full data could not be obtained from this single experiment PRECHOS sin COMPETENCIA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional guer uregorcizan der de Ministerialbera uvehtud crcato treat in the. be a EDGAR YOUNG fo As LS BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA STATE BANK SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE ord LUIS WA CHONG Ciudad de Limón City of Limon

    FranceSpainSubversiveWorld War

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